Wednesday, June 19, 2024

World Class Ship Hole

Charlotte City Council is likely going to give David Tepper a $650 million dollar payday. 

But the clowns who make these decisions are no less arrogant than the Classless King Rube himself. 

Sure bright shiny new things are fun.Light rail,uptown parking benches, gay pride murals.

OK Fine whatever makes you happy.

But $650 million is comical at best.

Head out South Blvd, it doesn't take long go just four miles to Woodlawn. Along the way you'll pass a couple homeless camps and a dozen or so panhandlers. Trash lined streets and sidewalks in what was once a fairly OK part of Charlotte. But no more.

As long as it is not raining you can manage to navigate the area of South Blvd and Woodlawn but the lack of pavement markings around Woodlawn are confusing, more so if you are inbound approaching Woodlawn because the lack of lane markings makes it hard to tell which lane is left and which is a through lane.

Add a summer thunderstorm and the streets become a no-man's land of drive where you what if you dare. 

Outbound past Woodlawn is worse there are no lane markings whatsoever.

Between BofA stadium and Woodlawn there are 3 traffic lights with non functional bulbs.Street lights are pretty good after dusk with no more than every sixth or eighth light dark. 

Trash cans at bus stops haven't been emptied in weeks.

My father used to preach "start with your socks" in other words if you don't take care of the small things until later you'll look pretty funny with your socks over your shoes and under ware on top of your pants.

Maybe Charlotte City Council should start with their socks, fix the streets, take care of the homeless and repair some potholes, before giving a billionaire another 1/2 a billion?



  1. Prolly. But they don't care since they don't actually live in these areas much less travel around them. They know that's its better to stay away from that side of the tracks and just limit their exposure to the pretty tree lined neighborhoods and shiny downtown things.

  2. The grass needs to get mowed along Brookshire. Where is that 650mil coming from? How can they afford the light rail to mooresville?

  3. They are going to spend that money REGARDLESS what taxpayers say or vote. Look no further than Spectrum Center.

  4. If you’re over 20% body fat, you should be terminated immediately and euthanized, especially if you ride a dual sport while being fat

    1. Chill brother, I have depression and use food to feel better.

    2. You gotta have snacks in your HIDEY HOLE! I don't leave home without them.

    3. If you hate fat people, then it shows your superficial view of the world and lack of respect for human life.

    4. Many officers have PTSD that causes them to stop caring about life and their weight. It’s still unprofessional to be fat in uniform.

    5. If it wasn’t “respectful” to allow people to walk around morbidly obese, not only killing themselves at an accelerated rate but also grossly unappealing and insurance companies nightmare, then maybe so many slobs wouldn’t be wandering around stuffing their faces with Big Macs and Diet Coke, Michelle. Everyone doesn’t get a trophy and if you’re fat is your own fault. Grow up

    6. I know a cop feels dead inside. He doesn’t care about his appearance or his life. This is the situation we asked for. I try to get him to run but he just eats food.

    7. 1513 must be some skeleton looking cop that can’t put on muscle.

    8. Yeah..we had a DC who looked like a meth head for years….

    9. Didn’t we have a DC that had his service weapon stolen while he was visiting with his mistress in Concord?

    10. I know we have a Major that’s mistress got caught buying drugs and was arrested by JJ. The Major called me to get her a job after her termination from CMPD. She couldn’t pass a drug test, though.

    11. Obviously not a command college graduate. They have very high standards.

  5. The Chapman video of him stealing the money is scary. 15 years on the force and stealing money.

    1. Do you see his face while he denies it?

  6. Cedar post da video of the officer stealing the money. He would still do it if never caught.

  7. Everyone one of his coworkers should be reviewed for each property sheet. Birds of a feather flock together. The chain of evidence for his peers regarding dope and cash should be audited by SBI.

    1. Yes! A good ‘ole fashioned witch hunt is needed. Guilt by association NEVER turns out to be wrong 🙄

    2. You seem nervous

  8. Only person more grimy than Chapman is butler.

    1. I have to maintain my ship. I also kiss boys.

  9. Hey Chip, did you ever work with Chapman? I bet he stole before and cops said nothing. Sounds like that homie had push hard for the Body Cam to get investigated.

    1. They only released the video because a judge ordered the release to the public.

  10. My LT lied about his work hour and they busted him stealing 5 hours of pay. Didn’t stop him from getting promoted twice after that. Chapman stealing that $200 is like stealing that 5 hours of pay if you think about it.


    1. What? The stupidity of that comment is mind boggling.

    2. Why? If someone is losing about their hours then why would they get that money? Cash or check..still stolen money.

  11. Fuck Chief Jennings and his cronies!

    1. Come say that to my face bitch

    2. He would never say that. Jennings is very classy and love his employees. He made his decision to stay in law enforcement after he was promoted at 5 years and given a desk. His decision to fire officers and improve customer service is trending around the country.

    3. At 8:13am: Do you enjoy his balls bouncing off your chin? You have some impact marks? Need CSS to come photograph the damage?

  12. Megan Kelly said CMPD was an obviously poorly trained department. Chapman and the blonde cop in that video are evidence of her claim.

    1. What the blonde cop do

    2. 924: she ask him about the amount of money, instead of checking where he said the money was stashed. Blonde was covering for him.

    3. Clearly she’s never heard of “CMPD Serves” training.

    4. He also is/was a Lieutenant in the Navy as an Antiterrorism Training Officer. All for $900, has to be something else going on. He’s guilty as hell, his look in the car says it all. He knew he was caught. He looked panicked and squirming around trying to hide the money.

  13. The Chapman discussion is a distraction from the shooting with Josh. We need to determine who shot who.

    1. I thought it was who made who?

    2. I want to see the ballistic analysis from the slugs recovered in the autopsies.

    3. Look in the mirror, you’ll get to see one slug at least.

    4. It will be interesting if the bullets are different in different cops bodies.

  14. One shooter hits 8 cops and everything is dead silent around here. No one is saying anything.

    No Peace until the truth is revealed.

    1. How many did one shooter hit at the country music concert in Vegas ……? I guess they all shot each other too.

    2. Different situation entirely. Radio traffic said they were taking friendly fire.

  15. If you think there was 1 shooter in Vegas, this shows the lack of mental depth we have in these teams. Undertrained, underlead, arrogant, and with zero regard for their own or the public’s safety. Josh was killed by friendly fire. It was tough when we had to admit the same about Pat Tillman. The circumstances won’t change until everyone faces the truth.

  16. CONGRATULATIONS to the the new sgt that charged Wes Kerrick with murder. I can’t wait to see what leadership he is ready to teach the incoming super class.

    1. While I agree with you, Kerrick didn’t exactly do much for himself in the way of articulating fear for his life. We all know what he did was justified, but you still have to go in and explain it. He’s the reason why no one should say a damn thing until you have a lawyer. Rodney Monroe sure wasn’t about to help him out.

    2. Sue M and Monroe’s direction drove that train….get your shit straight.

    3. Gary ended Manassah’s push after she set him up before he left.

  17. Luckily all the details got ironed out during trial with campagnas story "testimoney"

    1. Completely agree! They gave him a promotion and his girl got a scholarship from the city.

    2. That was status quo when Romo was here. Screw the troops and get rewarded. Luckily for us a lot of those bobble heads have moved on but we still have a ways to go. We are still draining the swamp.

    3. We have several bobble heads at Ally Bank now

    4. I agree 1106, RoMo’s damage to the dept will rake a few more years to work itself out, but he opened the door for a legacy of lies, deception and just outright bulling to achieve personal goals.

  18. Sellers is a queer. Stay out of Steele creek nerd! No one cares about shit DWIs

    1. I want the award they give out to the weirdest looking cops at CMPD, though.

    2. You better not cross my path you boozer!

  19. Steele Creek has gone to shit! Not what I remember from the old A1 days when we had people that knew what the hell they were doing! M B Carter should have been fired twice but was promoted instead thanks to Dee Faulkner intervening.

    1. Rules for thee but not for me

  20. We had Sgts. in A1 that actually knew how to do their jobs!

    1. You saying Sgt Rieber can’t police the streets?

    2. Ahhh. A-1. The good ol days! Good supervisors and good captains back then. Remember how they looked after the troops and didn't shit on other people for gain. How things have changed.
