Like many Americans CP watched the Trump assassination attempt play out live on television.
Not since the morning of September 11,2001 have I felt the same level of helplessness, while watching in real time people in fear and danger while I was not being to do a damn thing.
Now in the 48 hours after there is a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking so here's my take.
Advance Team Assessment:
Much of the Secret Service operation at these events relies on interagency response and advance threat assessment.
There is a group who are supposed to know all the details of the venue and conduct a complete threat assessment.
They work with local assets to map out routes and traffic and most importantly review the venue from a tactical what if scenario. Road, culverts, storage buildings, sewage and storm drains are known mapped and secured. No building with a 1/2 mile or more should be left unsecured or unmonitored.
A no-fly zone of at least 10 miles is established.
Asset staging locations are determined ingress and egress routes and security are planned and contingencies are laid out.
Guests are "pre screened" then screened again upon entry. Only a select group of VIPs and journalists are allowed within the bunker zone. Even these people are consider threats.
The counter sniper team:
One of the most integral parts are the counter sniper teams. In Butler Pennsylvania there were two teams.
They not only respond to threats but also serve as the eyes and ears of the entire protective operation.
In the above screen grab the Officer raises his head perhaps in disbelief in what some have called "buck fever" where a deer hunter makes a double take because he can't believe his good fortune. But more likely he's checking further down range for other threats or innocents.
Witnesses say they saw the shooter "bear crawling" on the low pitched roof about 500 feet from the former President. From the counter-sniper team vantage point he would not be seen until he reached the roof peak.
However while in the dead zone unseen by Secret Service assets he was clearly visible to witnesses. Their calls and shouts can be seen and heard on several videos posted online.
Note: Even though the two assets on the roof are wearing tactical vests the say POLICE they are indeed Secret Service. Secret Service uniformed and counter-sniper (CS) teams wear police titles.
Delayed Response:
The time the first shot was fired and President Trump grabbed his ear and the shooter was on video seen down is about 11 seconds.
By the time the 3rd shot is heard secret service agents are rushing to cover the President.
Several more shots are heard then a volley of four shots follow on and the shots stop.
Video also shows the two members of the counter-sniper team to the left of President Trump. One is seen looking through his scope then raising his head looking in the direction of the building were the suspect is located and then going back to the scope with movements clearly indicating engaging the suspect target.
Keep in mind we don't know the rules of engagement or what the chain of approval to engage a target was that day and why.
Everything from general confusion to communications failing can play a part in a massive failure like this, much let on September 11th.
Also, this would be engaging a target with deadly force outside of the security zone. As many have pointed out this split second decision is a life and death choice with massive ramifications. It's not just some free-fire zone.
A lot of frustration is being placed on the CS team/teams. But we have a very small amount of information as to what they were dealing with at the time of the shooting.
Yes it seems beyond comprehension how a roof-line on the only nearby buildings in a relatively open flat area were not secured or at least watched very closely. How did so many people see this guy up there and even a cop supposedly venture up there to look but the event was allowed to proceed?
Once again, we don't know. Communications failure? Planning failure? Individual performance failure? Systemic bureaucratic failure? All the above? It's usually a mix of factors that lead to catastrophe. This is unlikely to be different, but we have such little info at this time, prematurely blaming the CS team is malpractice.
Protective Unit Follies:
We have all seen the defiant President Trump rising up from behind the podium fist raised screaming Fight Fight Fight. An iconic image to say the least however this photo below is also the definition of complete failure.
We also watched as three female agents struggled with basics including the one known as "chubbie" struggling with securing her weapon.
At times it looked like a poorly staged high school play. With one female agent suddenly remembering her sunglasses in a "oh I need to look the part" moment.
It would be comical except is was so deadly serious.
The question is did the protective operation succeed?
One person shot dead, a former president shot, two other people shot. The shooter shot minutes after multiple people warned there was someone on the roof with a weapon.
If that is the definition of success I'd be concerned as to what constitutes failure?
Where was the good intelligence gathering long before the shooting occurred? Was this an absolute DEI failure? Sure looks that way. Even if the women on the mission were in the protective unit I suspect there are other DEI hires up the chain of command.
Sure the shooter was neutralized.
It was a good shoot.
But the idea of the "Secret Service" Protective Unit is to protect not to just respond.
And in case you missed it, there were reports that explosives were found in the car of the shooter who attempted to assassinate Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania.
Law enforcement officials discovered bomb-making materials inside his’ vehicle, which was parked near the rally site. This discovery prompted authorities to dispatch bomb technicians to handle the situation safely. This is why you take the target off that place immediately because you do not know much at that time and you do not want to wait to find out!
Perhaps the Biden administration has decided that Trump is not worthy of the best. Maybe this is the "B" team or even the "G" team. Afterall Obama, Bush and Carter still have full protective services. As does Pence and of course Harris.
One of the more interesting comments I've noted is someone who points out to the new Secret Service under Joe Biden lacks fun.
We all know guys that are good at this job and they are great at their job but also love it because it is fun.
The perfect person for this job lives for the job. He doesn’t want to do anything else. He goes to the bar after his shift and talks about new ways to identify and kill an assassin. He does hypothetical situations where he pretends he’s the assassin. He takes a service car out for a joy ride and burns the rubber off the tires. He sneaks the sniper scope home and tests different angles in the woods near his house.
When he’s bored he practices the hard look in the mirror. He gets his balls busted mercilessly if he screws up. He plays pranks on his team members. He knows every type of weirdo and deranged person he might encounter and points them out to friends when he drives by.
He laughs at their problems and weirdness. The only form he fills out is a standard logbook. He doesn’t sit by a computer doing HR training modules, because his training is lethal and fun.
He knows where the edge is because he’s crossed it once or twice. And not in some hypothetical way but in a jungle somewhere with real consequences.
This guy isn’t always a good dad or upstanding citizen but he cares. He knows that if he fails he’ll lose the thing he loves most. His only fear is the shame that will cause. But he takes this one fear in stride and enjoys his work because it is fun and important.
That's the guy I want on the Trump protective detail and frankly the Biden detail.
I have family that are these guys, two nephews, a brother (who misses Route Irish) even a cousin a female who is part of the diplomatic protective unit. They are frankly just a little batshit crazy that's why they are awesome at their jobs.
I'm not going to judge the Trump team, but they got lucky damn lucky.
Still this was a command failure. Mayorkas and Cheatle should have been put of leave Saturday night and fired on Monday. Doesn't matter where the breakdown was or who wasn't at their post, the blame falls on command.
The fact that Trump survived this attack, the fact that the shooter was nothing more than a deranged psychopath, the fact that the only victims are just ordinary people like you and me, and the fact that had Trump died conservatives would not have rioted in the streets emboldens liberals that support Biden and gives them justification to do exactly what Biden, Mayorkas and Cheatle are doing, nothing.
Like the Americans held or killed by Hamas, those lost in Afghanistan killed or imprisoned by the Taliban, or by those held by Iran, imprisoned by China, arrested by Russia the Biden administration has done nothing. So you need to ask yourself is this the government you want protecting you?
Agents are saying it was a DEI failure and the local cops tipped off the feds without any action. The agents that surrounded the president took too long to drag him down. There was no rehersal for a possible threat.
ReplyDeleteThat sniper is not usss. That left arm ink wouldn’t be allowed. This isn’t CLT. They don’t care if you’re Chris Kyle, you have to be in image, and below sleeve ink does not pass the test.
ReplyDeleteThat has to be local asset
USSS isn't what it used to be. Still the on the road aspect of protective detail is for younger guys. Of course Biden never really goes anywhere so I guess that's a plus.
ReplyDeleteTypical incompetent female fed/cop. Very rare to have a decent female with a badge and gun. Just look at the big one in metro for example.
ReplyDeleteThere were 3 females surrounding trump. You have imagine that there are better men in the service to protect him. That won’t ever happen again!
ReplyDeleteBack in the day those tats and the beard would be a no but even the Marines gave up on the no sleeve tattoos regs.
ReplyDeleteThe mission was a failure. Period.
ReplyDeleteHeads need to roll. Ditto with that fail that took four officers on April 29th.
ReplyDeleteWho shot them?
DeleteI remember Kip White giving court testimony about shooting policy and training to screw over Wes Kerrick.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if that policy still applies to the shooting in Eastway Division?
You’re remembering wrong. It was Campagnia whose testimony was throwing Kerrick under the bus. Kip’s testimony supported what Derrick did.
DeleteNo, Kip stood up and showed how Wes was trained to shoot at the academy, versus how he shot the scumbag on his back. Just curious if the recent shooting will receive as much scrutiny since cops got shot.
DeleteIs SBI doing the OIS? if not 🤔
DeleteI am considering getting a beard tattoo.
ReplyDeleteDo it! Maybe get birds nest or braids in the beard.
DeleteWell, latest report is that Usss was using the inside of the building as command, and assassin was spotted by police using a range finder, then going back to car to get rifle. That an officer took a picture of him and sent command.
ReplyDeleteIt’s incompetence at this level that makes nutcases think it was an inside or coordinated job. Instead it is something worse than Reno 911. Just flush command and start over. Of course that starts here by telling the truth in how Josh died.
We have pit crews who put in an infinite more amount of practice changing tires than our elite crews do together, and the result was deadly in Charlotte, and in Butler as well.
Such a stunning failure. The way to fix it is the current director resigns then promote number 2 to her position have the new acting director fire anyone who was even remotely connected to the screw up. Then after the house cleaning is over, hire a new director from outside and he fires the acting director telling the remaining staff that the acting director had a bad and misguided attitude claim that he was a vindictive asshat that unfairly targeted their now fired co-workers. Everyone left gets back to work for a new boss they respect. And that's how you do it.
ReplyDeleteThe math isn’t adding up. It all seems fishy. Did someone say Jussie Smollett? Or is history repeating itself like in July 20, 1944, when someone tired to assassinate Hitler before he caused Wii.
ReplyDeleteCorrection tried
DeleteSomething seems off about this. I don't buy into conspiracy theories but what the heck?
ReplyDeleteThe shooter has no social media history? No one is going to believe the nerd had no social media that is crap.
No Iran had plotted a hit on Trump?
There is something wrong here something big wrong.
All his neighbors say he was a quiet private person, and he was known to be very conservative politically. Whats not to understand here?
Deletethe SS director said the sloped roof on that building was too dangerous, so the agents were inside the building instead of on top.
DeleteYea conservative. Of course, but contributed to a lefty gotv effort. Trust them, even though they haven’t cracked the phone. And believe the explosives crap just like you believe the jan6 pipe bomb stuff
DeleteThe entire thing is such an amazing Charlie Foxtrot and it keeps getting worse. I seriously doubt there is any connection beyond common stupidity and total complacency.
ReplyDeleteIt's that last thing that will get you killed every time. Routine breeds complacency, another Trump rally USA USA USA Crooked Joe Biden blah blah blah and the protective detail is zzzzzzz nobody was doing their job!
Sure they all showed up but no one was actually working or even thinking. There was not even one guy using his brain or training or experience to say hey why do we not have any friendlies on that roof? No one actually has a functional drain to say whoa that roof line is really close like maybe under 150 yards.
There wasn't someone thinking "you know sniper Vyacheslav Kovalsky took out a Russian commander from more than 2 miles away maybe we should check this out? No one!
Funny how you maggots are so upset. Doubt you'd even care if our president was gunned down.
ReplyDeleteSo how many ‘far right’ riots did you see this weekend? The left is so twisted and demented that you are turning from truth to project what you think we would think, in the instance of a horrible hypothetical. Political violence is for leftist 3rd world countries, not America. We have endured horrible politicians at all levels, but I no uncertain terms do we ever kill them.
DeleteYou need Jesus, as does the rest of our country.
Doddering old fool that he is, I still do not wish him to be gunned down. He is the top of the heap when I comes to lousy presidents. Still do not wish him to be gunned down. Quite possibly the headliner of the list of corrupt presidents, still do not wish him to be gunned down. As it is painfully obvious I did not vote for the current occupier of the people’s house, still don’t want him gunned down. These are the things that happen in back water 3rd world nations. We have a glorious Constitutional Republic. Yes we have made mistakes and some whoppers at that. But we still work at getting it right. So Sir do not portent to state how I would feel if the president were gunned down.
DeleteCedar posted on X about protests and conservatives he pointed out that most are too busy working and paying taxes to have time to protest. I'd hope no one protests any of the demorat bs. Fly the flag and put a Trump sign in your yard or God forbid a blue line flag and watch liberal head explode.
ReplyDeleteDo you suspect that there is any truth to the rumor that a stand down order given to the sharpshooter?
ReplyDeleteIn true CP form,
ReplyDeleteDo you think every terrorist group and China are like “bro, why didn’t we just snipe him, before? That little nerd hit his ear!”
Today’s conservatives are not the same as before. Today’s conservatives have no integrity, they will do anything for power or a dollar. They will lie and con their mother to get power or a dollar. They will use Jesus' name in vain and hide behind religion when it profits them. A group of red coats who would sell this country to the highest bidder. The assassination attempt was all on Trump, he has been trying to divide America. Never have I been a Biden fan but I don’t believe in the cult way of Trump. Two inches matter for all the two-inch dudes out there. All the good people die young the evil ones live forever.
ReplyDeleteTrump has played this game of normalizing political violence(in his speeches and rallies) from the very beginning and now the chickens have come home to roost.
DeleteBless your heart.
DeleteBless your heart is what people said when Tim Scott introduces his fiancé. Since he has not got the VP pick he is going come to his boyfriend Ricky. Just another episode of when a new conservative selling their soul for power.
DeleteAll I know is in 2020 my grocery bill was 200 a week for myself,wife and 3 kids. Now it is nearly 350 a week and we are eating less and poorer quality. On Monday I got a 5% merit pay increase just like most of you. It won't even cover the added insurance increase. I'm voting for Trump.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone on the west side buying this game?
No thanks. Metro has already had a mass exodus the past decade
DeleteThe only openings are North Tryon, Metro and Airport. They send you there if you hate your job or claim MH.
DeleteFunny how the weak cops keep saying the sane shit! Pull me over and try to arrest me. I can count on my fingers and toes how many could and the sad thing is, the ones I respect wouldn’t have to do anything but tell me to get in the car. The rest of you badge bunnies wouldn’t even know what to do when I drive off in your squad car!
ReplyDelete^^^ 2nd shifter who got off, went home and started drinking. Then became bulletproof once the alcohol kicked in. Rookies, don't become this guy ^^^
Delete^^^3rd shifter who sat in car all night on Rea Road and is heading home from work. Might catch a drunk SWAT guy in his take home tomorrow night. Kids, sunlight and sleep are good for you.
Delete^^^wrong pal. No 3rd shift or 2nd shift, or for that matter no 1st shift. Retired and enjoying my retirement. I don't have to work. I just enjoy watching you turds make your silly ass comments
DeleteNote to all - Don't feed the troll that lives under the bridge.
Delete^^^ you probably watch gay porn don't you. It's ok to admit it
DeleteImagine retiring and still thinking about this place enough to comment
DeleteYour wife shows it to me while you're at work. Lmao
DeletePersonally, I love Meckurbia and CP as daily humor. Any other Police Agency doesn’t have this mess so it’s all fun to read. Keep it coming with comments, please.
ReplyDeleteA person did drive off with a rookies car one time in my division. We tracked it down with garbage all inside it.
Was it the big officer in metro who watched the suspect walk up, get in his car and drive it off so others had to 43 it for his incompetence?
DeleteNope this was female suspect crackhead. Different CAD events
DeleteLittle blonde girl officer in B2 had her car stolen on South Blvd back in the day!