Monday, November 7, 2022

American Airlines Passenger Melt Down

Airline travel is challenging, even for long time business travelers. The demographic shift in passengers and discounted airfares means your chances of encountering a traveling nut case are pretty damn high. 

Purchasing a "First Class" ticket might protect you from the barroom brawls in coach but not from the deranged idiot on your next Charlotte to Baltimore flight.
Yesterday, American Airlines Flight 1223 arrived in Charlotte only 4 minutes late and promptly found a gate and began the process of deplaning passengers. 

First Class followed by coach passengers, smoothly exited the aircraft and within minutes they were on their way to connecting flights or baggage claim. 

A quick clean up and the American Airlines Airbus 321 would be ready for the 3:05 return flight to Baltimore. 

Except Inside the empty plane seated in row 23 is a lone passenger, who is now refusing to exit the aircraft. When American employees tried to "assist" her out of her seat she reportedly went into meltdown mode.

It took 3 CMPD Officers, 2 Medics, 1 Clergy, and 6 American Airlines employees 50 minutes to talk the young woman into departing the aircraft.

American 2411 departed fifty minutes late without further incident.

As for the passenger apparently she was "scared" but finally exited the aircraft willingly or somewhat under her own power as she was strapped to a narrow wheelchair her arms and legs bound but not in handcuffs or a straightjacket and apparently she was not arrested. Medic was providing her with oxygen, maybe to keep her calm?

What a mess. 


  1. Interference of commerce used to be a federal felony. A taser would've solved this in 2 minutes.

  2. I'm not surprised anymore with the number of freaks, fools, and felons who are flying coach these days.
