Monday, September 23, 2024

OIS (Officer Involved Shooting) In Da Creek (Steele Creek)

It's had been a remarkably quiet weekend around the Queen City.  

That changed quickly on around 7:25 p.m. Sunday when officers responded to an assault with a deadly weapon call for service. 3 minutes later CMPD's "Real Time Crime Center" spotted the suspect vehicle. 

CMPD officers initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle in the 200 block of East Arrowood Road when the suspect produced a handgun causing an exchange of gunfire. 

At 7:30 p.m. the shots fired officer down call was made.

According to CMPD one officer was struck and transported to the hospital with serious injuries. As a precaution, a second officer was taken to an area hospital as well.

The suspect was also transported to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. 

(We wish both officers a speedy and full recovery.)

CMPD added that a 
firearm was recovered at the scene.

Steele Creek is CMPD's largest division at more the 70 square miles, it is larger that most of the cities in the in the Carolinas. Everyone who rolls in "Da Creek" knows the problem is too many people in too small of a space.

Apartments on top of apartments. A demographic mix the rivals New Orleans but one that is disproportionate to most of Charlotte. Steele Creek by many metrics is more hood than "Metro" or the once infamous "West Over".

The "Wedge" that area bounded by I-77 and I-485 of Steele Creek 2 has seen four homicides in the last five months. 

100 Block of Kingsford Drive May 27th

1600 Block Sharon Road West June 21st

600 Block Silverleaf Road September 10th

800 Block Farmhurst Drive June 13th

The mental geniuses of local media never fail to ask thoughtful questions:

"When asked about which person shot first, DC Robinson said an investigation will determine that, but talked about the quick decisions officers have to make". WBTV News.

For some reason crime finds its way to Arrowood with more than 500 crimes reported in the last six months. The 200 block of Arrowood has more than 50 crimes reported in the last two years alone, make that 51.

Cedar Update:

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, the suspect in this case, Nelson Javier Funez Reyes, 37, was pronounced deceased at a local hospital. According to sources Reyes is an illegal alien with a long criminal record. 


  1. Someone needs to tell Blackrock that all those rentals they own are losing value. Only way to get a new JJ, judges, DA. Once it pinches their wallet you will see change, until then, you’re witnessing exactly what happened to Albemarle, Harris, U City and other parts of town that were once habitable.

  2. Albemarle is a perfect example. It is not just the death of Eastland Mall everything else from Indy to the City Limits has gone to dirt. Stupid city council allowed developers to over build apartments then the rents were lowered to fill the vacant units the neighborhoods got darker and here were are. It used to be lined with great restaurants Steak & Ale, Fog Cutter, Victoria Station, O'Charley's, Chi Chi's and Bennigans all gone. Harris Teeter is gone. But you have Food Lion and ALDI and a lot of pawn shops and fast food chicken stores and of course Boost Mobile.

  3. Noogies what can you do? They can't hold still, no matter how many times you tell them don't move, stop reaching around, keep your hands on the steering wheel they still keep moving.

    I've finally resorted to telling them.

    My camera is on and I've warning you If you some much as sneeze I'm go to shoot you. Not just once. If you move I'm going to keep shooting until you stop moving.

    You've been warned its on camera now stop F-ing moving!

    Never works.

  4. Our strength is our diversity

  5. Bunch of racist pigs the shooter was a white guy!

    1. Shut up dirtbag. Do the world a favor and off yourself, join the scumbag deceased.

    2. CMPD has a racist problem that is being swept under the rug. It’s crazy because there are as many criminals working at CMPD as there criminals on the streets.

    3. 156pm, and I agree. It goes both ways though around here.

  6. Hi Cedar, can you write more about JJs false reporting to the City manager and he your caught? I saw that and was wondering. Can I do that with my reports and bills, too?

  7. Did the suspect die yet? If he hasn't yet just ship his ass over to Garry's Hotel McFadden where he can checkout anytime he likes but he can never leave.

  8. So yet again, the A1 dispatcher was a complete fucking moron. Gabe handled everything from Central while A1 couldn't figure out where anyone was or what was happening. Anyone from Westover or Steele Creek gonna complain about her? By the way, who was working Eastway? She sounded drunk or high on Ambien.

    Meanwhile, our bullet sponge took rounds everywhere but center mass. If he isn't 67, he's gonna lose use of both hands at the minimim...from what the word on the skreet is

    1. Chill bro, you all were just catching heat about bojangles biscuits. The dispatchers do a job no one wants.

    2. 1032: dispatchers are an obsolete thing. No need for them

    3. Don’t dis my ladies, they have a very special job and treat me just right

    4. Say less Robinson

    5. Who was that dispatcher that was fired for being high on xanny bars a couple years ago? Maybe they hired her back and Ambien is her drug of choice now.

  9. I member when Steele Creek guys were shoveling dirt off sidewalks to get a raise. Now they are lighting up car jackers like NT and West Crew. Welcome to the big leagues, you made it kid!

  10. Bullet Sponge lol Anyone care to ID sponge bob?

    1. I can’t wait to see the video.

    2. I'm guessing its a "don't do it" followed by duck and cover.

  11. DId the suspect die? I thought there were no center mass hits?

    1. You thought wrong chump. You weren’t there so you don’t get to think what happened

    2. He died Muy Bueno

    3. He had so many holes it was hard to count them. Most center mass. I'm surprised he made it off the scene.

    4. He was hit in the shoulder, arms, and hands. It's not where they went in that's where they went before they came out.

    5. I retired from Steele Creek, worked the old Adam-1, and spent many nights on Nations Ford and East Arrowood Road, you rookies with the 6000+ code numbers don't know shit!

    6. You need to retire from that liquid courage you were drinking prior to your post old head. More to life than drinking while retired.

    7. Bro retired and still thinking about this place lol

    8. No shit! Get a life...

    9. Just keep paying into the pension system rook. Christmas every month!

  12. Someone needs some range time and a review at Academy

    1. How many OIS’s you been in? Zero? Okay then shut up 6k code number quack

    2. Surviving player in that game went home with 2 GSWs lower body. I'm no expert, but I'd say someone was firing from cover and someone else was soaking up that lead hunched GTA style. Biggest target would be those shoulders and hands.

      I'd say that if your OIS doesn't end up as a video played at academies across the nation as a survival training're doing alright.

    3. Unless...unless...the losing player never exited the car and was shooting from the drivers window cross body. Naturally shooting down angle and player 1 would have shot exposed shoulders what was exposed but somehow missed the head.

      I guess we will find out soon enough
