Monday, March 20, 2023

Emily Ann Sellers Wall In Memoriam

You can scroll through a thousand faces of those arrested in Charlotte and few will ever stand out like that of Emily Wall.

And so it is that we take a moment to note the passing of Emily Ann Sellers Wall.

At this point is would be appropriate to insert a nice photo of Emily but sadly there are only mugshots.

Her obituary was to the point and done so in less than 100 words.

On Sunday, October 23, 2022, Emily Ann Wall, 32, passed away at Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center Main in Charlotte, NC.

Emily was born June 28, 1990, in Moore County, NC, and was the daughter of the late Lori Ann Sellers. She was a graduate of Anson High School and had worked as a grocery store clerk.

Those left to cherish her memory are her brother, James Dillon Sellers of Monroe, and her grandparents, James and Margaret Sellers of Wadesboro.

 A private service for the family will be at the Anson Memorial Park columbarium.

What is not said it that she was found unresponsive transported by medic and declared deceased by CMC Main doctors.

From November 23, 2020 Cedar Posts:

Local "Meth Queen" Emily Wall is back in Mecklenburg County Jail. CP's guess is that this is her 27th arrest and 29th stay at the McFadden Hilton. 

Is there not someone who can get this girl some help? I know Black Lives Matter and all that but could someone make an exception? 

At 30 she's really got a lot of living to do. 

But it would be sad if she spent it living in crack houses and on the street. Isn't there a judge that will say "no release until you're clean and sober, employed and in some sort of re-hab program". 

Or is Charlotte just going to join Portland and say oh well it's OK if some people are druggies?


  1. It’s sad to see this. Who are her parents?

  2. Choices..... It's all about life choices. This isn't about what society did to "Fail" her. It's about what she did to fail society.

    1. No, it wasn’t her fault. Society did that do her and she was being underserved. It was the bad white man again. Don’t you know anything? Just like all the people in jail, they didn’t do anything wrong, just ask their mothers. You know good and well someone held her down and made her smoke that meth. Silly rabbit.

  3. Enjoy..

  4. I think Cedar is really being pretty observant here. No one stepped up to help her. Even his posts from last year asked in someone within the courts would not release her until she got help.

  5. So the academy is graduating 10 people. Can I get a transfer to the airport now?

    1. 10? I remember when hundreds and thousands applied for CMPD and CFD. That can’t get hardly anyone even with CFD opening lateral transfers. Hell, they’ve lowered the requirements enough they could just about hire the homeless that hang around the CFD Headquarters. Truth be told, they probably have more common sense then the entire CFD Command Staff.

    2. You can now fail 6 BLET tests and have a 9th grade reading level. The criminal history check is gone since Braithwraite works here after that gun charge. You can also lie about being raped and cost the city thousands in lawsuits. We need people to answer calls.

  6. Who was the cop that got their job from their Captain against HRs demands? That seems against the point of having HR.

    1. How about you translate that.

  7. Someone needs to be held accountable. No just for Emily Wall but for every felon who is let out of jail with an EDM who commits another crime. If we don't fire magistrates who make bad choices why should we fire cops that do the same.

    It is time that public officials are held to the same level of accountability. You should not get a free pass just because you are a judge.

  8. Those are two completely different things. You are absolutely correct on the criminal side. The Emily Wall thing? Who should be half accountable for a drug addict who refuses treatment at every turn? There were countless resources given to her AND others who are on the same path. The old saying “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”….BINGO.
