Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Idiots Among Us Tamika Smyre

According to the local paper, a woman was charged with driving while impaired and without a license after police accused her of hitting and killing a pedestrian on Old Pineville Road in south Charlotte, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police said Friday. 

Officers found 39-year-old James Hines lying in the road with what appeared to be life-threatening injuries about 8 p.m. Wednesday, police said in a news release. MEDIC pronounced Hines dead at the scene, police said.

Tamika Smyre Photo Courtesy MCSO

Police charged the driver, 45-year-old Tamika Smyre, with driving with a revoked license and possession of marijuana. Smyre was uninjured, police said. Smyre, who was driving a Lexus, was northbound in the 6100 block when Hines was hit, police said. Hines was in the lanes of travel wearing dark clothing, according to CMPD.

Smyre was released on an unsecured bond and is awaiting trial. 

The local paper's reporting is comical but at least we know she was driving a Lexus. She was driving on a revoked license and an admitted drug user. This idiots are on Charlotte street  highways and there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

But the problem is more than just the pathetic reporting from the local paper. This drug user was high as Jesus and killed a guy but was not charged as such.

She should not have been driving and she should be in jail. But in Charloot life is cheap and because Mr. Hines was a known low level criminal there will be no charges and Smyre will be driving just as soon as she gets her hands on the keys to a car.


  1. Caseify 💙🖤 PoliceNovember 26, 2024 at 2:41 PM

    Fear not lazy report takers and call dodgers..the Caseify Corporation has created a tool that will do the report for you! Eliminate officer bias and poor writing skills with this new solution at your fingertips!

    First body cameras..now computer generated police reports. Just sit back and listen to your ear buds. Let the computer take care of the pointless reporting and MI.

    Please reach out to us on our new app and the GRAM!


  2. So the MCSO is calling the jail cells as “dormitories” now. The yard is now called their exercise class. The mess hall has a menu for their personal tastes.

    1. Has the coroner moved in yet? Worked with a ooor dude who took a CO job at jail north. By the end of the week an inmate had his wife’s work address and was threatening her because the CO wouldn’t bring him a phone and weed. He took his over clothes off and never looked back. F that corrupt place and the lackeys who run it all. Can make more $ doing anything else in town.

    2. CO are dirty as hell. You have to be desperate to do that job. There like 100 assaults each year at Jail Central.

    3. Who got cut in the detainment unit?

    4. First week there, inmate asked him to bring a cell phone and weed in. He said heck no. First day of his second week, when he didn’t smuggle in contraband, inmate told CO, you have one day to do what I say. Second day comes around, inmate asks him, that (crappy beat up pick up) yours? CO is a little freaked out now. Innate says, yea, that means your wife works at CMC or wherever she was working. He had someone make a call to her at work telling her to tell husband he needed to obey or get hurt.
      CO went right to supervisor office, took off jumpsuit, left in his boxers and undershirt.
      Called father in law to go get his carry piece and pick up his daughter from work.
      Funny story but scary that it goes on up there.

    5. We had a CO that was selling weed to inmates. I don’t remember his name. He worked at the drop off desk.

  3. Jd Byrider gonna want that Lex back stat

  4. How many people have been hurt at the jail?

    1. No more than how many divisions butlers dumbass hurts anytime he’s kicked to another service area.

    2. Butler will soon be the “figurehead do nothing Major” of IA. He will still believe he’s important, but he will be an inert training grenade. The PD has finally neutered that egotistical and narcissistic “cracker.”

    3. I think everyone agrees he’s a scumbag. That pos could have a heart attack in front of everyone and no one would do anything because you can only fuck over so many people to “get ahead” before it comes back around.

  5. what did he do to fuck over people?

    1. You beat me to the question. Tell us what he did to people. I heard he was good in North.

    2. You must be new around here

    3. You mean lil Jeff? What an ass
