Liberals are losing their minds over Trump's "close the Border" effort.
In one month he has cut the number of crossings from thousands to just a trickle and shut down the Mexican cartels lucrative human and drug trafficking pipeline.
Sadly there has been a little collateral damage. Businesses that rely on cheap illegal immigrant labor have been slammed hard. (Screw Them). You can drive through job sites like Pulte homes and the typical constant echos of hammers swinging in the morning air are gone.
Florida and California produce fields are void of the typical loads of migrates packed in the back of an old Ford "stake side" truck.
In Charlotte those white vans stacked with a dozen ladders are suddenly a rare sight on 485.
The usual day labor meetup places in Monroe are suddenly void of club cab pickups and young men standing around empty parking lots in the early morning hours.
Student Protestors
If you are a student protestor attending college on a student VISA you are now more than likely an ICE target. Immigrants on work or travel VISAs who are not employed or overstayed their VISA (there are thousands) are also targeted.
Green Card Holders
Liberal's are enraged over reports of legal resident aliens are being arrested by ICE, often claiming these "Green Card" holders have "rights" and can't be deported.
No, a green card does not guarantee that you will not be deported. Green card holders can be deported if they commit certain crimes or violate the terms of their green card.
Known Green Card holders with aggravated felony or multiple minor convictions are being prioritized for removal.
In Mecklenburg County a large percentage of arrestees on any given night have hispanic surnames. This alone is a shocking development. A decade ago you might get one or two a night.
BUt seriously, if you were in this country as a "guest" why would you break any law?
Green Card Holders with Criminal Convictions, or those with fraudulent Green Card applications are at the top of the list.
Many applicants failed to disclose prior convictions either willfully, or based on some misguided understand that not telling the truth was acceptable.
Applicants who got their status through sham marriages or fake documents are having their cases reopened and are being deported.
Green card holders who spent years outside the U.S. without clear ties are also being flagged for abandonment and lost their status.
A sure way to get deported is to commit a crime such as theft, fraud, or assault. If you are here even lawfully and commit an aggravated felony, such as trafficking or weapons expect you will be removed immediately.
Don't Panic if you are a good person. My sister in law and my ex wife are wonderful people who just happen to have a hispanic surname. But they are also not criminals. Looking at this weekends arrests and there are 3 dozen or more names all arrested for avoidable crimes.
Domestic violence, DWI, stolen auto, and so here is just a sample.
No Operators License, DWI, Felony Controlled Substance
If you don't want to be a target of ICE don't break the law. If you don't want to be deported don't enter the USA unlawfully. If you are here legally and don't want to be removed don't break the law.
If you have broken the law like those above, hire a lawyer ASAP because they are coming for you.
By the way "Naturalization" becoming a United States Citizen is the best way to be removed-proof, as U.S. citizens cannot be deported.
Liberals who want to deport Elon Musk have their minds explode when they learn Musk is a US Citizen.
The above photos are from the MCSO daily arrest list and it should be assumed all those charged are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The immigration status of those arrested is not known nor tracked by the MSCO. The inclusion of their photos makes no determination or inference as to immigration status.
Targeting New Americans like this is vicious and against the very principles our nation was built on. Good luck paying for groceries, getting your house cleaned, or building anything with this fascist targeting of our Latinx brethren. One more attack on POC by CMPD and the federal forces. No Operators License? Is that more than a warning? Why waste these resources when we need to make schools and public transportation safe.
ReplyDeleteShame on Charlotte for following the president’s lead here. I’m shocked we haven’t started pinning yellow stars on them yet.
GFY liberal pussy
DeleteI am agree with1441hrs. Let’s say why Trump got elected. It was because of fascist. The racist MAGA people who know that they cannot compete with others. So they use propaganda to promote their own agenda. The same propaganda illegal European’s used to justify Slavery. History is repeating it self. We are going back to a time of taxation without representation. The biggest illegal are the European’ s who stole the land and generations are just a group of birth right citizens. The white European’s know that they sons and their daughters cannot and will not work as hard as the Mexicans so they have to use propaganda to put them down. There is no difference between MAGA and the far left. All hail King Musk and Queen Trump. America will lose its superpower because of Trump.
DeletePreach brother. The last 16 years POC from all over the Americas flocked here to chase the dream. You white folks have lost the edge and try to build walls to keep people not like you out, but want someone else to wash your dishes and build your pools.
DeleteYour children fuel the drug trade with opiates and coke, enriching the business cartels in the south. China takes advantage of your weak nature. But you want to pull these hard workers over for no license?
We need a true Peace Force instead of this police state being an arm of the fascist leader.
If they don't have a license you can damn well guarantee they aint got no insurance either. Charlotte has enough landscape crews that can't drive worth a fu@k I'd be ok if ICE took them all.
DeleteYeah ah no they aren’t “new Americans” they are Illegal Aliens! They have no rights so quit acting like they do. That said I’m with Cedar don’t commit crimes.
DeleteI'm all for welcoming "New Americans" but many are just not ready for prime time.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't follow basic rules then I'm sorry back to Central America you go.
I'm sorry in your culture it is ok to beat the crap out of your wife we don't do that here.
I'm sorry in Honduras getting shit faced and driving down the sidewalk is considered just a normal Saturday night activity. That's not going to be tolerated here. Same with stolen cars and not DL or Plate.
There are many hard working hispanics in Charlotte unfortunately there are also many hispanic idiots, drunks, drug dealers, wife beaters, rapists, pedos and murderers. My job is to sort them out from the good people and ship the others home.
The pendulum swung too far to the left so they are now swinging it far to the right. History is repeating itself. Jimmy Carter swung it way to far to the left and President Reagan swung it to the right and then let it slowly hit dead center and America enjoyed years of peace and prosperity.
ReplyDeleteI've got a couple of wetback beaners neighbors excuse me latinx neighbors or new Americans just when I started to think they are ok they invite family from back home in LA to come stay with them. Now I've got a bunch of Florencia 13 gang bangers living next door who think cops are just for target practice they are about to FAFO!
ReplyDeleteDon’t even worry, BLADE and SHADE will come for them.
DeleteCharlotte doesn’t have gangs. Quit playing GTA, this isn’t LA. Just ask Vi
DeleteWhat the Texas governor did was genius sending all the illegals to big cities. Even the Dem mayors support Trump about his ICE policy.
DeleteThat sort of denial is why Charlotte has become a hispanic shithole. Like Mayorkas swearing that "the border is closed" thankfully ICE is busy and if you are here illegally they know who you are and they are coming for you.
ReplyDeleteThe cash bounty being offered is now enough that these Mexicans are turning each other in. These people would rat out their own mother for a couple bennys.
Hispanics are just about as bad as noogies. They are just as violent but not as stupid. Noogies are not smart enough to leave a place where they aren't welcome at least the mexicans made the smart move and have gone to NYC or Chicago they will be safe there.
ReplyDeleteMaybe but I’ve seen more awesome Hispanic businesses in the past ten years in any one sector than black ones in my lifetime. Pedro knows how to make money semi-legit. Dejuan knows only how to rob, steal and sell drugs.
DeleteAnd Maria hustles too. Latoya, not so much.
I see the da actually took a murder to trial…and got a mistrial. I guess jury nullification is real in Charlotte. Or maybe a weak case. What’s the story there? Adonis Smith
ReplyDeleteThe people inside Meck are brain washed. Sad to see all that work end up in a mistrial. Detectives worked so hard.
DeletePlease don’t call those people professional detectives. It’s a retirement job to get overtime. Ask Garry
DeleteWhen majority of your jury is or has household members being convicted felons, you’ll have that
DeleteJury trial in Meck County with this DA and his staff of amature prosecutors is bound to fail. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteI thought they plea it all down to suspended sentences anyway
DeleteWhat’s important is how many retaliation crimes BLADE has busted?
ReplyDeleteUs blade boys cook more than the sorry excuse for cru members on the west side now. Freedom trash, metro trash, north trash. Sit in the office to avoid calls and do 6 month “work ups” for PDP. Lazy and stupid. Keep hatin 🤙🏾