Tuesday, September 10, 2024

MCSO Mistakenly Turns Lose Illegals Only To Rearrest Them 3 Days Later

Local television news is reporting:

Two illegal immigrants were mistakenly released from the Mecklenburg County jail after being charged with accessory to first-degree murder.

The Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office said both of the suspects were re-arrested on Monday, and blamed their release on missing paperwork.

According to the MCSO, Jose Rivera-Martinez and Reyna Ulloa-Martinez were transferred from the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to Mecklenburg County’s Arrest Processing Center from Georgia on Friday. 

The sheriff’s office says they were brought to face charges in connection with a homicide that happened in May in east Charlotte.

Jose Rivera-Martinez has two mug shots with the same date but clearly taken hours if not days apart.

Reyna Ulloa-Martinez has just the Friday September 6, 2024 mugshot.

The sheriff’s office says that when they get inmates from ICE, they can get a writ that would tell the sheriff’s office to keep the individual in custody and then return them to their original jurisdiction “upon conclusion of his/her business in Mecklenburg County court.”

According to MCSO, deputies asked Georgia transport officer if there were writs for the Martinezes, and they were informed that there weren’t. The Martinezes were booked into custody for “accessory after the fact” charges, and released on unsecured bonds, according to the sheriff’s office.

Here's where it gets interesting. According to court records an order for the arrest of Jose Rivera-Martinez was issued on August 1st, 2024 at 8:55 am. On August 2, 2024 a "writ of habeas corpus" was issued at 9:16 AM ordering that Rivera-Martinez be sent to Charlotte in the custody of CMPD.

A search of the MCSO Arrest turns up two mugshots with the same date 9/6/2024 and different arrest numbers.

Arrest # 1911013 has a date of 9/6/2024 and the time 10:24 AM. Arrest # 1911209 (clearly later) has a date of 9/6/2024 and no time stated. 

But court records indicate an order for release was prepared on 9/6/2024 at 10:49 marked as unsecured and the MCSO arrest records show he was  "committed" at on 9/6/2024 at 11:51 AM and "released" on 9/6/2024 at 1:10 PM.

MCSO found out the Martinezes did have writs late Friday afternoon, and authorities tried to get them back in custody over the weekend. The pair were re-arrested on Monday when they showed up for initial appearances on the accessory charges.

According to court records on 9/9/2024 at 2:53 the release order was modified to $50,000.00 secured. 

But MCSO indicates that that he is in active custody sort of. 

The same is true for Reyna Ulloa-Martinez. 

It doesn't help that the MCSO and North Carolina Courts struggle with hispanic surnames which are often hyphenated. ie Ocasio-Cortez who is unmarried follows the tradition of having both her father's and mother's names, Sergio Ocasio, Blanca Cortez. Unlike Southern tradition of maiden-married names.

The local news continued: We found court documents that say the Martinezes face charges in connection with the killing of Kevin Gabriel Merlos.

Jose Ulloa-Martinez (above) is being held by the MCSO on a single charge of first degree murder in the shooting death on Merlos. According to CMPD Merlos and Ulloa-Martinez got into an altercation of some sort while drinking late into the night. Merlos' wife stated that she woke to the sound of gunshots saw her husband lying on his back in the front yard and that Ulloa-Martinez's vehicle was no longer in the parking lot. 

According to court documents, Merlos was allegedly killed by Jose Ulloa-Martinez on May 26. Ulloa-Martinez was arrested in Texas a little over a week after the alleged shooting.

The court documents say that the Martinezes helped Ulloa-Martinez after the alleged shooting. Jose Rivera-Martinez is accused of helping Ulloa-Martinez get away from the area and getting “fictitious identification documents” for him; Reyna is also accused of helping get fictitious identification documents for him.

Authorities didn’t say how Reyna and Jose Ulloa-Martinez are related.

It’s unclear what led to the Martinezes being arrested by ICE originally, but they both have undocumented identification numbers. Court documents list them both as having addresses in South Carolina.

Cedar Says:

What should be noted is that North Carolina's "immigrant" population has exploded in the last four years. Further, our criminal justice system is broken and now hispanics make up a greater number of arrestees than ever before. Yet our state and local leadership refuses to wake up. 

Most are in our country illegally, either by crossing our border unlawfully or by overstaying their visas. The Pew Research Center estimates about 325,000 or 65% to be unauthorized. 

Mecklenburg County has the largest foreign born population estimated at 18% more than 1/2 are here unlawfully.

These "undocumented" migrants live and work within a subculture in our state. Few pay taxes, most are paid cash wages, often at a rate that is far less than minimum wage.  They are victims of child sexual exploitation and prostitution. They are drug dealers, and construction workers. The amount of remittances to their home country is staggering.  

Because they are here unlawfully most of the crime against them goes unreported despite CMPD's effort to address these concerns few victims will contact the police.

Those who are here legally are unfortunately stigmatized because of those who are not. In short Garry McFadden's refusal to honor ICE detainers benefits no one but the criminals.   

Nothing about having illegals in our state or our county is beneficial regardless of what liberals tell you. 

Because they send most of the earned money home they are untrariffed imports in the form of imported labor.

They don't pay taxes or contribute to social security.

Because they send so much money home it contributes nothing to our local economy or enhances our National GDP.

Many don't have valid driver's licenses or insurance and because of this we pay higher insurance premiums. 

The demand for cheap housing created by the influx of illegals puts additional pressure on our housing market causing prices to explode. 

Our schools suffer and are burdened by kids you don't speak english and are well behind on the academic growth chart.

Because they don't pay social security and their employers don't pay into workers compensation or unemployment funds that means higher rates for the rest of us.

Yet they are often the first to apply for welfare benefits where state aid works are prohibited from asking about citizenship.

Footnote: Before anyone starts on the you're racist bent, my ex and the mother of my kids maiden name is Lopez and my brother's wife is from Honduras. Both here legally.  

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