Thursday, January 16, 2025

Ahylea Willard's Killer Remains Behind Bars More Than 2 Years After Her Murder

On a cold October night in 2022 Ahylea Willard was shot dead while fleeing for her life.

Her body was found the next day, in the grass, behind an apartment building on Snow Lane in Charlotte.

A video was circulated on social media that showed several black kids gawking at Willard’s cold lifeless body. Some even joking about getting some gloves and then stealing her jewelry.  Another young voice stating that he wasn't gonna touch a dead body and that "Five-Oh" was on the way.

Such is the mentality of black youth in Charlotte.

32-year-old Ahylea Willard had traveled from her home in Asheboro, N.C., to Charlotte to have dinner with a friend.  How she ended up on Snow Lane has still not be revealed by CMPD.

In the days after her body was discovered, CMPD released photos of Willard’s Mercedes Benz that was stolen after she was killed.  

Three weeks later Tyquawon Parker, 27, was arrested by the Guilford County Sheriff's Office on outstanding warrants for murder, robbery with a dangerous weapon and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in connection with the shooting death of Ahylea Willard. 

Tyquawon Bernard Parker Photo Courtesy MCSO

Parker was arrested through a joint investigation that included Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police, Greensboro police and Guilford County deputies. 

On November 21, 2022 Parker was indicted by a Mecklenburg County grand jury for the murder of Ahylea Willard as well as felon in possession of a firearm and armed robbery.

Parker has been held in the Mecklenburg County Jail since his arrest. His trial has been repeatedly postponed and is now set for December 31, 2025.

His defense attorney asked the court to set a bond so that he could be released but that request was denied. Parker remains held without bond.

The facts of the case are simple Parker armed with a 45 caliber handgun threaten Willard and demanded the keys to her car. When she ran, he chased her down shot her in the neck killin her. Parker then took her car keys and stole her car and fled the scene.

Parker had been previously convicted of 3 counts robbery with a dangerous weapon and a 1st degree burglary that he committed in 2016. He was released from prison in 2021 after 4 years and 10 months. He was released from parole one year later in June of 2022, less than six months before killing his victim.

Of his prior crimes he should have received a longer than ten year prison sentence and that would have spared Willard's life.

The case a languished in the Mecklenburg County Courts due to caseload and inefficiency. Distinct Attorney Spencer Merriweather has not made the case a low priority and only this past december did the court appointed defense attorney Robert Reeves make a request for an review of the GSR tested. That motion was granted.The trial date no listed at 12/31/2025 which is simply a punt into 2026 if not pressed by the defense attorney. 

This is where cases go to die and eventually be dismissed.Odds are that Parker like many Charloot's most dangerous felons will be back on the streets before long.

Where is he now?

Cedar's Take: Incarceration saves lives.


  1. The case against him is weak. The DA can't get a jury of blacks to convict any brother on trial. The black community is just that f*cked up. Might as well cut him loose and let the ferrals deal with him.

  2. Noogies are just zoo animals that have escaped out of their cages. Just listen to them laugh about a dead body. No remorse no sadness no one offered to cover her up or call the police. They are on an entirely different level of mental awareness than white kids.

  3. Like so many of these cases as soon as the next body drops everyone forgets about this victim.

  4. Bands make her DANCEJanuary 16, 2025 at 11:53 AM

    Haha I remember this video about stealing her jewelry. Good job detectives to find the killer.

  5. The video is crazy. Listen to these little wanna be thugs and hoodrats. To view the video just click on the above image.

  6. Why them niggas snitching on him?

  7. Charlotte has always been violent. You can’t make any sense of it.

  8. How long until those new recruits look like Sloppy Joe?

    1. Sgt Mccarity has done more for CMPD than any of our brass and paper champions.

      I’m shocked anyone would sign up for this place, anymore. LinkedIn literally has like 100 CMPD cops with “looking for work” banners.

    2. Open to work banner

  9. What happened to speedy trial laws?

    1. Doesn’t mean what you think it means dawg

  10. The truth is no one in the city or CMPD care about each other. This case will get dropped and the killer will kill again.

  11. Spencer needs a death penalty case this guy won the lottery plain and simple.

  12. But Crime is Down! Uptown is Safe!

    1. Crime is down because no one goes to uptown. People are afraid to call 911. Also, the city manager busted JJ lying about stats.

    2. Look at what has come back from RoMo days, "unauthorized use" LoL they think taxpayers are stupid.

    3. What’s up with JJ and city manager

    4. 924: JJ lied about data and got busted on the audit. That’s all.

  13. Crime is DOWN?

    A crazy homeless guy just tried to fight me downtown. 2 yes 2 patrol cars with blue lights are sitting there.(3 cops total) None of them even jumped out to question him or check for 99s.

    Just wait until the weather gets hotter.

    1. Pussy central boi scared of some homeless

    2. Probably crawley scary ass

  14. City council.CMPD,County commisioners,all studying how to lower the crime rate and make people feel safer. Here is a really crazy idea.After CMPD makes an arrest,the DA actually prosecutes the suspect.I know that is crazy but just try it.It just may work.I came on back in 73 and retired 2000.During that whole time,the one thing that was constant and never ever changed was the DA never ever having enough people or other resources to try the suspects according to the DA office.It is never ever going to change not now,not ever.It is a damn shame.

    1. Yea, but could you wear the Sloppy Joe flip flop uniform then? Who needs take homes when you can kick around in shorts

    2. Don’t forget the sloppy bears, silly tats, and officers thinking they are “operators” when they act like kids with guns

    3. There are some really great people on SWAT but 95% are joking if they think they are operators. Swat school and OTC aren’t close

    4. Hey play nice, CP has family one or two are in fact pretty bad ass serious operators with the resume pre CMPD to back it up.

    5. Hopefully not one of the ones who killed Josh

  15. Why is the black community so welcoming and okay with violence?

  16. If we getting money from the government in some way then we can all be free. Hate attracts hate, and the damage is felt by the next generation of your family.

  17. Admin suck the life out of anything here then wonder why people quit faster than you can hire some snot nosed rookie and those who feel stuck kill themselves.

    1. You know the quality of leadership is bad when some moron gets arrested for DWI on patrol then gets this last officer of the month slot. Comical.

    2. Sayyyyyy whatttttt

  18. 1118: my sgt was arrested for DWI, so maybe he nominated him!

    1. Did he sleep with his coworkers wife too

    2. Adultery and fraternization should be an offense punishable by termination. But the department will never do that because they will loose to many people in "leadership" positions.

    3. 1116hours, I think my sgt is porking a dispatcher. I’m not sure if he is “sharing” her.
