Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Brent Simpson E.O.W. July 1, 2024

An officer has died in the hospital from a self-inflicted gunshot wound Monday afternoon, according to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police.

“Preliminary information indicates one CMPD officer suffered from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, was transported to a local hospital, and succumbed to his injuries,” CMPD confirmed.

On Monday afternoon, CMPD identified the officer as K-9 Officer Brent Simpson who was a graduate of the 148th Recruit Class and served with CMPD since 2006.

Officers with the Steele Creek Division responded to calls Monday afternoon, July 1, in the 7300 block of Steele Creek Road, just south of the CLT Airport, where Simpson was found.

CMPD said Officer Simpson was assigned to the K-9 unit and faithfully served alongside his K-9 partner, Levi, for six years.

Before joining CMPD, Officer Simpson served in the U.S. Navy as an Operation Specialist with the Military Police for four years.

“His life and service will never be forgotten. Please say a prayer for Officer Simpson’s loved ones and fellow officers during this difficult time,” CMPD said Monday afternoon.


  1. What the note say? Anything that could’ve prevented it?

  2. I’ve heard he’s been suffering from depression and the recent loss of a loved one. You truly never know what someone is going through. Brent was an absolute stud, but one of the most humble, down to earth officers I’ve ever met. Truly a tragedy.

  3. Why would he kill himself? They always say nice things about people after their death, but we need to know why he did it to fix the future events. They say people are nice, humble, kind, loving life, and easy going…then pop. That doesn’t fit the psych profile of these suicide people at all. Anger and regret can fuel self harm, along with cowardice and pain as a distraction from the body numbness.

    Often times, people have financial debts or impending investigations against them. Some people are substance abusers, gamblers, and others live with guilt of their past wrong doings. Some people are unhappy with their life circumstances like marriage, divorce, prison, obesity, or job assignment. Delusions and social rejection can instigate suicide attempts along with mass shootings in small cases.

    We will learn more as the weeks progress. What was the reason for the Sgt that did it last year? He got promoted and then it was all over. The deceased man literally passed a promotion board review while unstable.

    These organizations are havens for veterans and traumatized youth, but we can’t have them around this type of job with those histories. It shows the lack of screening to get hired or retainment, possibly due to a variety of issues. I also wonder why the previous doctor at the agency quit under mysterious conditions. Was he warning the leadership or trying to block people having guns? There is a lot to unpack and investigate.

  4. We all have baggage. It's how you pack it all neatly away that counts. If you can't compartmentalize then this is the result. Really sad day and I just wish that he would have reached out prior to taking his life. I knew him personally and never had a clue. This should be a wake up call to command.

  5. Remember how happy you were before you became a cop?

    1. I have always been happy as a cop. I just despise the department. "Currently open to opportunities"!

  6. The radio traffic that day leaves much to be desired. When D1 has to ask HQ if there is 33 traffic in A1 and the dispatcher ho-hums a "yeah" then 7 minutes later all other divisions get the call, that's piss poor. Quality at CMPD has deteriorated across the board, not just patrol. Don't get me started on the cringe conversations happening on conf with the girls in dispatch. That goes out over the entire city. Use to not allow that stuff to go on like it does now.

    1. That’s what happens when ghetto baby mamas are getting hired to dispatch

    2. Huntersville supports UJuly 3, 2024 at 7:43 PM

      Dispatch has always been trash at CMPD. They had a dispatch stalk one of our officers in Huntersville. We had her mentally committed with an order. CMPD hired her after doing that.

    3. CMPD dispatch has nothing more than badge bunny, attention-seeking teenage girls who are looking for someone with a decent pension to save them from their mental illnesses. The guys in dispatch seem to be ok.

    4. Huntersville is filled with a bunch of retards

    5. 1145 and 316:

      Both Tru

    6. Badge bunnies hahaha

  7. Does it really suck that bad at the city?

  8. Why is everyone so against god in today’s world? Everyday is a blessing and should be maximized to the fullest. Remember that god loves you more than you can even understand. God is all powerful and tests our devotion to him. If the devil enters your life or you label your skin with serpents or sinful images, then you are subconsciously going towards the darkness. Step into the light and embrace the healing nature that god grants you through the life around you.

    1. After 10 years of this shit, definitely challenges your faith and has you questioning it all.

    2. No, you just work at CMPD. They have a horrible mental health problem in Charlotte. The prisons and asylums send their outpatients to this city for housing and support services. The k9 officer just killed himself and no one noticed a problem at all? They said he was great, but then he didn’t want to live anymore. If you are riding around alone with a dog all day in the hood then you are already off the tracks. Some people just slip too far.

      People need to take control of this agency and do an independent audit from a publically visible display. They were being reviewed for efficiency around customer service and public perception, but not sure what came of that. We can’t just let these people keep killing themselves.

    3. That's a bit extreme

    4. Partner, we can be sad and mournful, or we can do something to fix this problem. I said the same thing when Jeff and Sean were killed by their own guns. Don’t let emotions cloud the logical investigation into mental health protocols for armed employees.

    5. We are the insane ones if we do nothing and say prayers.

    6. The problem is rooted in the culture. How much pressure is there...really? Is the mental struggle truly based on reality? Or are you being suckered into believing every shift may be your last? Is that "be safe and make it home brother" attitude why you are more likely to pull the trigger...or feel you have to take the bullet before pulling the trigger? If every shift was truly a fight to survive...why are we talking about lazy and ineffective dispatchers? If the survival mindset, taught in the academy, were truly a reality...why aren't the support pillars built around that? The solution is to stop allowing the mindset and the reality to be two conflicting things. Either this is a job where your survival is paramount and everyone is taking that seriously...or it's a job of uniforms and blue lights where dispatchers are too busy flirting to pay attention to 18 traffic and not doing your job is mentally better than doing it.

    7. 7:40- Two things can be true at once. It can be true that survival is paramount to some and a large number of dispatchers at the LEC are flirting their way through shifts and could not care less about 18 traffic, unless their “boo” or “favorite” are involved. I hope most know who falls into which camp. If not, rumors have truth to them.

    8. Hey now Mr Ugly, I used to be a “favorite” around here.

  9. There was a period when CMPD hired former homeless men to be cops(2014-2020). When this stuff happens it’s a reflection of the underground issues in our commUNITY. Let’s have a discussion at the academy about this incident with real facts and evidence to decrease future deaths!

    1. You know that former homeless man is a multi millionaire right?

  10. A man that enjoys this job doesn’t end it like that. Something was going on here.

    1. A man who truly enjoys this job doesn’t end it like that but most cops don’t enjoy their job. Most cops at CMPD don’t believe in protecting and serving their communities. Most cops at CMPD hate the community they serve and they believe they are better than the people in the community they serve. One day those cops realize they are no different from the people in the communities they hate and realize if they hate the people in the community then they hate themselves. There is a lot of self hatred in CMPD at all ranks. Too many managers with no leadership. We need changes now because the future at CMPD is very dark. Don’t sell your soul for vanity, have some integrity. I just hope all these so called friends of his would have been a good friend and helped him work through whatever he was going through then post that we lost a good one. May his soul rest in peace.

    2. I concur about self hate. My supervisors are all ticket writers. Who does that job unless you hate other people?

  11. 1145
    Who TF do you think you are? You know what most cops think? About the community, about the department, about other cops and about themselves? Your whole screed is nothing more than philosophical masturbation and is as worthless as I'm certain you are at your job. Hopefully you're not a cop anywhere but in your own mind. The man killed himself for reasons he chose not to share. It's not indicative of us not caring about him, the community or ourselves. Self hatred? GFY

    1. It’s just another moron posting to get a reaction…like the majority who post here. You can’t argue, or reason because that’s not why they are here. They just hope someone takes the bait.

    2. 1312: I’m not 1145 but most of that stuff is truthful. You don’t sit outside a bar scene and pull over cars because you are a happy person that loves your community. That DWI is worth $10,000 in revenue to the state and city. You don’t join SWAT because you love the poor people in your patrol area. You want the take-home car and the training days to avoid the patrol shift work. You don’t work at the academy because of your love for policing. You work there because you were shown to be ineffective on the streets and investigative efforts, so they put you at academy.

      Meckurbia is not clickbait or mental masterbation like CO or Channel 3 news. This blog is for real cops that somewhere to vent with other cops. Get off the blog if you don’t want the truth.

    3. Spoken like a less than 5 year know it all wonder. Sorry to those with less than 5 who aren’t that way. I am glad the “real “ cops have a place to whine and cry about what others are doing. You think what you are posting is new? LMFAO…that is what the original CP blog was for too, I love the naivety that you think this is a new thing. Lol, real cops…dude…you just made my weekend. I cannot wait for you, the “real” cop to post more insightful information here on this critical and insightful blog. lol, goodness…you must be a joy to be around!!

    4. 1539: If you aren't 1145, you must ride two-man with him. What's enforcing the law got to do with being happy? Ever unwind a human body off a semi truck tire because of DWI? I have. SWAT and Instructors aren't there because they love policing huh? Why don't you show us how it's done, boot? I've spent over three decades in police work. Worked in all three AND investigations. You sound too young to be that bitter. Your superior patrol skills must be taking their toll. You think every one else is just trying to avoid patrol work? Rookie.

    5. 354 and 403 got butt hurt real fast on that one. Immediately pointed out age as a flaw or defect to defend themselves.

      You have coworkers with DWI arrests, so don’t go preaching about road safety and prying bodies.

      Instructors at academy were put out there for various reasons and it wasn’t the love for the action. It’s a nice schedule and you can use the gym twice a day. It’s a job that allows you study policy for 3 hours a day to pass the promotion exam. No danger or stress at all. They promoted an instructor to North and he had to get demoted back to range staff.

      I’ve worked with several guys with 30 years and they all hated it. They were coasting into their pensions and off duty at football games. You don’t work in South or ride bikes around the park because you love it.

      The airport guys went running from my division towards something simple and mindless. They might get promoted from there like our DC.

      It’s just a job, and the resources get put places for a certain reasons. Don’t let your emotions override your logic, as Putney would always say.m

      Enjoy your weekends and cheer up.

    6. Stop acting like we are throwing bait at you. Look around and absorb the truth. Nothing changes without an open dialog and conversation.

      CP is the answer.

    7. Age isn’t a flaw…who said someone here with 5 years has to be young? Looks like someone was jumping
      G to conclusions but it certainly wasn’t me. Guess that struck a cord with you rookie.

  12. The role of CedarPosts and Meckurbia are to expose the corruption and schemes that exist within the ranks of Charlotte government. Don’t come on our blog with your 30 years of experience and condescend on young troops that are raising questions about standards, ethics, cover ups, and health concerns. You are part of the problem since they have existed for over 30 years with a change. Vote with your feet and make a change that improves your life.

    Who TF are you?

    1. Who TF am I? I'm the person who did this before you. Kept my honor intact regardless of what anyone else was doing and retired after three decades of service. I didn't "condescend to young troops" I responded to a single whine about how everyone else, non-patrol apparently, is evil or cowardly. It simply isn't true. He, and now you, are over-generalizing. Maybe, just maybe, the department isn't worse because of those who were here before. Maybe it's worse because of who is here now. Now, you can have the last word.

    2. Cry harder? Motherfucker…they screw us over around here. Collect your pension and go stand at your security post as a joke.

    3. Lol, at least we will have a pension. You won’t stay here 10 years. They have always screwed us in some form or fashion, the sad part is no matter what concessions are given you newbies will never be happy. You just walk in and say “I want first shift, I want to be a detective, I want all these things I’ve not put in any time to deserve or am qualified for” I have a 4 year degree, I know every about being a street cop. Lol, you guys are silly. I love watching you tough talk some sob once he/she are in custody. A lot less bravado when someone is not in custody these days.

    4. 1138, you can’t just sit there and expect it to be given to you. If you aren’t black or female, then you need to demand it. Things have changed since you left. Your knowledge is no longer relevant or useful. You are a rusty gear at a junk yard. This blog is trying to fix the current situation, so refrain from your negativity and collect your supplement check.

  13. 529response:

    Many retired police are out of touch with the new norms around here. You can hold on to the past, or accept the present future. This man ended his life instead of continuing living in this world. We need to expose the truth about the current state or repeat the vicious cycle.

    1. Well, expose it then. Scared?

    2. Yes, he killed himself because of beards and outer vest carriers…of which he had both. He had demons that far outweighed the pd, but by all means…use that as an excuse.

  14. A priest once said that a life without love is hell. You better let somebody love you before it’s too late.

    I hope this helps.

  15. Cops behind desks that talk hard are jokes. We wear cameras now so we can’t just punch a criminal and jump him like a gang.

    Get with the times…paper pushers.

    1. Spoken like the shit bags we are supposed to be putting away. This career isn’t some movie you see on Netflix.

  16. Imagine working at CMPD for close to 30 years or already being retired and still coming back to this blog. What a fucking loser.

    1. This blog is open to all law enforcement from the past. The have a vested interest on how things are going these days.

    2. Lol, you won’t see a pension! It’s fun to come back and see after 30 years there are still little bitches who are still on a blog whining about their jobs. Times never change. Now it’s beards and outer vest carriers. I hope you get them, a great upgrade! But stop being a little bitch and work the system trying to get them and not on a blog no one gives two shits about.

    3. Maybe enjoy your lives after retirement and stop being miserable

  17. I think everyone is missing the point. Policing has changed, and not for the better. The new ACAB society is now establishing the guidelines for all departments as city leadership has folded to the minority. We had a far easier job 20 years ago because the communities actually had some respect for LE. Now that standards have been reduced for hiring and officers look like gang members in uniform there is no longer respect for the profession. It's a slippery slope.... And it's getting more slippery.

  18. Sleepy Joe Biden’s resistance to dropping out of the presidential race reminds me of Chief Jennings resistance to outer carrier vests. Ignorance, antiquated beliefs, and wholly unpopular.

    1. They both should retire immediately.

      Even though the "Joe (2.0)" you see today is not the same one (Joe 1.0) that you saw prior to 2019. Do your own research, connect the dots. Expose it all !!!

  19. No one stands through those riots and the police communications about “reimagining the police” and likes this job anymore.

    Stop the lies. Stop the self harm.

  20. I can’t stand when 30 year officers talk down to rookies on this department. McFadden hid on homicide unit for 25 years and you let him get elected as our Sheriff. We have mass vacancy at the jail right now. Where is your experience and honor to help us, now? You hid in training roles and delegated your reports to other people for 20 years🫡 No one stays here for 30 and actually works hard. Fake news on that claim 4 sure

    1. JJ was an officer for 5 years and got promoted to an office assignment. Stayed there ever since then. That’s the plan for most people around here. Get that pension and double dip in security jobs.

  21. Can’t wait for Tariq to ask for the coward Chief Jennings to resign next week. I hope you all never forget when he took a knee with his mask on to appease the leftist mob in 2020. He needs to go, now.

    1. He was technically retired when Putney left, I’m surprised he’s stayed as long as he has. I’m just scared of what token black police official they will bring in next.

    2. Airington or Bryley.

    3. Arrington would be 10x better than Bryley.

    4. It’s crazy how so many comments on here would paint a false image that the majority of the command staff are black men or women. When in fact the overwhelming majority are white men who have done anything but milk the good old boy system. It isn’t about a person’s skin color. The good old boy system is killing the department. No one at CMPD has the leadership qualities to be the next Chief. We need a true leader. One that makes an officer’s work ethic, and knowledge the keys to their success and not the buddy system. My goal is to retire in a few years by coming in, doing my job, going home, and never getting my knees dirty to get any special assignment or anything for any command staff. You are always #1, you cannot save anyone if you cannot save yourself first. The citizens want a healthy mental health officer to help them with their problems, so taking care of yourself is at the top of the requirements of performing your job.

    5. Well spoken and true. Don’t deny the black politics across this place. We just had an LT get fire for stealing from a church and he is the example of that black promotion scam. Take care of yourself as always.

  22. Roger Helms worked at CMPD for 30 years. Don’t talk about your years of service around here. Week to week!

  23. I love police work but hate my coworkers at CMPD. That academy is a joke and the supervisors are idiots. There are other roads in life for law enforcement professionals. This guy killed himself and let’s move along.

  24. Meckurbia allows me to vent and get these thoughts off my mind in a safe way for my colleagues to understand our struggle on the streets and court system. Thank you CP for your work in the media.

  25. Why CMPD have so many lazy, incompetent employees? Oh yeah, mf be hiring any bozo off the street as long as it’s a body and code number.

    Require annual physicals and written, applicable exams to maintain employment and rid the city of the empty headed donut munchers

    1. Chill dude, we just lost a coworker. He was a martial artist that taught classes and now he is dead. Don’t understand why someone would kill themselves. I do agree about standards and exams though

    2. Say what you will but I'm still headed to my Hidey Hole!

    3. A lot of the officers who got promoted in previous four promotional process scored less an a 70% on the directive test. If there is a yearly test required. We would have about 10 command staff and 300 officers in the department.

    4. 1350, completely agree with you.

  26. Franklin the office🐢July 8, 2024 at 10:36 AM

    People said that he was “overly happy” which may be bipolar condition. I’m sure the dog helped with the therapy. The nice people fall victim to depression out here and we need to watch for this stuff. This is a job for ruthless assholes, whether the community understands that or not. The schools need nice people to teach. We need to do a better job matching personality types to job functions or problems like this may arise.

    1. Most suicides are happy , after they determine they are going to do it. They know that they will finally have peace.

    2. Thanks Dr Phil. No one is happy when they put a gun in their mouth.

  27. The people that say “be happy at work” are the reason why the city takes advantage of you. You need to flip out to get things. Otherwise, the brass just sits in the office with status quo. I hope this helps you.

  28. It would be nice for the Chief to put the scope, metrics, and tools for the Wellness Program on the open-data portal that CMPD hosts for public views. I want to see the actual efforts and tasks within that program office. Otherwise, it looks like a legal scam to protect the city from lawsuits from the family of the deceased officers. Legal scam..could you imagine that around here?

  29. If any of yall thinking that retirement is going to be easy street for you, I read a report last week that Charlotte’s public pension expense ratio is second highest in the nation (closing in on Chicago). That means the city is taking more graft to run your pension than Detroit, NY, Boston and so on. Guarantee you this, you high badge newbies ain’t walking out with your full promise.

    1. They tried to fuck with my buddy during his last two weeks during 30 years of service.(drug test for termination)

    2. That would have to be voted on by the nc league of municipality. There are only 5 cities in nc that pay a city pension on top of your state pension. Rule number 1. 15 to 20 years in, learn and know the retirement system. Rule number 2, the city wants out of the insurance business. That is why they did away with giving people hired in the middle 2000's the opportunity to pay for insurance through the city. The rookies don't need to freak out that won't have access to insurance. The state offers it. Or just transfer to another dept 5 years from retirement to have access to their city health insurance

    3. I hear the USPS knows how to handle pensions.

  30. Didn’t see JJ at the life service today?

  31. We always say dead hoodrats are less welfare and food stamps. What about suicidal cops..less pension and food stamps.
