Sunday, March 24, 2024

Vi lyles Takes a Stand Well at Least Writes a Letter

Charlotte's Mayor famous for clutching her pearls and hosting garden parties as well as the occasional faux expression of fandom, is once again posturing for the masses.

Last week she posted the above undated letter to "Dear Youth of Charlotte".

Never mind that her target demographic, which optimistically has the equivalent of a fifth grade education probably doesn't recognize who she's addressing nor understands what she is trying to convey, considering her use of a half a dozen complex multi syllable words in the first paragraph: 

  • acknowledge
  • epidemic
  • collective
  • imperative
  • solutions
  • community

Our mayor is hopelessly tone deaf. Her past actions supporting the Black Lives Matter street mural and decriminalizing low level crimes led to the death of Uptown Charlotte, something that may take years to recover from, if ever.

Now she turns her vast wisdom, leadership skills and charisma to solving the exploding gun violence in Charlotte that has claimed the lives of more than a dozen Charlotte teenagers in the last six months.

Frankly my grandmother yelling "Y'all Stop That" from the front porch would have been more effective.

I want to say to:

Caleb Thompson, age 18

J’Karri Anderson, age 19

Quaveon Jeremiah Robinson, age 19

Lawahon Dwight Hutchinson, age 19

Johnie McClendon, age 14

Amir Kidd, age 15

Jah’Zir Elijah Jackson, age 18

Lonnie Mcconico Jr, age 18

Tzion Dae, age 16

Avyon Thomas, age 17

Daikwan Jedarren Deese, age 17

Melakah Corbette, age 17

Jorden Anthony Wood, age 17

I'm deeply sorry. We as a community have failed you and your family. Our mayor, city council, courts and educators have failed miserably as well. 

We must do better than complex words, hopeful prose and faux outrage.





  1. Stop being racist Cedar. These young men can get better.

  2. Whoa Cedar when did you become a bleeding heart liberal?

  3. It is a community problem only in the sense that as a community we have enabled families to disband. In fact paid to have children out of wedlock. Children not being held accountable for their actions in academics and society at large. By the way when I say community I mean the governmental representatives that have been elected and do their will instead of the will of the people. People who don’t have the stones to vote them out when they are not doing the job we want them to.

  4. What color are they?

    1. Clue number one.Look at the names.Clue number two not really needed.

  5. So CMPD hired officers that polygraph examiners did not recommend? 1 in 4 were not? WOW.

    1. They let my eyes daughter pass on this part. She has major anxiety issues and she already answered the questions in her application. Polygraphs aren’t admissible for a reason. A for a POC to be hooked up to a machine is not sensitive to the cultural bias those tests have.

  6. Sad but nature's way of cleaning house and culling the herd. It's all good with me.

  7. I think we are starting to see those officers in action. I will start off with the statement that if anyone has further knowledge of my comment, please do not hesitate to correct me. Ref. Reagangate at the CMPD Academy, does anyone have any further information? I heard a retired hireback officer found the hood of his personal car covered in car keys and coffee mugs. He observed two female plain clothes officers with a class of new CMPD recruits near by performing training. When the officer asked who left the keys and coffee mug on the hood of his car one of them immediately got into his face waving her hand in front of his face. The other female officer ran over to the situation and stated, "You do not talk to us like that in front of recruits.
    That does not sound like the way you should be teaching recruits how to deescalate a situation and especially treating a retired officer like that. Does anyone have any further information about this? If what I have written is remotely correct, then those two officers need to be reprimanded and removed from the academy.

    1. Sounds like SOP for the academy, and the recruits they manage to talk into taking the job.

    2. That’s fucked up

    3. Which black females were they?

    4. This is where inclusion collides with entitlement.

    5. I hope his vehicle wasn't scratched up or damaged. That would have been the icing on the cake to ending your shift. No respect or "common" sense. Back in the day recruits would have been in the front leaning rest position even though the instructor(s) were in the wrong.

  8. She’s a complete idiot, but since she’s black her people will vote her into office over and over because they know she will take care of them. Meanwhile the city spirals down the tubes.

  9. Caleb T. is the only white boy on this list.

  10. Charlotte's version of Lori Lightfoot in fact didn't she dress up as a leprechaun last week?

  11. Who cares about the death of all those absolute scumbags. If they didn't get killed, they would’ve killed someone.

  12. Everyone should read the mayor's letter. Hold your nose or barf bag and read it.

    If after reading it you still think this woman is who you want to be the face of our city and the representative of the South's most attractive vibrant and desirable city and the home to NASCAR and the ACC on the national stage, please check yourself into a mental ward and get help! My GOD she is awful!

  13. If you don’t like her than move buddy.

  14. Who wrote that for her?

  15. She's nearly as stupid as Kamala Harris

  16. P Diddy just got hit up by the feds. Justice always catches up to people!

  17. Just God's way of cleaning the gene pool. Keep kicking the can Mayor.....

  18. If our potted plant of a Mayor actually thinks that writing a love letter to the hood rats is going to solve the violence problem then she must be smoking the same shit they are. She must envision masses of them holding hands in front of the gubamint center and singing Kumbaya while she stands on a balcony. If she were serious about the issue there would be a full court press on the police and DA's Office to arrest and prosecute them.... Quickly. That is the only message they understand. The current catch and release program has proven ineffective.

    1. Smoke and mirrors…just smoke and mirrors.

  19. Got to love 1609 who thinks because the mayor is a cunt I should move. LoL Could someone tell the clown that that is not how it works?

    1. She represents the views of the majority as did Trump for 4 years. You can’t habit both ways.

  20. She doesn't know ship. She's about as lame as a mayor could be. Look uptown it is dead. It is dirty and there is nothing in the way of nightlife like is was pre COVID.

    1. Most be your day off. Looks like you been in the bottle for several hours.

  21. The white people moved to the suburbs with the brewery culture. The blacks took over da Creek, the way, NoDa, and uptown.

    Figure it out.

  22. Vi Lyles lol and yeah I'm laughing my ass off because look at who the mayor pretend is and then there is that hood rat Waltlington? or whatever. Mitchell at least has some brains. Pimple is worthless. Chad Borkari is worthless Ed Drigg leg humper. No wonder why we are a shit hole.

  23. People shit on Lee Saunders, but he has overcome so much hate at CMPD. They set him up in dumpster fire situations like Freedom and Metro. He has completely turned around South.

  24. Some good people in South. Not sure why the turnover too dull?

  25. Have you seen the command college jackets? My manager was wearing one, not impressed.

  26. That major butler you guys have. He seems like a jack ass know it all on tv. Looks like he has never been a real cop.

    1. 9:12: If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to have had an interaction with a “smartest person in the room” type, you’ve already met Butler. He’s a legend in his own mind. Luckily, he has hit his glass ceiling.

    2. It's CMPD. Do not underestimate the ability of the incompetent to fail upwards.

    3. I have meet the bumbling idiot ryan butler. I am retired. I just like to stir the pot with my post about guys like butler and big dave robinson who are about 3 or 4 levels above where they should be. Haha

    4. The next idiot i would love to get under her skin is the biggest incompetent leader julie berry. Is she straight this week or apart of the pink mafia this week.

    5. Julie’s entire career path is a mystery, I just assumed it was pink mafia protection. Robinson…that is a mystery too… he’s always snooping around and getting in peoples ears seems to have worked well.

  27. Julie is good with the younger rookies, but falls short with the veterans and detectives. Same could be said about many smaller females.

    1. Secretaries with guns.

    2. Julie stripped at a party once with the brass. Kept her bra and panties on though.

    3. Think it was Arrington to

  28. Small females at cmpd now that’s funny, lol

    1. I like that little one with the tatts on her forearm. She’s Hispanic or something

    2. She’s got a fatty for sure

    3. I want her if I could still get it up. I need to get on the T.

    4. They did the same thing with Gabby. Pretty Hispanic girls with boyfriends that chain them down.

  29. Blaming it on a societal problem and waiting for the next body to drop is not a strategy.
