Friday, July 19, 2024

Probation Fail

The idea of probation is to give offenders a second chance to make changes and get their life back on track. Not to just be arrested over and over again. 12 times in the last 24 months. Breaking and Entering and Felony Larceny.

So why hasn't someone suggested that Charles Munson might want to change his name and his appearance rather than arresting him again and again? Just a thought. I don't think it would hurt.

I mean seriously if you just happen to look like mass murder Charles Manson don't you think at some point in your lifelong criminal career you'd think to yourself maybe I need to make a change?

Charles Manson Mugshot CA Dept of Corrections

Would you give either of these guys a job? 


  1. Drugs is everyone’s problem, Cedar. Listen to the story behind the stats.

  2. Too freaking funny. But seriously I know this guy he's not going to change. Even a makeover and name change wouldn't help. He has more than 20 years of convictions so he is obviously not very good at being a thief and needs to become a full time ward of the state.

  3. Now that's funny cruel and unfair but funny.

  4. At least he isn’t obese swine

    1. Relax American Gladiator. We all can’t get put at the Academy like you.

    2. Fat cops are become complacent and happy in their lifestyle. One ticket a day and snag a 10-50. You can’t hate on these people for doing the dirty work.

    3. The fat cops show up to work, though. My thin supervisor took 3 months off for mental leave and he dumped all the work on us during Summer. Now, this gym guy just got promoted to Major. Goes to show what really goes on here. Other agencies are hiring people.

    4. Yeah, have fun with that 50k a year chump lol

  5. I looked him up a dozen arrests between May of 2022 and now in Mecklenburg, 17 in Cabarrus, and 8 in Gaston Counties. Why do they keep letting him out?

  6. What spurs me real good is how we sympathize with suicide cops, but not with the junkies that we arrest. Why does a job matter? Crazy is crazy and people throw away their lives. Just something to ponder on your route today.

    1. Because junkies are pieces of shit who contribute absolutely nothing to society? Get real idiot.

  7. Cedar you come up with some crazy stuff. I personally like the hotties and would be willing to try and "save" everyone of them. You got my number right? Come on you need to hook a brother up!

  8. Drunk Hotties are the best!

  9. Yes, some cops are pleasantly plump. They adopt the mindset that they don’t care about you because you don’t care about them.

  10. Cedar, do a story on the SGT that put warrants on Wes Kerrick for murder, and tries to blame Monroe. He fucked over another cop and tries to pass the buck. So weak, bro.

    1. Whats his name or initials? Or code #.
      Don't forgot Roy Cooper pushed this as well...

    2. Where did the story come from that Ferrell wrecked and was at that house looking for help?

  11. Grindr said RNC was the Super Bowl of gay hookups. lol. Just another episode of new conservatives. Stop selling your soul for vanity and have some integrity.

    1. Dang troll, we ain’t privy to the gay channels like you. What about Biden dropping out? What do the gays say about that?

    2. I am very straight but If I was gay, I would be a very proud gay person. I have nothing against a gay person, I just hate me a hypocrite.

  12. My brass got a “failure to supervise” suspension for a corruption investigation and created a huge lawsuit. Now, he gets a raise and shiny medal on his collar. SMH.🤦 It’s hard to respect people as coworkers more or less as cops!

    1. We are talking about people that never go out of their houses. That’s why they don’t care about beards or tatts or drugs or sunlight.

    2. 😂 LOL

    3. Our DC went to jail and our other DC has done nothing for her entire career. Suspensions are nothing but a silly process and slap on the wrist. It’s just a way to fuck with people.

  13. 1102 hours, that ain’t shit

    My PTO shot his gun and then lied about it

  14. Hey, what ever happened to the Bojangles cop that grabbed the biscuit lady about her weed? Is he still hidden on the federal task force team?

    1. Fuck ups get promoted and decent cops get reprimanded so they’re forced to remain stagnant. You should know this by now.

    2. It’s all small potatoes

  15. Who had the accidental discharge in metro and ventilated the dashboard? What level of threat was he responding to did the oil gauge make a sudden move? Or was it the fuel gauge slowly coming up the was the perceived threat? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. Don’t be shy, name drop

    2. No such thing as accidentally. Only negligence

    3. Wouldn’t be the first time…

    4. Additionally, why was his gun out of holster? Send him for a MH evaluation.

    5. That's funny glad no one what hurt. Had to be second shift. He'll end up in South on third shift or at the LEC on a desk. Who was it back in the days of Rodney it wasn't Foster but someone in her mess decided to shoot an injured deer and it bounced of the pavement and hit a civilian's car.

    6. Yes…about South

      Yes…about LEC desk

      Yes…about 2nd shift

      Was probably a clown in Steele creek or Uni City

  16. 1550: you obv haven’t seen 1st shift lately. It’s all the trash that didn’t quit after the riots. Couldn’t muster up the confidence to quit so they get the brave job of 6am duty on Sundays and Mondays!

    Guns don’t go off on their own. This isn’t laser tag out here.

  17. North gets metros rookie problem child. Good luck

  18. North get a lot of shit from different places. It’s a retirement division, not a working division.

  19. If more of you would just stay in your Hidey Hole you wouldn't have to worry about the dump truck backing up to other division doors.

    1. I want a job with meaning, though.

    2. Imagine in 20 years looking back on your measly career of being the hidey hole guy….incoming “aT lEaSt I kEeP mY pEnSiOn”…actually know the job and learn more than the garbage bare minimum academy and in service and you don’t have to be petrified to leave your parking lot

    3. 1531, tru dawg, but dat academy doesn’t always reach the accurate way to handle these situations

    4. They need to have a Hidey Hole block of instruction with mandated In-Service. Would learn some practical patrol skills. I know several people who would be excellent instructors! They could offer it along with the Chick Fil A training.

    5. Block of Training…’s geeks that never did anything on the streets. It’s an office job to avoid danger and summer heat out here.

  20. Name the fucking cowards that logged off early on the 29th!!!

  21. Can someone elaborate on why the Chief being banned from NT division? Fill in the deets for the old veterans.

    1. At the unveiling of Josh Eyers memorial at the LEC, he instead spoke for 15 about Mia Goodwin. When an officer, not the gutless Major or Deputy Chief, told JJ they were there for Eyer not Mia, the chief said sorry and walked out. Then he fucked up the unveiling of the memorial at N Tryons office as well and was kicked out of their office by the shift sgt.

    2. Dang, why doesn’t he understand that?

  22. I like to read these posts occasionally for the comedy, because surely people cannot be this stupid. But there’s Always one that surprises me, and depresses me for the sheer idiocy. On a side note I heard the president was banned from the white house

    1. This blog was made for comedy to help depressed officers. This blog is for real cops. If you cannot handle it then get off the blog.

    2. Surely, these people are that stupid.

  23. So this blog was made as an outlet for depressed officers? Hugh. Interesting.

    1. stupid bastards

    2. We don’t come here for mugshots and golf stories.

    3. I enjoy the arguments and banter between the subscribers.

