Monday, December 26, 2022

CLT Solid Waste Service's Stunning Incompetence

It's not hard really, just update your website to tell taxpayers the garbage collection holiday schedule. 

Garbage collection happens on all holidays except MLK Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

This year because Christmas falls on a Sunday and the Holiday is the following Monday there will be no garbage collection on Monday December 26th. In other words everyone's garbage will be collected curbside one day late. Simple right?

Unless you are the City of Charlotte staff who think Christmas is on Sunday December 26th and you put that on the City website. It's not, Christmas is on Sunday December 25th and the Christmas "work" Holiday is Observed on Monday December 26th. 

Cedar's Take: This is what happens when you promote and hire based solely on skin color and not experience, education or common sense.

I know, it is not a big deal, and yes it is just an honest mistake, or that it doesn't really matter because most people will put their trash out on the usual day and then wonder why the trash wasn't picked up. 

Some will blame being short staffed or COVID or whatever, and say its silly to be concerned about such an obvious error.

But ask yourself if they are making such stupid mistakes on the easy stuff what is the cost to taxpayers when they screw up the major stuff? If they can't get the date right on the information they provide the public, how do they submit payroll correctly? If they can't figure out Christmas how do they know the companies they contract with are submitting legitimate invoices?

Well they are 2 for 3 apparently good enough for government work.

It is only three days a year, how freaking hard can it be to get this correct?


  1. Cedar, you are a racist. You prob never hauled trash in your life.

  2. There it is the race card. How about admitting the facts. Charlotte's management from the top down is incompetent. I don't care what color they are - the people running this city lack the basic gray matter to get the job done right.

    And it might be if they'd hire the right people and not the right color we'd be a better place for everyone.

  3. Is there any function of Charlotte GovCo that works a real 40 hour week? Nothing seems to be run efficiently. DOT Police Fire CATS what a mess.

  4. Solid Waste has enough problems. Let’s not kick a dead horse. Most of them are convicts trying to get right.

  5. I’ve been collecting my dads check from city of Newark for twelve years now. He passed in 2010. It pays to play the game. We call it survivor benefits. I know it goes on in every municipality. I send a Kringle to the clerk every December to make sure she knows dad appreciates her dutiful service.

  6. Hey 2:26 what truck number does Patrick Cannon drive?

  7. CATS is just awful.
