Friday, June 14, 2024

CMPD More on the Outer Carrier Vests

 Local Charlotte media is portraying the discussion regarding CMPD's lack of outer carrier vests as a "battle" and "fight.

It should not be a fight or a battle. CMPD Chief Johnny Jennings is a solid opponent of the vests. 

His biggest argument is regarding the image it gives Officers.

The argument about image however is totally without merit. 

Here's a local example:

In tourist dependent Pinehurst, North Carolina where image is everything all Police Officers wear outer carrier vests.

Speaking with Officers yesterday at the US Open they agreed, the vests are far superior. They speak of  weight distribution, comfort, the lack of back injury from heavy duty belts and most importantly safety.

As one Office said "It is far better if you are thin and don't own at lot of real estate around your middle".

The same is true with next door Southern Pines, North Carolina where the small department has also adopted outer vests. As one Southern Pines Officer told me he was surprised that Charlotte "of all places has not moved past the antiquated duty belts of the 1900's" pointing out the tired design has been basically unchanged for the last 100 years. 

You can read and if you like sign the petition here.


  1. One more dog whistle in those pure white, stagnant communities. Charlotte is world class, you have to project a world class image. Put all that gear in the trunk of the car and look like a safe person for us POC to interact with, otherwise go to Fort Liberty and get your green beret.

  2. Let’s give the CMPD

    Guns with laser(Thanks Shrek!)
    10 inch Knife
    Rolled up Sleeves(SWAT or NOT)
    Flashbangs on Uniform
    Outer Carrier Vest
    Playing Cards
    Nudes of Coworkers
    Smoke 💣
    MREs for meal(never happen with our DCs)

  3. Thanks for continuing to speak on this topic Cedar. We will continue to fight.

  4. Don't know why everyone is bitchin about the carriers. We aren't getting them. Get over it or move on to an agency where you can have your beloved vest...

    1. Sounds like my captain that hides in the office and goes home after before anything happens. Thanks for your your support.

    2. You’re welcome!

    3. You’re a real piece of shit it sounds like

    4. 1715: Don’t get butt hurt. Find a new job.

    5. @21:24 When we don’t have anyone to cover all these manpower pulls, you’re the 1st to volunteer for every one of them right? No bitching about always being pulled? If you’re telling everyone to quit if they don’t like the uniform, you’re ok with perpetually being understaffed right? If not, you better adapt with the times and embrace what the workforce wants.

  5. Anything that makes the job safer and easier and more effective is a plus. Scary police is fine by me. That Pinehurst "Officer of the Year" doesn't offend me in her outside carry vest. I'm not sure she'd like working in Charlotte. The murder rate in Pinehurst is zero as is much of the rest of crime. So a crazy safe town in North Carolina has vests and Charlotte doesn't how does that even make sense?

  6. Get over it. Most of these officers will quit before 10 years anyways.

  7. I was told carrier vests were out before they issued the 5.11 based uniforms.

  8. Most of the people at CMPD don’t work patrol or actual need a vest. It’s a wasted expense for us. If you work in property and evidence, then your career is over. Homicide unit slobs don’t need a vest or academy staff doesn’t need it, either.

  9. All of this blabbering about vests is for nothing. As said previously, get over it. It ain't happening. Go get a job in Pinehurst if it's that important to you. If you are willing to take a huge pay cut to wear an outer carrier then go for it. Better yet, go for a large pay increase and head out to LA. They are always hiring, along with every other agency in the nation.

    1. “iM gOiNg To LeAvE aNd GeT a TaKeHoMe aNd OuTeR cArRiEr”. Have fun with that 50k a year more pay increases for me 🤭

    2. Or…. You can lateral to concord, get a raise, a take home car, AND an outer vest.

    3. Fuck outta here with that dumb shit

  10. OCV Should be standard for every patrol officer. Ditto with the Fords. Not one officer should be forced to drive those POS Chevys If you're special you can have a Dodge Charger.

  11. Blah..Blah..Blah.... I'm going to go to another agency, get an outer carrier, a take home car, better working conditions, better leadership, etc..etc. I say go for it. You will soon find out that you will be dealing with the same bullshit we deal with here. That's why all agencies are trying to fill vacancies right now. There is no perfect agency. Meanwhile, my Hidey Hole is nice and shady!

    1. Hidey Hole guy has a point

    2. As a guy who left and went elsewhere in the state to a fully staffed and much smaller agency, and received a vest, a take home, and makes more money: your opinion is exactly what a hidey hole kind of guy would say. And I agree - please stay there because we don’t want your work ethic in other agencies. Took me a long time to realize CMPD was wasting my time. No more manpower pulls, no more forced overtime for staffing shortages, no more having my hands tied during a riot. I don’t give a flying f*ck about a vest or a beard, but it’s a nice perk on top of being able to see my cases send people to prison within 6 months instead of 5 years later. Hold down that hidey hole fatboiiiii

    3. Good for you to leave and do better. My major falsified a police report and covered brutality cases. My other major couldn’t use the GPS in our cars.

    4. I'm definitely with Hidey Hole guy. Jus stay in your hole. Far less hassle and the pay is decent. But, if you are really hell bent on "Policing" then I agree with lateral guy because this ain't the place to do it. We don't have the support at any level.

  12. How’s about you get your kids off of drugs, before you start complaining about health improvements. You don’t know the real truth around here. Yeah..vests!

    1. Talking about the brass in IA whose kid was picked up for DWI and told it’s in their best interest to release and not charge? Then goes and hits officers with bs petty policy violations. Ironic eh

    2. No, I was talking about my old supervisor(Hollar) that had a daughter on heroin, while he pushes us to enforce drug arrests. He retired with full pension, but always thought it was hypocritical of him. Addiction effects everyone and junkies are all around us.

  13. Do not let this conversation distract you from the investigation into triangulation firing at Josh’s death. Friendly fire was released initially without any additional information.

    1. Thanks for reminding us.

      Who Shot Josh?

      Release The Case File.

      The Suspect Is Dead.

  14. Andddd Steele Creek has another murder. That area was so nice until a few years ago.

    1. Lol, it hasn’t been nice for a long time.

  15. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! Stay safe and get home to those kids.

    1. Don’t forget to pay your child support, too.

    2. My new Sgt cheated on his wife of 5 kids. I don’t know how he affords his monthly payment?

    3. No worries. He will be a Lt. soon so he will get a nice pay bump!

  16. My lieutenant is an idiot

    1. Say more or say nothing

    2. My LT quit this place twice and got promoted twice. That’s the power of the pusy.

  17. Another subject covered in "Command College".

  18. So nobody is going to talk about how the chief is basically banned from North Tryons office?

    1. He is banned from Metro, too!

    2. Wow…. From N Tryon Sgt now capt banned from where he earned his patrol Sgt experience…. Sad indeed

    3. Articulate yourself my boy

    4. There’s a few people banned from metro. Including that XXXL sized 6k code number guy that just got kicked out

  19. Those PDs with OCVs have black cops? Just white cops in the jpegs. The cops obviously has PTSD.

    1. The K9 sgt looks like a killer with those eyes. No wedding ring either.

  20. Cedar you might add that most of the departments across the state have OCV Greenville, Hickory, Wilmington. I'm asking around and they all seem fine with them.

    1. I’m happy to hear that. Go love there and give up your higher pay. Thanks.

    2. Spoken like a true boomer

    3. Oh yeah.... Wilmington PD! Starting salary of 46K. Plus cost of living, especially housing is far higher than Charlotte. In addition to all those perks, far fewer opportunities for off duty work. Already explored that move. I'll pass on the cool shorts and polo shirts...

    4. I dunno anymore. Couple years back, I might’ve agreed. But now seeing so many leave and do very well in surrounding counties - Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, etc - I’m not so sure anymore. Sure there’s a pay cut, but factor in cars, perks for things CMPD doesn’t value like intermediate or advanced, and some counties are paying all the health insurance. It probably comes close to balancing out. Definitely has me looking around right now…

  21. G4S doesn’t need to wear all that equipment. Stop bitching and go work for Bellamy at Ally Bank with Cecil Brisbon and Veronica Brown.

  22. Jennings is a good chief. Everybody just wants to bitch about something.

    1. Did Jennings fire Lt. Mohammed for stealing from the church? How did that case come to the surface?

    2. Honest question, what has he done that’s good?

    3. Got y’all a big raise..that’s what nigga.

    4. Jennings must be commenting from his burner account again

    5. 0736, it’s me nigga!

    6. 1.Its the city manager that controls the raises. 2. We already getting raises before Jennings was chief. They just continued after he became chief.

  23. Happy Juneteenth everyone. Will there be another Beatties Ford massacre today?

    1. Intel Reports say BFR will be hot, today. Please exercise strong caution and remember to say “ my pleasure”.

    2. I will be celebrating Juneteenth from my HIDEY HOLE!! Shoot it up hood rats..

    3. Read this article! Lucas Vieth and Patrick Matthews never told this man that his kid got killed during the Beatties Ford Road massacre. The CMPD has never called him. Who is the detective on the case??

    4. We are all dumber now for having read that comment.

    5. veith is a communist.

    6. Veith is cooler than you 1918. Cry more about your outercarrier boot

    7. Does Veith support Communist control over media or the means of operation?

    8. I could fight Nelson and Veith at the same time.👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽

    9. 912: is dat you Jake Paul?

    10. veith whistles the theme to mission impossible while in the shitter

    11. veith's car smells of warm cinnamon and hot dog water

    12. Chill Blee! You got busted by lil man.

  24. Wow p matthews dropped the ball? Thats a new one...

    1. It’s because he missing half a finger. If he had all ten he’d be able to hold onto the ball.

  25. Hey Cedar,

    I just saw the Central Division wearing white T-shirts with their vest over the shirt. That is the current state of affairs. They were making traffic stops like that.

    1. Sgt Ramsey and Sgt Sinnot need to enforce that! The name is Shields..LEARN IT

    2. Easy!! Shields is out ramming stolen cars during a vehicle app, you leave CRU alone!

    3. Looks like Beatties Ford had a murder during Juneteenth weekend. It must be Ballyntynes fault for that happening..

    4. White t-shirts are authorized with the uniform

  26. Career saving decision for shields.

    1. How does Shields even work here still?

    2. He wants to be come an LT soon

    3. Hey, if the dude from central can get promoted to LT being the cluster he is then shields will have no problem. Shields is at least competent, an asshole but competent.

    4. Yes, SGT and LT are not amazing promotions. It just shows that you can write up the officers and stand on a crime scene. They can always dump you in Property and Evidence.

  27. I saw a guy working an accident today. Cop had a screwed up haircut and unshaven. Sad times..

    1. I’m amazed at the number officers who can’t grown a full beard but walk around looking like a 16 year old sporting face fuzz as a beard…

    2. Or their gut hanging over their belt!

    3. 1237, let us live🧎🏿‍♀️‍➡️

    4. I’m a honest fat man that suffers from a disability and this is my source of health insurance for my family.

    5. But I love gravy. The struggle is real.

    6. I like pie!! :)

    7. 1217, I see you have returned.

    8. Probably came out of his hidey hole just long enough to go get some

    9. Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie

      My boss has a nice pie.

    10. I’m getting pie at the warehouse right now.

  28. As far as the beards, tattoos, and rolled up sleeves go, I can remember a time when we took pride in how we looked when we wore the "shiny" stuff and actually felt good about ourselves, and took pride in how we looked and what were doing. Now it's just do what ever you want to as long as you aren't mean to the black people committing crimes!

    1. Don’t forget about all the rights you were able to violate back then too. Most of the officers back then would be wearing an orange uniform if they were still policing today.

    2. It was called "Policing" Rook. And it was effective...

    3. Well I’ll get me 30 years in when I retire and I have more years behind me than I have ahead of me, so I’m not sure I qualify as a “rook”. Yes, I understand it was effective. It’d be effective today too. It’d also be effective in getting you prison time. Times change.
