Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mecklenburg Commissioner Elect Yvette Townsend-Ingram Arrested

According to local television news a newly-elected Mecklenburg County commissioner was arrested for driving while impaired, back on May 1st.

Commissioner-Elect Yvette Townsend-Ingram was arrested on May 1 in Gaston County. She was in a parking lot in Belmont on Catawba Street. The police report says she was arrested at Kevin Loftin Riverfront Park.

Records show Townsend-Ingram had a blood alcohol content more than two and a half times the legal limit. She blew a 0.2 for her breathalyzer test.

Townsend-Ingram, who called the incident a learning experience. She said she takes accountability for the arrest.

“I’m looking at this as a moment of, you know what, this is a teachable moment. You can use this to empathize with people,” Townsend-Ingram said. “Things happen, but it’s how you move forward from them that makes the difference.”

Townsend-Ingram said she had a weak moment after she lost her job at Johnson C. Smith University and was also mourning the death of her brother, who died in March.

“I had brought with me a bottle of wine. I fell asleep with the car running for the air conditioning and with the bottle of wine open,” she said. “So when the police came knocking on my door, Belmont police came and knocked on my door and arrested me because they said I had intent to drive.”

She was arrested and taken to the Gaston County jail. The warrant says she drove her car but Townsend-Ingram denies she was driving.

Townsend-Ingram said she is not hiding from her mental health issues and wants people to learn from this.

“It’s a distraction. A distraction of my own creation, but it’s a distraction,” she said.

Yvette Townsend-Ingram, a Democrat, will be sworn on to the Mecklenburg County Commission later this year. She defeated Pat Cotham in the March primary to earn the third at-large spot. No Republicans are running.

The incident won’t impact her ability to be sworn into office.

Cedar's Take:

2 and 1/2 times the legal limit on wine? That's more than me tossing one back before having dinner with my Baptist mother in law. 

Drinking to excess and driving automatic resign we don't need elected officials killing us we have enough drunks and druggies on our highways. We can withhold judgement until after her conviction. However, mental health issues should absolutely preclude anyone from holding public office.

Note Robin and AndrĂ©a are hot Yvette omg not! Convince me I'm wrong?


  1. Why am I not shocked?? All those clowns voted her in. So much for integrity and leading by example. Somehow she’ll turn herself into the victim.

  2. Someone take away Ramseys radio privileges. Let him supervise from the office via email only.

    1. Ramsey worked for Mohammed if that says anythinggggggg

  3. Yea, he needs to be taken off the cameras too. If he calls out one more homeless person slinging a rock I’m going to scream.

    1. Didn’t CedarPosts tell you not to promote him?

      CMPD never listens to Cedar.

  4. The CMPD motto….
    “It ain’t that bad”

  5. She's either really unattractive or really drunk.

    1. 16:41 Look again she's obviously both!

  6. First, she wasn't driving, she was sleeping off a really bad personal moment in the car. This is Mental Health Month, so have some grace here. She admits she is having issues after she was let go at JC Smith. I hope she gets a job at Davidson to continue her academic excellence. Shout out to Braxton to pull some strings for a sista, make it happen.
    But how racist. I doubt we would see you posting this if an incoming white woman on council got arrested. It's only when the proud Black folks get targeted that we see these posts.

    1. I dunno. I would expect someone in her position to have her shit wired tight.
