Monday, October 2, 2023

Taco Bell "Quédate el cambio, animal asqueroso"

No Bueno from the once great local paper:

A disgruntled Taco Bell customer is accused of critically injuring an employee in a dispute that began in the drive-thru line, according to Charlotte-Mecklenburg police. 

It happened around 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30, at the Taco Bell at 8812 Albemarle Road in east Charlotte, officials said. 

A suspect is in custody, police said in an update. “Witness statements indicate that after ordering food, the suspect became aggressive in the drive-thru when he believed he had been given an incorrect amount of change,” CMPD said in a news release. 

“The suspect proceeded to leave the drive-thru and come inside the restaurant where he became more aggressive, produced a firearm and began shooting inside the restaurant. The suspect fled the scene.”

One employee suffered multiple gunshot wounds and remains hospitalized with life-threatening injuries, police said. The identity of the victim has not been released. 

Detectives identified a suspect and he was arrested at his home without incident, CMPD reported on an Oct. 1 update. 


According to CMPD, the suspect in this case has been identified as Doll Andrew McLendon (DOB: 10/30/1955). 

He is charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon with Intent to Kill Inflicting Serious Injury & Discharging a Weapon into Occupied Property.

He is currently being held in the Mecklenburg County Jail without bond.

"Quédate el cambio, animal asqueroso" translation:

Keep the change ya filthy animal!


  1. I’d be upset too if I was a man and lived 68 years of my life named Doll.

  2. Si Kyle Chip! 🇩🇪👨🏻‍🍳🙋🏼‍♂️

  3. Sound like a mental issue rather than a cultural issue. But noogies are a crazy bunch.

  4. Pay with a credit card problem solved just saying.

  5. Who’s idea was power details? I went from getting paid the same week via direct deposit to it taking 22 days. This has been a severe cluster. Power details is making money per officer and hold the money to make interest on it. It’s ridiculous and should be changed back.

  6. Isn’t power details the Vicki scam?

    1. I don’t believe it is. A lot of people have said it’s not as it’s a nationwide system. Flapjack isn’t smart enough to have a nationwide sister.

    2. Haaaa…you funny nigga

    3. 😂

  7. Taco Bell should take ebt
    If our stressed out citizens, pushed to the edge by maga, weren’t worried about every penny, this would not happen. Instead, Taco Bell is the only accessible food with all the stores closing or imposing facial security. We need ebt in every store, cbdc, and Jeff Jackson not Patrick McHenry to be speaker

    1. EBT? How about they get a job! Food stamps shouldn’t pay for crab legs and filet mignon. It’s a system to enslave people to be at the mercy and be dependent of the Master. Isn’t this what they fought to end?

  8. Looked the perp up. Registered Democrat. Voted in presidential elections from 2008 to 2020. Or he was ‘voted’. Big gap of no voting from 1993 to 2008–maybe when incarcerated?

    1. Disenfranchisement is another maga tactic. Take the vote from a proud Black man and you are right back in Jim Crow. Glad Obama inspired him to get involved. Hopefully they can get him a ballot for Mayor Vi in county

  9. I'm wondering what the backstory is? We have all been shorted changed. We have all handed a twenty plus 12 cents to the cashier on a $15.12 grocery purchase and the look of confusion is marvelous. But never lost it to the point of pulling out a gun and banging away. Has Charlotte reached the point of innercity stress.

  10. If you made a decision to stay at CMPD, then what was your motivating factors?

    No degree required? No Psych Test required? Like being outdoors? Like the military vibe?

    What was it?

    1. Exciting job, chance to make a difference, retirement and they stand behind their blue. Plus when I joined, we had the pledge fund to work toward.
      And working Panthers games

    2. 857, what unit did you think were exciting? It doesn’t sound like backing blue around here. Panthers money is clutch.

  11. Is it true CMPD recruits can fail 7 tests and still graduate? Or is it just 6?

    1. You can fail 7. Anything after that you get recycled into the next class.

  12. Walgreens is having a walkout for protest..but not CMPD. We have been walking out for ten years.

  13. City of Charlotte HR is monitoring this channel. If you have any issues with supervisors or coworkers then please notify them like Dance has done in the past. We have created a “Camera Room” to dump these people in when they commit erroneous actions.

    Ask for Shanay

  14. Johnny is one freaking paranoid noogie.

  15. Let’s get some more officers at the airport. I was stuck at my podium post for an hour and a half without getting a break.

    1. They give you a chair and cell phone! Simmer down!

  16. Anyone have any ideas about Jim?

    1. Suicide sounds like. The demons have overtaken another of us.

  17. So no one noticed Jim considering death?

    I remember when he got in that accident in Steel Creek. It’s like Final Destination. Sorry for the family.

  18. For goodness sake! Can I get a relief at Checkpoint C?

  19. Y'all didn't notice Cedar's cryptic post on "X" on Friday?

    "Never pass up an opportunity to talk with old friends. You may find you needed it more than you thought. Never underestimate the pain and demons some people keep inside and well hidden. And then they are gone. And I’m left asking was there something I could have done? RIP JG"

    I don't think Jim was family might have been. I know he's got family both current and retired with CMPD. Prayers either way. Sad news.
