Thursday, November 3, 2022

Too Fast Too Furious? (The One Who Got Away)

 Ask anyone around Charlotte about "Street Racing" and they will tell you it is out of control.

Last weekend's Southpark "take over" of Fairview and Park Roads lasted a full hour. Dozens of calls to 911 with no response from CMPD. 

CMPD tells local media that they were on the scene 14 minutes after the calls came in. But CMPD sources tell CP and Meckburbia that they've been told to "stand down". In other words No pursuits No arrests.

Need proof?

Doing donuts Uptown just a few blocks from CMPD Headquarters and surely you'll get busted?


Or maybe not. Seems the no pursuit no arrest order to stand down is true.

But CMPD tells local media that's not true. There also no serial killer targeting Black women. 


  1. CMPD is a mess. Mayor Vi Lyes is all in on BLM including the right to cause madness and mayhem on our streets. Chief Jennings says the no pursuit order stands and that means all you have to do is keep driving. Absolutely bonkers.

  2. 848am, the CMPD brought back Aquino since we are down 300+ cops. She accused Tinsley of raping her and sued CMPD. That just says it all. No respect for anything or anyone around here.

  3. Stupid councilmember Pimple says CMPD is doing something about this LOL! She points to last year when CMPD seized some cars and bikes. Of course she doesn't tell you that the Meck DA and Judges returned all the cars and bikes and tossed most of the charges.

    And of course Mayor Vi Lightfoot Lyles is silent.

  4. Serial wife beater thug shoots and kills baby's momma's 4-year old boy and gets charged with only manslaughter. Only in Charlotte. Amazing!

  5. Guys, we have a 67 year old officer in South Division so I don’t they we are fully staffed to manage small events like these. Masterurbia, please stop stirring the pot and let us get back to serious work.

  6. So non LE here and I'm not out and about at 1 am much be is this a thing in Charlotte? The reason I ask is the news media seems to come out with these "hot" stories only during "sweeps" for the ratings.

    I've lived in Charlotte for 20 years and I've never seen this sort of BS.

    Just looking for an honest answer.


  7. So the popo said nah I'm not chasing that nugget tonight? Wow!

  8. Wuzzup JT? Let me toss you a clue..
    CMPD has bigger fish to fry internally than this shit. HR has to sit in every interview for jobs becuase the politics are so bad. The actual manager cannot interview the person, it must be from outside the division. That’s because the white people keep complaining about getting skipped over for minorities. The actual work is same old same old. It’s the internal behaviors that make people stop caring.

    1. I’ve seen HR sit in and watch the hiring manager still hire the favorite over HR objections. You have entire units at the LEC that were created that way.

    2. You must be talking about the Preston situation!

  9. I'd say based on "Anti Park & Chill"'s posted videos on youtube CMPD is just looking the other way. Blowing off SouthPark residents won't help JJ's image thug life baby!

  10. but the white ppl do keep getting skipped over for promotions. tammy pippen is gonna make sure of that regardless.

  11. It is pretty obvious what happens when you hire and promote based only on skin color. CMS, CFD, CATS, Solid Waste what a mess.

  12. If you are a white male(non fagget) then where is a good place to work in Charlotte with fair opportunity? Should I join the Army like Sgt Shields and Sgt Holmes?
