Saturday, June 29, 2024

Woman Raped and Murdered - Her Killer Free on Insane Low Bond.

Michelle Schechter, 27, was murdered on June 16, 2024, on Glenwood Drive in Charlotte, NC 

On June 16 just around 10:20 PM CMPD Officers were dispatched to Econo Lodge at 4115 Glenwood Drive, Suite 248 in reference to an assault with a deadly weapon with injury call.

Upon arrival, Officers located the victim, Michelle Lynn Eakin Schechter who was being treated by Charlotte Fire Department (CFD) for gunshot wound. The victim stated to CFD that she was raped before being transported by Medic to Atrium Pineville where she died less than an hour later.

CMPD Detectives reviewed surveillance footage and observed the suspect Raphael Omar Wright, Jr. park a black Ford Fusion at the hotel. Wright was then seen using his phone before going to the victim's room, about 10 minutes later the victim was seen running from her room while holding her back. 

Moments later the suspect exited the victim's room and left in his vehicle. No one else was seen entering or exiting the victim's room between the time when the suspect arrived and when he left the scene.

The license plate of the Ford Fusion, SC tag UKI-199 is registered to the suspect, Raphael Omar Wright Jr. (B/M, DOB 08/01/2001). Wright matches the description of the suspect seen in the surveillance footage. Detectives processed the victim's room and located the victim's cell phone. Data from the victim's cell phone showed the victim had received a text message from the suspect which stated, "I'm parking," at the same time as when the suspect had parked.

Wright was later located in Rock Hill at 2311 Nuthatch Drive and arrested by York County, Rockhill and CMPD officers.

Originally a Mecklenburg County Magistrate issued that bond order at $50,000 but due to the nature of the crime it was automatically reviewed by Judge Jennifer Fleet.

Judge Jennifer Fleet gave him a $50K secured bond.

Within hours, he posted it and was released from the custody of the Mecklenburg County Sheriff.

Outrage over the insanely low bond was swift, following social media posts by WSOC's Joe Bruno and Hunter Sáenz.

CMPD Chief Johnny Jennings was not pleased issuing the following statement:

Today, a suspect who was charged with First Degree Murder and First Degree Rape was released after posting bond that was set at $50,000 by a Mecklenburg County District Court judge. Disappointed doesn’t begin to describe how I feel in the decision to set a bond that low for a suspect charged with such serious violent felonies. I have always maintained that there is no bond amount that is sufficient for a community’s peace of mind regarding their safety. This type of bond amount for Murder is exactly what I worked to eliminate when I advocated for the Pre-Trial Integrity Act that was signed into law in 2023. The CMPD takes violent offenses against our community members seriously and we utilize all available resources to hold those offenders accountable. We continue to ask our judicial partners to do the same.

A few hours later Meck DA Spencer Merriweather released his own statement:

The District Attorney’s office is ethically prohibited from commenting on any specific pending case. Our prosecutors regularly ask for defendants charged in homicide and other violent offenses to be detained in custody pending trial.

Shortly after US Senator Thom Tillis:

$50K bail posted by a suspect charged with first degree murder and rape. This judge is an absolute disgrace to the criminal justice system. What a slap in the face to the victim’s family and a betrayal of @CMPD and the brave officers putting their lives at risk to keep Charlotte safe. #ncpol

Former Meck County Commissioner Matthew Ridenhour also spoke up filling in gaps and adding a few more details.

I'd like to introduce to you Judge Jennifer Fleet, pictured being sworn in, a Mecklenburg County District Court Judge. On Friday, she gave an 'alleged' murderer and rapist a $50k bond. Yes, you read that correctly. This guy is probably halfway to Mexico by now.

She's a hyper-progressive judge who has a history of setting low (or none at all!) bail amounts.

Remember that 19 year old woman who broke into 197 cars in a 30 day period last winter? $165k unsecured bond, which means the woman didn't actually have to post any money. Or how about the 19 year old that shot and killed a 14 year old? The state recommended not to release him on bond--but Judge Fleet let him out on $250k bond. In 2018, Mecklenburg was divided into several districts for District Court, and we had several excellent GOP District Court judges. Three Democrat judges filed suit in 2019 (Judges Cureton, Best, Brooks), and now District Court judges are elected countywide. Unsurprisingly, now 21 of 21 Mecklenburg District Court Judges are Democrats. And this is what we get. Remember, we don't have to live like this. But progressives ensure that we do.

Cedar's Take:

Understand that the $50,000.00 bond required Wright to only "promise" to pay $4,500.00 in cash to which he produced only $2,400.00 before being released.

The only requirements of his release is no contact with witnesses and "banned" from the location of the crime.

Electronic monitoring was not required.

This girl's life was was worth all of $2,400.00 to this judge.

Wright's next court date is July 17, 2024 at 1:30 in courtroom.

Cedar Update:

I'm not going to judge this angel. Y'all need to understand there are people who are heartbroken. Regardless of why she was at this cheap hotel.

Miss Schechter was just 1 of 57 homicides in the first six months of this year. 7 of those are women and 17 are young people under the age of 18.


  1. Cheap whore apparently her life didn't matter.

  2. Whores are whores. Judge saw it that way. It don’t think it’s a big deal.

  3. You all talk about Chapman stealing money on here.

    Chief Chickeree was arrested for sucker punching a guy at a bar in uptown. What’s worse..losing money or getting sucker punched in the head?

    1. Losing money, by far.

    2. Sure Gabe. I would rather lose 500 then get a concussion. 🤕

    3. Not shown in MeckSheriff arrest lookup. Wonder why. Covering up normal process for fellow LEO?

  4. Prayers for this young girl and her family. Unfortunate life choices but no excuse for this POS to be anywhere but in a deep hole.

  5. If the suspect was white and victim was black? Hmm

  6. Would not matter if the victim was black the perp should not walk on such a low bail.

  7. What Chapman did is unexcusable. That is like when Jason Van Aken punched a shackled man and LIED to my face about it. Chapman lied on camera without any hesitation.

  8. I bet the cops love that arm sleeve of hers. She must be tacticool.

  9. I’m sure Judge Fleet is taking the BBC and felt pity for the suspect

  10. Judge Fleet just declared open season on sex workers in Charlotte. She's equated rape and murder to shoplifting at the Dollar General. Hope her fu*king father is proud.

  11. Noogies just gonna be like that subhuman. Shoot a girl because she didn't want to take that fat slob's stubby black dick.

    1. She may have laughed at his short performance, took him less than 10 minutes & he probably couldn't afford her.

  12. And just like that, we lose another incredible officer. Chief Jennings, how is your ‘employee wellness’ campaign working so far?

  13. Speaking of Steele Creek…

    1. WTF does Steele creek have to do with that? It wasn’t the same division then….moron.

  14. Prayers for the officers family and my fellow brothers please look after each other

  15. I noticed that the chief wasnt present for the presser at the ME office. Avoiding those pesky questions about his "wellness" program???

  16. Speaking of wellness, how is the new program going to help retirees and officers that the dept f'ed over for decades? The ones you "forgot" about.

    1. Yeah…like Jon Wolfe

    2. You are going to crickets with that one. Not many of us left that even know who that is.

  17. Now all the supervisors at CMPDont are posting on social media about “lost a good one”.

    If you kill yourself then you are selfish. I feel bad for the family. They have to move forward in life knowing that their father went out like that. Cops run in to save Josh and then this guy just gives up on life.

  18. He killed himself.

    He didn’t care about you.

    Don’t care about him.

    1. And here is the fucking problem, everyone says we are all brothers and sisters in blue but it’s all just a lie with comments like that. Who knows what he was going through or how long he had been dealing with it what he had tried or didn’t try. The job is already hard enough even harder with the constant judgement from inside the department. I’m assuming the little bitch that wrote that last comment is probably someone who just sits in their fucking hiding spot and doesn’t do shit.

    2. He shouldn’t have been allowed to have a city gun if he was like that.

    3. What you going to do take everyone’s gun away. I’m sure there are a lot more peers that either feel the same way or have felt that way at some point

    4. My coworker put her gun to her head over a breakup. She still works here.

  19. You can’t believe in God and support suicide. That’s not how it works.

  20. The storm that you have suffered in silence is over. Thank you for your service, just know that you were loved. Rest in peace brother! CP

  21. 3rd Shift Drop OutJuly 2, 2024 at 3:49 AM

    Cops stealing from church
    Cops stealing from criminals
    Cops killing themselves

    When it rains it pours.

    1. At least I don’t kiss doods

    2. There always that way to look at it

  22. 1st shift turtle 🐢July 2, 2024 at 8:50 AM

    349, don’t forget cops shooting other cops in the leg.

  23. Anyone bringing morality or religion into the conversation about someone's suicide needs to have the shit beat out of them. PERIOD!

  24. This country was built off god and battles won by god. Our soldiers believe in god as well as our cops. Lets do a better job of identifying people with mental impairment and get them out of roles where they operate a car or have access to a gun. The leadership is somewhat to blame for this situation. It should never have gotten this far and this bad. It puts the public at risk and coworkers in danger if a cop is unwell. I went to a street fight and my backup officer had an impairment. He didn’t want to be there and fight. His face said it all. He got slammed and tossed around without any strength or stamina to fight back. He became a victim of a situation that he was responding to fix. I watched him swallow a bottle of pills afterwards and stand around for 2 hours(Stand.Wait.And.Talk). He could have been killed in the fight.

    Get help for yourself and your family. We love you.

  25. Prayers for this officer and his family.

  26. You never know what is going on is someone's personal life. Things that we might pass off as not biggie may consume someone else. Its hard to know what was going on. Sad.

  27. Buddy Check how do you read me?

    To all my brother and sisters we are one. We are here for you and don't ever forget that. You need help we all need help and we will step up for each other.

    You know who I am.

    Peace Out!

    1. Hell No.

      This place will send you to the airport like Donnie Penix so fast. It’s a trap and the city doesn’t care about you. These people will forget you as soon as you resign or go FED.

      This is no brotherhood at all.

    2. Don is a good man.
