Monday, May 1, 2023

Michelle is Leaving North Carolina in 22 Days!

On Sunday Michelle told the Twitter World she was leaving North Carolina in 22 days. 


I'm moving out of North Carolina in 22 days, and going to Illinois.  I WILL miss the weather and beauty here.  I WON'T miss the people.  They're so Bibley that I feel I live amongst robots.  My town is racially segregated.  My Trumper neighbor has tormented me for years.  I'm out

First thing is this nutbird has 25,000 followers. 25,000? Seriously 25,000 people follow her endless non stop hate on Twitter. Amazing.

The comments to her big announcement are just as troubling:

@JustAmyCA (JustAmy):

My family moved us from DC to Charlotte when I was 16. I was in shock/traumatized by the racism and fake hyper-religiosity. Moved to Southern California as soon as I could get away from family responsibilities. Love DC but would never, ever move back to NC.


Let me tell you, I grew up in the south (against my will), and the moment I had the chance to get the hell out of there, I did.

Never looked back, never regretted it either.

Yet the best comment (reply) and a total 180 degree viewpoint comes from non other than Steve Ohnesorge. Yeah that Steve Ohnesorge WBTV's Steve "O".


Sorry to hear that. I grew up in Miami, lived in NYC, Chicago, and elsewhere. Family in TX, OK, AZ, MA. No place is perfect but my town in the NC foothills is good. A great mix of people who get along. Hope Illinois works for you. We’ll leave a light on in case it doesn’t.

As I said in my reply to Steve:

 "You're a far better man that I am". 

Steve Ohnesorge is of course the total "southern gentleman" class act and smart enough to know how good life is in the Carolinas.

I'm not sure why Michelle thinks moving to "pale blue" Peoria which is surrounded by solid red rural Illinois, would be better than North Carolina. It's like Asheville without the scenery. Both places are islands of liberalism the only difference between the surrounding rural Illinois and rural NC is the ratio of Tundras to F150s far more Toyota than Ford.

I know a lot about Illinois and a whole lot about Illinois rural life. 

Stray much more than 10 miles in any direction from Peoria and its trucks, beer, guns and farmland. A whole lot of flat farmland and tornados. 

Distant cousins who run big farms as in 2,000 plus acres from towns like Cuba, Canton, and Edwardsville, on down to Marion and Carbondale, to Cairo (Pronounced Kay-Row) and RedBud. 

I also know Michelle won't be happy anywhere.

But the comments, my flag is offensive? Going to church is scary? Republicans are Nazis?

I'm not sure which is more entertaining Michelle or her followers.

More from Michelle:

Why do you think actual NAZIS are Trumpers?  Because that's what Trumpers really are.  These guys are at least HONEST about themselves and their beliefs.  The others pretend they're not as bad because they know it's not socially acceptable.  I guess they want to keep their jobs.

These are the worms that crawl in MAGAT minds:  White is right, dark is wrong;  Men are kings and women and children are chattel;  Rape is natural;  Animals are nothing but food and recreation;  Guns are penis replacements;  Gayness is wrong...except with "the boys" in secrecy.

When you dig deep into the minds of people, you find some really disturbing shit.  I've talked to MAGATS for YEARS, both in person and online.  They are DANGEROUS.  They are filled with INTENSE HATRED.  There's noting RATIONAL about them.  Not ONE of them is a "fine" person.

MAGATS, you really are fucking MONSTERS.  You are the types who would have gassed Jews in Germany.  You are the types who would have murdered millions of native Americans.  You would have HAPPILY taken South American children from their parents as they wailed and screamed.  Sick!

What do you wanna bet that MAGATS think the dude who murdered his neighbors because they asked him to stop shooting his AR-15 was JUSTIFIED in doing so?  This is the kind of people we live amongst.  I've never felt this way about living in America before.  Trump released MONSTERS

So what is your take? Are these people real? Do they really think Peoria Illinois is better than North Carolina? Do they understand that winter starts in October and the wind across the plains doesn't stop until May. That is doesn't get above freezing from December until March and even then there's snow on the ground about 143 days each year? 


  1. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. But I do agree with Michelle on one point: “Let’s get more Dems to make the change!”

  2. Cedar I hate to tell but that is normal for liberals. Her neighbor tormented her for years and I am sure it was painful American Flag, Fireworks on July 4th cook outs all summer long. You know those creepy people kind of people who go to church every Sunday. Even if its raining.

  3. Oh thank good. I love those that have to “announce” they are leaving. Just go. Just go and be with other extreme left nut jobs like yourself. Where you scream “racism” and “sexism “ when people don’t agree with you. You are clearly just an attention craving dolt who feels she is so damn important you make some “announcement” to stoke your own self inflated ego. My only request is you take more like you with you. FO twat.

  4. There are 1000s more moving to Charlotte and believe in white privelage and open borders. The police match the community which is bad and makes them lazy and dishonest.

  5. If you haven't figured this out yet just a heads up - should the NC GOP controlled legislature pass the rumored changes to the states retirement plan CMPD will drop 200 lifers pronto. On the plus side the change will help recruit new guys the bad news is short term its going to be hell. Anyone disagree?

    1. Explain further? Why drop lifers?

    2. They are saying those with 25 years will most likely retire ASAP.

    3. We don’t want you to stay after 25. We are paying you to leave. Don’t you get that?

    4. You aren’t paying anyone yet numbnuts, and it’s doubtful they will. You think any of them want to stay past 25? You are a special kind of stupid to think any officer at 25 wants to stick around, like you have to force them out!!! LMAO!!!

  6. if the change the years of service from 30 to 25 as proposed those guys with 25-29 years will no doubt jump this sinking ship.

  7. I get it old style PoPo bad new woke PoPo good arrests are bad greenies bad stopping noogies is racist lighting up expired tag ok if it is whitey bad if it is home boy.

  8. The cmpd keeps hiring psych people to work here but they keep quiting. They aren’t ready for this darkness.

    1. Used to be able to weed these folks out in the academy

    2. They need to screen unsworn personnel as well. There are some crazy ass dispatchers in there too.

    3. No I meant the shrinks keep quiting. Always a revolving door.

    4. Nah, it’s just a stepping stone for most of them. City doesn’t pay what they can make in private practice. Much like the DA’s office.

    5. I think 315 alluded to why there are so many problems around here.





  9. If you think Charlotte is bad, check out the news in Milwaukee today. This one isn’t even in the headlines!

  10. It’s real easy to shit on us at CFD and CMPD, but what have you done for your commUNITY?

  11. We’ve gone (1) day since a death at Romare Bearden Park.

  12. Can someone explain what happened to Brad Koch hair? Was this some prank someone pulled on him? Has he joined a circus somewhere? Is he "trans"stioning? Seriously WTF?
