Thursday, January 4, 2024

Tariq Bokhari Charlotte City Council Member OK with Rich / White Violence

Earlier this week Carolina Panther owner David Tepper was fined $300,000.00 by the NFL for his drink toss. His angry violent outburst was apparently directed at a Jacksonville Jaguars fan who was taunting him from in front of his assigned skybox window. 

We have no indication of what the JAX fan was saying but are pretty sure he wasn't quoting Shakespeare. 

The NFL was quick to slap Tepper's
wrist with the modest fine. No doubt pocket change for Tepper and the equivalent of about 3 bucks to most of us regular people. 

Tepper would later release a non-apology statement.

This was followed up by Charlotte City Council member Tariq Bokari taking to "X" and supporting Tepper.

Now it's no real surprise that Council member Tariq Bokari @FinTechInnov8r would approve of the City’s biggest clown David Tepper throwing his drink at a Jacksonville fan. Bokari is a rabid leghumper of anyone with a big income, nice house or greater than six figure net worth.

Bokhari's use of colorful curse words like shitting and crap are beneath the office he holds and is an embarrassment to our once well thought of southern city as much as Tepper's hubris self entitled behavior. 

But his timing is reflective of what a true a narcist he seems to be. 

Hours prior he was grandstanding his condemnation of "street violence" promising to do anything and everything to take on the impotent judges and courts. He was going to single handedly make a firm stand against a lazy justice system to put a stop to the sort of violence we saw during Sunday's New Year's Eve celebrations Uptown.

Apparently in his play book if you are a white team owner with a net worth in the billions its ok to get violent because after all you are just passionate and you are worth billions. But if you are a 16 year old black street thug we are coming for you!


So beware street thugs your property crimes like graffitti and larceny from autos will not be tolerated. Best not spill your drink Uptown or heaven forbid urinate on Tryon Street because we will have a task force!

And to the rest of you in South Charlotte who elected this clown, just remember you elected him so don’t cry when he gives millions to Tepper and puts 12 year olds in prison for sidewalk art.


  1. I think this says it all right here.

  2. I always thought he was dirty. He tried to use his position to profit for his company Fintech Hub. He is a white version of Braxton Winston. He is trying to get business from the Panthers owner a political donations. Additonally, his questions are well known and with extensive research in the CMPD research division. Everything is a stunt with him.

    1. CMPD research division? Now that’s a good one. At least he’s talking about it (for his benefit or not). The rest of Council has the mute button on.


    3. Yeah…avoid that CF at all costs… talk about smoke and mirrors

  3. I'm surprised he's not waving a pro-Hamas flag.

  4. Tariq for Mayor! Let’s go Brandon!

  5. Has he been deaf for 10 years? Those questions are dumb as fuk.

  6. I’ve never voted for and found him to be slimy at his best. He’s always grandstanding for attention and press coverage…then again city government is a joke he’s just one of the many preforming on that stage.

  7. Comparing throwing a drink to what these animals in Charlotte do is the dumbest thing I've read yet. Let's not be super critical of someone just because there rich and have some testosterone.

    And for Tariq, he's always been very pro police, something we cannot say about the rest of council.

    This is single handedly the worst post from here since it's inception.

    1. He partnered with Braxton on many items. Don’t get fooled Lucy.

  8. Tariq is as big a jerk as Tepper if not bigger. If anyone thinks tossing a drink at a drunk fan is a sign of testosterone please give your wife my number she'll sleep better at night. Oh and you're welcome.

    1. 0828 That's low brother really low! True but really low.

    2. Show us on the doll where Tariq hurt you...

  9. If Ta-Bo was pro police he'd focus on police not cheerleading his pro "me" message. Just because he votes for city council agenda items that fund CMPD doesn't make him pro-police.

  10. Ta-Bo that's funny!

  11. Stupid republicans will vote for anyone. Liz Cheney, Mittens and so many others are useless.

  12. Really sad that the two lone republicans on Charlotte City Council are RINOs

  13. What if Jordan did that? Would Vi be dropping the top for him?

  14. Light him up for a greenie and see how pro-police he is. I say pretty good odds he starts with "do you have any idea who I am?"

  15. One way to send Ta-Bo a message is shoot down his wife's bid to win the NC House District 104 seat by voting for Brandon Lofton her opponent. I know Brandon and he's a good choice with serious experience. Unfortunately the name Brandon sucks but otherwise he's a far better choice than Ta-Bo's bimo trophy wife.

    1. Lofton is an asshat. Backs the liberal decriminalization movement.

    2. Anyone have any details of Lofton? What about Cotham? I guess her district is up for grabs too?

  16. Didn’t know that getting a drink thrown on someone was “violence”. And also didn’t know that you could possibly equate getting these violent molecules of liquid on someone to a mass shooting where 5 people get shot. Lastly didn’t know that “crap” was a cuss word. This is an incredibly crappy article just meant to stir the pot. Obviously Tepper was wrong, but comparing his actions to the true violence in uptown and turning this into a race thing is irresponsible and childish.

    1. Violence is violence. I've cuffed many fans at BofA Stadium for just such behavior. Most just saw the exit others spent the afternoon and the rest of the game on a bench waiting for a magistrate.

    2. Violence is violence? That may be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. We’ve all locked some drunk guy up for tossing a beer on somebody in the “fight club 500 level” at BOFA stadium but youre an idiot if you think that or something similar is in anyway comparable to cranking off rounds into a group of people.

  17. Borkari is a dbag and 0652 is his twin brother. Yeah tossing a drink on someone is a misdemeanor shooting someone is a felony.

    All said Borkari is just a clown looking for attention.

    1. Sounds like 0951 probably voted for the Lawanna and Braxtons of the world to jump on city council….definitely don’t agree with Tariq on this one tweet but he’s always been pro-police and is one of, if not the most reasonable people up there. Obviously Tepper is way out of line but this article is complete race baiting trash.

  18. Tepper might be worth 20 Billion but man he is a lousy businessman

    1. Your comment disproves itself.

  19. Hey maybe Tepper will put the turf back at BofA?

  20. I pray for peace in a land without laws.

  21. We need to do something about officers that go AWOL at CMPD. They shouldn’t be allowed to get promoted or quit and come back.

  22. What happened to cmpd sgt willis? Still trying to pick up minors over the internet? He was taught by the best major balamucki

    1. Check around. A search warrant was executed on his residence

    2. What happened? I work for Gaston County.

  23. The Carolina Panthers fired its first-year head coach, Frank Reich, in November. Now, GM Scott Fitterer is out, too? Just shows you what kinda dirt bags Ta-Bo likes to hang with.
