Sunday, September 8, 2024

One Week Later Still Few Details About The HT SouthPark Robbery

Harris Teeter's Flagship Store at Morrocroft was the scene of a strong arm robbery last Sunday. Yet still details are few.

However here's one detailed take sent CP's way:

Interesting story there at the Taj MaTeeter.  I was in there the next day with my 88 year old Mom, was unaware of what took place.

I looked at four different written media accounts of the incident and this is how the "suspects" were described:

"...the unknown suspects..."

"...three suspects, two females and one male. They left the scene in an unknown vehicle."

"...a group of people tried to get away with items from the Harris Teeter..."

"...unknown suspects attempted to steal merchandise from the business..."

So the full extent of the the facts known about the suspects is:  1. There were 3 of them.  2.  One man, two women.

With so many people at the Teeter witnessing and/or being involved in this surely the press was unable to secure any details like height, weight, hair color, clothing details, race, etc...?  Make/model/color of the vehicle?  Surely there were cameras all over the place, why aren't pictures of these criminals being circulated?

I commend those Teeter employees for not allowing them to leave with the merchandise.  That said, obviously there are risks to stopping thugs like this but the trend we are on cannot be allowed to continue.  I routinely see this happen at the Park Rd. Shopping Center Teeter and the employees don't do a thing about it, and said employees have confirmed they have been instructed to look the other way.

Thing about it is, those same employees know exactly who is going to be doing the stealing the moment the enter the store...

To the credit of the East Blvd. Teeter, during a recent visit I noticed they had a very large, burly, ARMED, security guard on duty.  I chatted him up and he absolutely no way anyone's just walking out with merchandise on his watch!

I think it would be interesting to reach out to Harris-Teeter corporate and write a story on this topic.  How often do they allow people to leave without paying?  How much do the losses add up to?  What is their official policy on people actually having to pay, or not?  How much extra are those of us who actually pay for our groceries charged to account for those who don't?

It's so bad at Park Rd. that recently I saw a guy [6'2", 240lbs, black hair, African American] put a bunch good in a cart, walk straight out (with the cart) completely unimpeded, turn right and head up the driveway and then left on the sidewalk, and then proceed down Park Rd. to locations unknown, with the shopping cart.  The Harris Teeter people did nothing.

Funny thing is the guy who did the stealing was panhandling in front of the store on my way in, asked me for $10 to "put gas in my car".  Those employees knew he was going to steal the moment he walked in, and I'd bet it wasn't his first time doing so in that store. 

Do you ever read this website?

The blogger/s is/are very well connected in to police and legal community and many of the posts in the comment sections (can get a bit unhinged!) are made by active Charlotte PD. 

What's it going to take to get back to holding people accountable?  You know during the crack epidemic things were worse and finally regular folks had had enough and the police were allowed to restore order...

President Trump is advocating for restoring stop & frisk*....CMPD needs to be allowed to bring back the Jump Out Boys!

End of rant!!

*PS...I support stop & frisk and having lived in NYC for 20 years I can personally attest that those stopped aren't limited to young black males.  As a middle aged white male it happened to me on 3 different occasions.  Nothing ever came of it but I did modify my behaviour going forward!

CP's The last word. 

Big hat tip to the above writer. 

You have to wonder why the silence from the local media why the dismissive and apparent acceptance that Charlotte is a big city and these things are to be expected

Note that the original story from WCNC was broadcasted stating the the bear spray came from someone trying to stop the theft. Almost as if people who try to stop smash and grab thieves are the bad guys. No WCNC the bear spray that injured HT shoppers and employees was the weapon used by the thieves. 

stated . 


  1. One has been arrested. The other two are being looked for.

  2. This happens every day at HT. They have a military veteran protecting the uptown HT. This is small potatoes for police and they need to move those resources to university and arrowwood drive.

  3. Why look for them? The DA will kick the cases before the papering is done. But if one of them comes into my Hidey Hole I might jump out. Maybe....

  4. Had to take all that wine to load up for the county commissioners weekend party

    It’s called reparations

  5. A grocery cart runs about $300. Krogers net margin is 1.4%
    For every cart stolen from HT, they have to sell over 20k in groceries to make up for some Haitians new whip. Theft/shrinkage drives inflation, then it drives retailers away.

    1. Thanks Blake Paige.

    2. I worked lp at Eckards once in the 80’s. I’d lost a job and needed work. They sent me to Freedom Drive. Shrink was 25%. We had an employee get injured by someone wheeling an entire gondola of goods out the back door. That workers comp claim was the straw that closed the store. Eckards didn’t get hurt, the poor folks who lost a local pharmacy did.
      Face it, Charlotte is a third world shit hole now and you guys are the shovel. It’s not your fault the DA doesn’t care and dismisses everything. I would hide deep in your hole before tren de kamala takes over Shamrock Gardens. It’s just a matter of time.

  6. They reserve for shrinkage, waste, etc. That 1.4% is PROFIT margin, not Gross. Major theft is usually covered by insurance. If any supermarket was losing money thru theft they'd invest in theft deterrent systems. Those guys won't even spend the money on offduty CMPD because the theater of security is cheaper. If you think East Blvd guy is gonna assault or shoot a shoplifter, you're crazy. He will grab the cart at best. HT and the company he works for won't win that lawsuit.

    1. You are an idiot who has obviously never worked in any form of business. They do ‘reserve’ for shrinkage. Maybe 1%. That has to cover when the freezer goes down and you lose a couple hundred grand with of meat. It also has to go to all the theft. If the total comes in below the reserve, it gets added back into profit.
      The lie that theft is insured is rampant. When you park your car a Boulevard Homes and it gets broken into, but all you had was a 8 Little Trees and 4 White Owl wrappers, what happens if you make an insurance claim? You pay the deductible and your rate goes up, and eventually they drop you as a high risk.
      Stores go light on loss prevention because of the fear of lawsuits. Morgan Morgan are waiting to sue you for breaking someone’s arm while they run out the door with your merchandise.
      It’s insured. Go the f back to Portland you retard
