Wednesday, May 22, 2024

File This Under Everything is Racist

And then there's this from the NY POST:

NY correction officer shares ‘racist’ biscuits and gravy post about Georgia jail, sparking investigation.

A veteran Westchester County corrections sergeant is under investigation for a “racist and offensive” social media post ridiculing Georgia jail guards, officials told The Post.

Sgt. Michael Bourhill’s off-color post shows a group photo of the Georgia Department of Corrections – most of who are black and some appear overweight, with the title, “Damn!!” “They must serve some good biscuits and gravy at the Georgia Department of Correction,” the caption above the image reads.

The post came to the attention of county officials last week, prompting a probe.

“Posting or reposting inappropriate images is a violation of Westchester County employee policy,” Cioffi said. “Employees who violate this policy will be subject to formal disciplinary charges.”

A Westchester County black corrections officer group took even more umbrage, calling the post racist.

“The Westchester Correction Association strongly condemns the racist and offensive social media post shared by a Westchester Correction Sergeant,” the group said on Facebook.

“Sharing this post is not only unprofessional and inappropriate for any law enforcement supervisor as well as deeply racist and demeaning,” the group said. “To merely share such a post is offensive to this supervisor’s colleagues and co-workers.”


  1. Hope everyone on channel 9 gets cancer

  2. Wow….shots for 45 mins and guys on the radio saying shots at each other. 8 guys shot by one felon like the Predator?

  3. Well, being obese as a corrections officer, or any leo, is offensive!

  4. What is racist about gravy biscuits? I get watermelon or fried chicken samitch but gravy biscuits are everywhere well in the south at least.

  5. Cedar do a stori about the investigation into friendly fire at Josh’s death. Sounds like when TRAP shot themselves in the foot in Wilkinson Blvd area.

    1. Did the cops shoot ARs at other cops?

    2. just watch the neighbors live stream if its still up. no training, no idea what to do. Triangulation and lots of shots taken blindly at any pop noise.

    3. 908hours, OMG how am I not surprised.

  6. Obviously the key to avoiding any of this is to be a CMPD command college graduate, if you are even able. You can identify us by our prominent display of embroidered jackets.

    1. Chickerees assistant went to CC so he can take control of situations!

  7. So typical of koolaid sippers to criticize Channel 9 for doing their jobs to expose inconsistencies with the current narrative. JJ cares so much about his officers except for the guys doing their jobs. Those guys get fired from their jobs.

    1. CMPD will go crickets, like usual, rumors will spread, opinions will be formed; but no one with any knowledge or credibility will address the friendly fire…. And the ongoing death spiral of the morale, morals, authority and respect for the department will take another hit. It’s sad 20 years ago the department had promise

  8. The radio traffic literally says they are taking friendly fire. You can’t trust your coworkers.

  9. Y'all take a deep breath. We don't know all the facts and the epic amount of swirl is JJ's fault for once again not being out front and up front.

    So F him do your job keep you head on a swivel and go home to your family when your shift is over.

  10. Wow, how stupid do you have to be to believe that the police shot each other? The idiot felon was on the second floor of a house shooting down. Everyone on the ground was shooting up at him. Who did they hit? The cop 5 miles away when their bullets finally came down? No, you would have us believe that they were just randomly shooting around the house? Bang! Did we get him? Bang! How about now? WTF

    1. Did you see the map where officers were hit?


      No just one window upstairs.
