Monday, November 28, 2022

Charlotte Driver Video Tapes Racist CMPD

CMPD running a Accident Reduction Operation targets low income folk?

Well at least that's what one random Charlotte resident claims as she witnesses several simultaneous traffic stops along The Plaza.

The driver or passenger can be heard saying "everyone they pull over is Black". 

In the video CMPD marked SUV's are seen conducting traffic stops as well as two "Dual" sport motorcycles as the voice remarks "you need to take your ass to the south side".

Cedar's take:

This is the same tired "you pulled me over because I'm black excuse". It has got to be hard blaming life's mistakes on your skin color. Of course you can hear it: "Officer you pulled me over because I'm black" followed by "No ma'am I pulled you over because you were doing 67 in a 35 mph zone and you don't have a valid tag on your car".

Anyone driving in Charlotte just to the grocery store or taking the kids to school has noticed the insanity or Charlotte drivers. So many have toss the DMV manual out the window that speeding has become insane. 70 on Central and Providence and 100 is normal on 485.

So what's your take?


  1. How many cops at cmpd have a DWI? Times are tough so we need the manpower.

  2. Never understood American DWI laws. In Australia you don't drink and drive the .05 makes it nearly impossible not to blow the limit after two drinks. And a DWI conviction and you can't even make entry to a dozen countries including Canada.

    As for the driving while black racist BS hah same old excuse.

  3. You would think them nuggets would stop with that racist you stopped me because I'm black BS. The radar gun they are pointing at doesn't care what your skin color is. Whitey might get a warning if everything else is good. Black folk never have that shit in order. Tag is expired DL suspended, they have warrants or some other BS that makes a warning impossible.

  4. I didn't see a tally of the citations issued vs warnings but I'd guess it was pretty fair. Ever since COIVD people have decided to heck with traffic laws. I can't explain it, except lack of enforcement.

  5. Don't speed and you won't get pulled over. Nuggets going to complain no matter what.

  6. I say burn them all!

  7. CMPD doing the same on Providence last month and BCP in August. Like shooting fish in a barrel. I guess they were all white ppl on BCP. Black folk and the racist white ppl all treated the same around here speed you gonna get pulled sooner or later.

  8. I speed all the time… didn’t think CMPD was doing anymore pro-active policing ?
