Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Serious Question for CMPD


I'm going to bump this up a little.

"If you don’t sign this petition then I never want to hear any of you complain ever again about anything at CMPD. If a majority of your colleagues want to bring about much-needed change at the department and you decide not to help in their fight, then don’t speak another word about your grievances. We don’t care to hear them because we know you won’t stand with your brothers and sisters on a simple issues like true employee wellness."

So, what are your thoughts? 

Personally I don't buy into the "scary" tactical look or unprofessional aspect of the argument against switching to outer carrier vests. I see no merit to the "public will be intimidated" complaint either.

I get it Police Offices won't look the same or will they? Kinda hard to say given the photo above. But even if they do look different to some people sadly Police work is not the same as it was even ten years ago. Today's duty belt is crazy heavy and who knows what kind of additional weapons command will want you to carry around next. 

I'm not active duty so I have no skin in the outcome of this issue.

So you tell me.

Will a bunch of signatures on a this petition help?

Happy to promote if that's what y'all need.

And one more thing.....

"Let's be careful out there".


By the way here are just a few of the Law Enforcement agencies using the vest currently:

Los Angeles Police Department,  Chicago Police Department,  Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Torrington, WY Police Department,  Nevada Highway Patrol DPS,   Arizona Highway Patrol DPS, U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Forest Service,  Kentucky State Police Troopers,   Mesa, AZ Police Department,   Champaign, IL Police Department, Manhattan Beach Police Department,   The Oceanside Police Department,  Las Vegas Police Department,   San Diego County Sheriff's Department,   The Hawthorne Police Department,   The Santa Monica Police Department,   The Sacramento County Sheriff's Department   Orange County Sheriff's Department, The Kern County Sheriff's Department, Kingsville, TX Police Department   California Department of Motor Vehicles  The Pasadena Police Department   The Redondo Beach Police Department   The Chico Police Department   The Stockton Police Department 


  1. Citizens’ Review BoardJune 12, 2024 at 9:57 AM


    Thank you for your article and request.

    The outer vests in question may make officers feel like they are Navy Seals and rolling into Baghdad. That mindset is not encouraged or supported in Charlotte or surrounding municipalities. It’s a poor image to show the public and encourages police to think they are deployed veterans or in combat with our community.

    It’s the police responsibly to uphold the peace, issue citations, serve legal documentation, and investigate violations of the law. They need to remain professional in appearance and demeanor, and the outer vest further pushes the department toward lower standards like beards, piercings, and visible tattoos.

    Furthermore, the community leadership would like to request officers to warrant their existence through open source statistical rankings of case closures, issued citations, gun seizures, and a 40% reduction in external complaints as a goal. These transparent rankings will allow the public to analyze which employees are effective at their jobs and which employees should be aligned towards other positions within our community.

    1. I wonder if the CRB routinely gets out and observes their fellow citizens from the law enforcement side of things. Murders, theft, officer-involved-shootings, all up. If they’re down, it’s only because they’re being under-reported by a community who is tired of waiting 10 minutes for someone to pick up on 911 and 2 hours for an officer to roll to their problem. Hiring standards have tanked, and the influx of substandard recruits will quadruple any negative perceptions of the police without the assistance of a “militaristic” looking vest. God forbid anyone puts any thought whatsoever into the individual officer who is expected to tolerate all the bullshit you listed above while wearing the every growing list of gear around their hips just so you all can feel better about the constant live auditing of their on-duty hours. FFS, leaving CMPD for another agency with no tolerance for this degree of pettiness was the greatest and most life-improving decision I could’ve ever made.

    2. Funny how the people that sit behind a desk all day make the decisions. They should be required to do some much time do ride alongs before they can even begin to make comments about what’s best. How about this if you don’t like if the police in your city wear out carrier vests then move to another fucking city, it’s a free country no one is forcing you to stay. God forbid we do anything that’s helps our officers, boosts moral and potentially saves their life one day. But hey just keep pulling all the same bullshit until there are no more cops in Charlotte.

    3. @9:57 what an absolutely ridiculous response. You clearly don’t know the demands of a patrol officer working 10 hour shifts wearing 20+ pounds of gear around their waists for at least 4 days a week, sometimes more. You shouldn’t speak on this issue because you’re clearly ignorant.

  2. I don't need an outer carrier in my HIDEY HOLE!! Just plenty of snacks.

  3. I'm sorry to say that if the CRB doesn't like the idea then its absolutely needed.

  4. Photo has officer with rolled up long sleeves and gang tatts showing.

    1. What does that have to do with anything?

    2. Other than looking unprofessional not much, Tats used to show you were a rebel, a non conformist now everyone has them as a fashion statement… then a few cops saw cool soldiers with tatted arms and rolled up sleeves and #metoo hit .. meanwhile you have a city council member buying votes by dangling cool police toys at the boys in blue…and they are jumping on the boat.

  5. CRB: Analyze which employees are effective at their jobs and which employees should be aligned towards other positions within our community."

    You have a bad case of masculine toxicity and racial bias therefore you need to work at solid waste services or park and rec.

  6. This is simple. The Chief preaches officer wellness. The load bearing outer carrier vest is the literal epitome of officer wellness. It improves physical health, which dramatically impacts mental and emotional health. The fact that he doesn’t want these vests because of the way they look shows he is selfish and could careless about the well-being of those officers on the ground who are doing the real work, day-in and day-out. This is a simple ask of those men and women and he doesn’t care.

  7. If I were to leave CMPD, I would refuse to work at any other LEO agency that doesn’t allow these vests. Luckily I don’t have to wear a duty belt in my current position now, otherwise I would’ve left by now.

  8. Don’t you all find it funny that Central Bikes won the Chief’s Unit Citation award this year and they wear these vests everyday in front of all the big wigs in Uptown and ZERO is said about their “aggressive” appearance. Jennings doesn’t have a leg to stand on for this argument. He’s selfish.

  9. I am now retired and would have loved an external vest 10 + years ago. Maybe my hips would not hurt as they do today. External vests are not “scary” to the public as CRB asserts. In my career I remember that in the early 1990’s so called community activists complained about militant haircuts and street drug interdiction officers BDU type uniforms. Never once in my thousands of interactions did I hear one complaint about police officers haircuts or uniforms. Would love to see CRB back up their assertation with data, but we all know it does not exist. Sir Robert Peel said, the police are the public and the public are the police. I would love to see the CRB advocate for the health and welfare of the police. There is data that shows a healthy police officer is less likely to excessively use force. We all know that the CRB only exists because they have an axe to grind, not any interest in the public and certainly no interest in seeing a more healthy and physically fit police officer.

    1. Thank you for this helpful comment to assist in this discussion. Comments like “HIDEY HOLE” are thoroughly non-beneficial to this topic.

  10. Topic #1: Chief fires officers
    CedarNation: Crickets..Crickets..

    Topic #2: External Vests
    CedarNation: Do it or we quit!

    Ever wonder why we never advance as an agency?

    1. Who was fired that shouldn’t have been? Please explain. Another ridiculous comment.

    2. That is a pretty stupid comment from “FOP lodge”. I’m hoping that is some bs account and not an actual representative of the FOP.

  11. I'm in my Hidey Hole and everything is good. We will NEVER be heard so get over it. For all of you Anti Hidey Hole folks you are in a One Legged Ass Kicking Contest.

  12. Cedar I'm all for it. Yes they look different but when it comes to the DEI crowd they are not going to fear the police any more than they do now and they are not going to respect the police any less than they do now.

  13. Maybe we gave give officer flash bangs to hang on their vests to look like commandos? That’s why they want the vests..for the visual image. Most of this department doesn’t engage criminals in the field or hump calls anyways. Thus, their opinions are not equal or valid.

    1. Another absolutely ridiculous take coming from someone who likely doesn’t do real police work.

  14. Thugs and Hood Rats gonna disrespect the PoPo any how. Remember the little black kid hiding behind a car in his own driveway as the marked unit rolls by? Or the black dude running from the PoPo for no reason and when asked why are you running his answer is because I always run? This is black culture it is learned behavior. Like rioting over no sauce with your McNugggets. It makes no sense but yet this is how they roll. Wearing a vest is not going to change a thing expect provide more safety for our officers.

  15. Heres an idea: approve the outer vest carriers and let the officer decide what they want to wear. Let the numbers speak for themselves. If there are less back injuries then maybe we would pay less for insurance etc. Personal choice like having a scruffy beard, class As, or crazy tattoo(s)

    1. As one retired major said..we don’t have uniforms anymore we have ensembles….

  16. Here’s a thought. Why are they worried about a vest, the same gear that is currently riding on your hips will be there. So I ask what the hell is the BFHD? I mean the military long ago figured out that supporting weight from your shoulders is way more conducive for long hours at the job. Just another horseshit excuse from the CRB and command staff about perception. Times change roll with them. The reason JJ doesn’t like the idea is he wouldn’t be able to figure out how to put it on anyway…..ala traffic vest…….

  17. How unprofessional is the CMPD? The chronic suspensions, the beards, the earrings, the long hair and man buns, the outer vests, the chewing dip, the affairs, etc.

    You need to learn to be more professional and exude your good behavior on a consistent basis. Didn’t you learn anything from your Chick Fila training module?

    Please someone give these people a clue 🕵️.

  18. Let’s make a deal.

    If 100% of CMPD sworn officers can lower their body fat to below 15% fat, then Chief Robinson will work to get this approved?

    Stop making demands without finding a common ground to help everyone improve the health and image of our organization.

  19. Three words: Fuck Chief Jennings

  20. This is what happens when the pussy generation enters the workforce. It reminds me of a six year old in Walmart holding their breath and stomping their feet because they didn’t get a toy. It’s very simple, stfu and do your job or quit and work somewhere else. I’m sure that won’t happen because as I said before, this generation has no balls.

    1. What an absolutely ridiculous statement. So we should just remain stuck in our ways because that’s how it’s always been done? Absurd,

    2. This generation has fought for and got about a $20k raise over the last four years. At least their fighting for what they want. Your generation just asked for more lube.

    3. 20k raise isn’t a 20k raise, silly millenial

    4. This generation..can’t pass BLET with 7 failed tests.

      This generation..has supervisors that couldn’t win a bar fight. They don’t even go to bars.

      This generation..couldnt protect Wes Kerrick. The detective that charged him works in Westover(FYI).

    5. I didn’t know Romo worked Westover

    6. “The detective that charged him works in westover” You clearly have a solid grasp on how that process works and how charges are brought.

  21. I’ll take one human flubber sized outer carrier plzz, preferably one where I can affix my helmet.

    1. We should give cops helmets to wear in case of sniper fire! SMH 🤦 They want to be soldiers and it takes 2 hours to respond to my noise complaint. Shave your faces!

    2. No one cares about your noise complaints. Maybe don’t live in a big city if you don’t want to hear noise. Common sense

  22. Textbook dog whistle and micro aggression against all the fine POC in Charlotte who make this a diverse and wonderful place to live. Call the peace officer, get a commando.

    1. Lol. I see what you’re doing. Lol.
