Friday, March 7, 2025

Officer-Involved Shooting in the University City Division


Charlotte, N.C. – (Friday, March 7, 2025) – The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s (CMPD) Homicide Unit is conducting an officer involved shooting investigation in the 12000 block of Headquarters Farm Road in the University City Division.

At approximately 4:30 p.m., CMPD officers were attempting to serve several warrants in the 12000 block of Headquarters Farm Road.

Officers perceived an imminent deadly threat and discharged their service weapons engaging with the subject.

Two officers were transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injures. The suspect was pronounced deceased on scene.

The CMPD is the lead investigating agency in this case. The officers involved have been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation per standard protocol.

As is standard procedure with any officer involved shooting, the Internal Affairs Bureau will conduct a separate but parallel investigation.

Representatives from CMPD's Operations Command, Homicide Unit, MEDIC and the Mecklenburg County District Attorney’s Office also responded.

The investigation into this case is active and ongoing. As additional information develops it will be released by CMPD’s Public Affairs Division. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call 704-432-8477 and speak directly to a Homicide Unit detective. Detective Guillet is the lead detective assigned to this case. The public can also leave information anonymously by contacting Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600 or Charlotte Crime Stoppers. For additional information about this case, please refer to the report: 20250307-1347-00.

Photos via local news

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  1. The suspect is white! We are good!!!

  2. That area/neighborhood (Wexford) has been steadily declining for decades.its going to be the new HV. I worked that area from 1999-2016 and have seen it turn into corporate rentals. Once a decent neighborhood now grown to a crime ridden getto. Watch that whole area, you’ll see. This was a prime case of FAFO.

  3. That is one informative press release from CMPD. I bet Sandy and her office worked a whole 30 seconds on that one!

    1. Watch what you say about Sandy on here. She’ll sue ya.

    2. Cap those pills are SUSMarch 8, 2025 at 11:45 AM

      You want sandy so bad! Better than June though. 💊💉🥦

    3. Her job can’t be ghat tough. She’s probably making $200k/yr of our tax $.

  4. If its a white guy that would be interesting. VCAT needs a reboot they go to whitey's house and let their guard down. Zero Intel tell me I'm wrong.

  5. A google drive by of the house shows a dodge charger in the driveway that's always a indicator of bad news. I'm thinking the perp was the usual suspect.

  6. Thankful all officers will be ok.

  7. Sad part is brass will target them for termination like they did with Brentley! 2 years and they are gone.

    1. Oh yea. Except for that pesky little time he let the guy die in the interview room after knowing he ingested drugs and not checking on him for 45 minutes. That was totally the department out to get him. Lame ass comment.

    2. Your racist 555 should be 666

  8. Johnnie's mouth almost as big as his gold stars.

  9. They’ll get shipped to Steele Creek. Too bad. Sounds like UCD is getting worse every year? I want to know what the guys over there think?

    1. Not as bad as the metro decline over the last 5 years. Starts with the terrible chain and trickles down to how garbage the newbies are

    2. My coworker shot someone and was moved to a school SRO job. The ABC team is the same way. Nice places to move these people until they decide to resign.

      Stay tuff and call a buddy.

  10. They need to send the airport officers to Univeristy for a few years to see if they still got it.

    1. UCD 2ez. Cake division. Try comin thru westside homie

  11. So the guy taken out by CMPD was a pedo?

  12. Not sure what the charges were by he clearly didn't want to go back to jail. Wish granted.

    1. Warrants for Firearm by Felon, Assault by Strangulation...and various other DV related charges.

  13. Rumor has it that someone had to be transported in a marked car to CMC Main because Medic's response was, uh, lacking... Another rumor is that Medic dispatched it as 3 shot without disclosing it involved an OIS. Whether any of these rumors are true or not isn't really the point. The point is...there needs to be a performance audit on private companies providing first responder services.

  14. CP look into Medic. Why is it not part of Charlotte Fire? And why are we rolling trucks and ladders to unknown medical calls only to discover granny tripped over her cat and the cat is fine? The millions that could be saved in not racing an engine company for every slip and fall.

    1. Been saying that for years!!!

    2. Most municipalities use private hospital transport because THEY KNOW government cannot do it better. Running CFD is a backstop due to geographic superiority for response times. As we all know, CFD will get there quick...Medic, however, sometimes gives 15 minute ETAs AFTER you ask your dispatcher what's taking so GD long.
      **Another point I'll make is...ever since Obamacare, people can call 911 for anything: headache, finger hurt, puked cause I drank too much. Medic is running calls that people wouldn't have picked up the phone for 20 years ago. The demand for services has far outpaced Medic's ability to keep up...and I suspect it takes MONTHS for them to get paid for these "stubbed my toe, take me to the ER" type calls. I guarantee 20 years ago you didn't have beds lining the ER halls unless it was a mass causualty event. Now it's a common occurence.

  15. Why is CMPD the “lead investigating agency?” I thought SBI was supposed to handle OIS.

    1. Because the perp in this case was a white guy.

    2. Yeah! Idiot!

    3. I'm still waiting for the headline: "Family wants answers after 28 year old killed by police"

  16. Glad the cops are okay!

  17. So JJ is freezing the current sgt list. Can we sue to get it activated?

    1. So who’s on it he doesn’t want to promote? I mean hell they promote anyone why get picky now

    2. List frozen 🥶

    3. Aquino is no different than half of these LTs. Both fucked at work, attempted suicide, created lawsuits, and are trash in the field. One works at the gov center, and the other works in the headquarters after being #4 on the LT exam. This is nothing new around here, rookies! I've seen supervisors thrown out of divisions and still get promoted in 5 years. Once you get stripes, it becomes easier to rise like Nelson.

    4. Yeah, Nelson is a nice guy but pretty stupid

    5. Yall wish the list was frozen but she will get promoted.

    6. 1534hrs, is on point. Group of managers with no leadership skills.

    7. Everyone,

      There are safeguards in place to terminate cops with higher IQ or executive thinking. That why police seem to get dumber with age, however, the reality is your wiser peers have moved along in life. You’ll notice around year 10 and definitely after year 20. Most try to work in training or homicide unit until retirement or promotion. There’s nothing new under the sun at CFD or CMPD. Stay off out there rookies.

  18. Things can get dangerous quickly!

  19. How can I be sent to the airport? I don’t fw the west side no more 👎🏾

    1. Foster can get you sent there, but only if you perform ungodly deeds

    2. Foster is incompetent

  20. Word on the street is this is a bad shoot. It was just a routine low level offense that went bad really fast in front the dude's family. Expect heads to roll and lawsuits to follow.

    1. I wish we had that many officers show up on my patrol shift. I counted 42 officers standing with hands in pockets. Where do they come from?

    2. What street did you hear that? Your explanation doesn't really justify that it was a bad shoot. Warrant service and it went sideways because the subject of the warrant service pointed a gun isn't a bad shoot.
      Do you know something different?

    3. “Word on the street” aka me and my gossiping little group of moron buddies don’t know shit about fuck so we make stuff up for attention

  21. I think jj needs 1 more star on that jacket. He can get it from the Girl Scout store to sew on. 4 isn’t enough, he deserves 5 for maximum effect

  22. The Idi Amin uniform is next I'm sure

  23. 3rd shift is no bueno

  24. Let’s just watch the body camera like Wes Kerrick. That will eliminate the politics and bias.

    Post the video, Chip.
