Monday, June 26, 2023

Stop Complaining About CMPD

Nothing grinds my gears more than the endless whining about CMPD Officers.

I get it you called and it took CMPD 40 mins to respond to your traffic accident in the Walmart parking lot. 

Or the bike nerds who are always complaining about a CMPD Ford Explorer parked in the bike lane Uptown. As if there is some mythical Kraken that prevents cyclists from going around?

The endless crying about speed enforcement and the claim about quotas and the department needing more revenue.

Not to mention the really bizarre stuff that shows up on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram every night.

So, yesterday @Summer_McAlpine aka "Motivum" on Twitter had a nutty over a couple of CMPD Officers:

"Tonight, around 8:30 pm 2 CMPD officers who were sitting at a construction site on W Rocky River Rd. went from 0-60 mph in the matter of seconds with no lights or sirens. In an area where there are pedestrian cross-walks and children at play, that should be absolutely mandatory!"

Summer continues:

"The story gets better. My boyfriend and I were taking a walk and put our hands up in confusion like so (🤷🏻‍♀️) because it literally looked as if the 2 cops were racing. There was a (another) couple walking not too far behind us that responded the same after first cop flew by...

The second cop who took off seconds after the first slammed on his brakes and proceeded to roll down the window and yell with attitude that they had a 911 call - which I find interesting because don’t you think if there’s a dire 911 call that you’d… 

1. Turn on your lights and sirens to alert people and cars in the surrounding area that you’re coming through and 

2. Maybe not take the extra time to stop and be an asshole to people walking on the sidewalk. 

Law-enforcement entitlement at its finest."

OK I understand couple of CMPD Officers were having a little down time or maybe even talking over the latest B&E around the corner and for whatever reason they decided to move out in a hurry.

Summer has some certainly valid points - but lights and siren are not mandatory for fast starts and in many cases either optional or avoided for a reason. 

I have too many family members and friends with CMPD to go into the details and reasons for not lighting up the neighborhood. Bacilly I'm not busting a red light so don't mind me.

However, the perception of speed from a driver vs pedestrian point of view offers a huge difference. If you're walking close to the road 35 looks like 70.

I drive crazy slow in my neighborhood when I see people walking because I understand this fact. Plus I've spent much of my life going better than 250 knots in the air and still for some reason 18 knots in an 80 foot motor yacht seems like I'm living on the edge.

That said my grandfather once told me that if I wanted my adult neighbors to respect me more than my fellow teenagers, I'd drive through the neighborhood with the radio down low and the speed lower. Yep it works like that.

But Summer if you are in a habit of throwing up your hands whenever you get confused I’m not sure if any explanation they’d offer will appease you. Don't be tossing up your hands a CMPD Officers that's not respectful and it looks like you're flipping them off. 

Finally the boots on the street are all we have and CMPD Boots are down by crazy numbers how about cutting the uniforms some slack?


  1. Chip, I love your article. Caucasian people don’t understand what is really going on out here. There is a ton of problems at the office so the streets is all we have to stay clear.

  2. After Wes Kerricks situation, how can you treat anyone around you as blue family? Don’t turn your back on people.

  3. I can just picture “Karen” throwing up her arms with a big huff huff….hilarious. Why stop and yell out the window though…you just negated that you were in a hurry. Just ignore her entitled Ass and keep moving. No answer would suffice for her anyway. I’m sure she thinks they were just headed to violate someone’s rights or something. A woke libtard who’s never been victimized and had a silver spoon up her ass her entire life.

  4. I think people are waking up and they are not taking cops for granted anymore. I was reared end by a mexican no insurance and the cop that came out was more than helpful. Gave me his name and number cited the mexican told me if I needed any help with me insurance company to let him know that he'd do whatever he could. He was also pretty fair the the mexican considering. The expired South Carolina tag the only reason he did lock him up was because he was polite and had a valid North Carolina license still I'm out the deductible and had no car for 3 weeks.

    1. He didn’t lock him up because Gary McFadden doesn’t deport them anymore. Too lazy to drive to jail.

    2. I am a retired CMPD sgt and the one thing I can say for sure.Citizens do not want any CMPD officers speeding unless you are responding to THEIR house.

    3. Love how this guy has to tell everyone he was a

  5. The jump out boys are coming back to the West side!! More news to come in time…

    1. Thought they all got fired…

  6. West Side and Steel Creek both need some serious head knocking to get these guns and thugs off the streets and there's no shame is asking the Feds for the assist.

    1. SC used to be so nice and then that area by South Blvd and Walmart got worse and worse.

  7. Noogies from DC and Baltimore all over Steele Creek. They come down here cause of family and warrants back home. I've been told not to even mess with checking because MacFaggen won't hold them anyways

    1. Turn in your badge right now!

  8. Mexicans are crazy - remember RoMo saying what gangs? The move a ton of shit across the country and face very little time here in Charlotte thanks in part to that racist McFadden.

  9. The cmpd has 100s of desk jobs just because of diversity factors. How do you think Melissa Kieffer keeps her job? Thank you Supreme Court for protecting the public from these factors that lower integrity and ethics.


  10. Okay 10:02 I will humor you…

    How do you explain to 400k minorities in Charlotte that white men have their best interests in mind when history clear shows the opposite? How do you get 400k blacks and crazy women to do what you say without violence and chaos erupting? We don’t have tax dollars to pay for lawsuits and riots.

  11. I saw a cop pull his patrol car up in front of Harris Teeter in University City, and park in the fire lane. He went grocery shopping. It was not Sammy Steaks.

    That is worse than parking in the handicap or veteran spots.

    1. I'd like to think that if they are on duty and needed to shop at the HT they'd drop everything and jump in the patrol car, race off to stop a child abduction.

    2. Visibility. The stores like it, it keeps people from stealing their product for at least a few minutes. This is common sense, not entitlement or laziness.

    3. If hard work pays off then show me a rich donkey. Cops figure out the system and find lazy loopholes. It’s all Gucci in my book.

  12. you know who else does that 3:19? The CFD. They park in the fire lane to get groceries in case they get a call and have to roll out. The reason we call it a fire lane is because "emergency vehicle parking lane" doesn't fit on the sign. Let em guess though, you never complain about that... only the police.

  13. Fire trucks don’t fit in the parking spaces dumb ass

  14. Fire trucks parking in a fire lane. Who would have figured ?!?

  15. Do you think the cops in UC actually care? I could type “the cat goes moo” in my narrative and my supervisors would approve it. The cop was probably in a take home car and didn’t like fresh air like many of us.

  16. So the white water center cut and pasted an ops plan…. Hell CMPD has done that for years

    1. ^so they stole a plan from Knights stadium? I got a feeling some fights are gonna happen around that bar area with weezels.

  17. Had a run in with two CFD's finest today. Eng and Capt with Ladder 39 going full dike bitch mode. What the fuck? All tatted up and shit angry as all and man haters. WTF? Anyone else have run-ins with these two?

    1. Bro, come over to CMPD and deal some of our dikes and sluts.

    2. We have our share at CMPD. Those that have been around long enough will remember the man hating dynamic duo from Homey-Cide...

  18. I love Romare Bearden park
    Lovely place to gather your thoughts in a busy city. Wish we had taken the fam up for fireworks last night.

    1. I read that story and thought it was funny. Some Asian guy was like “I was just sitting here and then everyone was running scared”

  19. Chip do a blog about the shooting at the park.

  20. Some CMPD complaints are justified and some are not. Deal with it or grind your gears to a nub. Doesn't matter. This particular post makes you sound like The Good Ol Boys Club of America. Very disappointing and whiney.
