Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Street Take Overs and General Disorder - Charloot!

Local News Media pointing to videos circulating on social media from this weekend showed cars doing burnouts in Uptown Charlotte and another street takeover in NoDa . Someone was even hurt in the process, MEDIC said.

The videos show large crowds watching the drivers during the stunts. At least two vehicles were doing donuts in the intersection in front of the NASCAR Hall of Fame, the videos showed. 


In the above video MEDIC said someone was hit by a car around 2 a.m. Sunday at the intersection of 36th and North Davidson streets. That victim was taken to the hospital with serious injuries, MEDIC said. 

Volume up for the distinctive "thud" followed by the collective "ooooohh" from the crowd. 

That incident happened in front of Fire Station 7. (We do hope the victim will be ok). 

Charlotte Fire said at the same time in the same location, one of their engines was involved in crash. It wasn’t a serious accident.

One video shows a different vantage point of the NoDa takeover. A coupe is seen drifting counter-clockwise around the intersection, and then it goes back the other way. On its second pass, a man recording with his phone crouches down before he’s hit by the coupe on video.

CMPD has remained silent regarding the incidents and the name of the one injured spectator has not been release. No arrests have been made and as with other street takeovers CMPD response was rather muted despite plenty of advance promotion of the locations, dates and times via social media. 


  1. CMPD don’t care. 🤷🏿‍♂️

  2. CMPD was told not to mess with the Thugs and Hood Rats.

  3. Who cares. DA's Office would dismiss any charges anyway.

  4. So Vi Lyles told JJ to let the feral animals to run wild?

  5. They don’t understand what they do.

  6. Its gonna be a long hot summer.

  7. Why did it take CMPD nearly 30 mins to respond?

    1. Hows morale at cmpd?

    2. How’s bout you eat this beaver?🦫

  8. Looking for free rent at the airport. Any 2 bedroom spots available? We don't necessarily need a bathroom.

  9. Charlotte Taxpayers, not the freeloader with SNAP Card but Taxpayers should be livid!

  10. I remember when Lt Mohammed gave a fucking speech about the crime stats on the roof of the parking deck.

    What’s up now?

  11. What happened to that Scarlet BS…oh yeah they made some arrests, got a press release and handed out some awards for police doing their jobs… problem not solved.

    1. Is that worse than a group of rooks getting a life saving award for someone DOA during a vehicle crash?

    2. I swat he’d a cop get an award and she did nothing of value to help us during the incident.

    3. ^^Oh god my bad..phone changed it.

      I watched cop receive an award..

    4. You realize scarlet has nothing to do with the street takeover stuff right? Idiot.

  12. I think the crowd groan was added but maybe not. Gotta love how they are just keep the video rolling as the thug with his head nearly broken off falls to the ground.

  13. All just kids being kids. Nobody remembers what we used to do at Shuffletown or on Wilkinson huh?
    It would help if Meck had youth centers and mental health awareness facilities up and in full swing

  14. What would really help is if everyone would just stay in their Hidey Holes and let these shits off each other. You are wasting your time doing any enforcement since the DA's Office dismisses everything. Until we have a DA with a set we are powerless.

    1. Tru dat. That why they vote for him.

  15. Just wait until Coonteenth gonna be fun. Already seeing posters on da Ford and I hear there are block parties planned up in Uni City. Good luck!

  16. Can anyone who attended the ceremony at the LEC comment about the chief? I’d like to know if the rumors I’m hearing are correct or if it was not as bad as what I’m hearing.

    1. It’s true, all of it. The memes are starting to flow! This is what happens when we are a number to command staff and not a person, husband, father, son etc. Don’t expect me to speak to you or acknowledge you when you can’t even give me the same respect. Several years ago, Jocko Willink came and spoke about leadership and his book is used for new SGT’s, but yet our leadership can’t see they are the issue.

    2. If you have to read a book or a hear a motivational speak to find your personal motivation then there is something seriously wrong. The police foundation pays these speakers 10k or more in speakers fees… and for what?

    3. I went to the speech by Jocko and he spoke about being humble and reducing your ego. I thought he was a good guy. The real problem is I saw people like Amy Davis sitting in the front row. She got caught fucking at the work and was stabbing in the nipple with a fork by the wife of her cheating lover. I also saw a coward that backed down from a fight in Hidden Valley and several obese slobs. You can try to blame the speakers, but they are doing their jobs. Its the people that we choose to retain and promote that is the real problem. You can teach the wrong people and its all a waste of time.

  17. So we got another homeless arsonist, which county they gon ship em to this time?

  18. Is LT Mohammed still in jail? Did he post bond? How much was it?

  19. Stop calling him a lieutenant. Not an employee anymore. Maybe one of the command college graduates knows what his bond was? (birds of a feather) (just saying)

  20. Lieutenant is a pretend rank at CMPD it is what they give you when they don't trust you as a captain and you're worthless as a sergeant because everyone hates you.

    It is as dumb as JJ's four stars.

    Thanks RoMo

    1. So what's your advice to others? Just don't try to get promoted at all? Moron.

  21. Any updates? Just one arrest? The only car seized was a stolen one that crashed? Come on you lazy bums!
