Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Lot of Questions Few Answers

Far removed from most of Charlotte citizens daily lives there are a group of law enforcement personnel who "operate" under the Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force (CRFTF).


The Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force (CRFTF) has partnership agreements with four federal and 68 state and local agencies; and operates in South Carolina and North Carolina . 

The Task Force (CRFTF) has apprehended more than 8,900 fugitives in the Carolinas since its inception.

Members of the Task Force are deputised US Marshals. It is the modern day equivalent of a US Marshal's pose in the American West during the late 1800's.

The Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force (CRFTF) began operations in January of 2018 under the Presidential Threat Protection Act of 2000. The Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force (CRFTF) is the newest Regional Fugitive Task Force. 

The US Marshal's website promotes the Task Force like this:

The Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force (CRFTF) has made an extraordinary impact on the apprehension of the region’s most dangerous and violent fugitives striving to make their communities a safer place.


More than a week ago upon information and belief a warrant was secured for the arrest of a career felon.

Just months before four law enforcement officers were killed and five others were injured during a standoff, the man at the center of the deaths led police on a high-speed chase in Lincoln County.

Lincoln County Sheriff Bill Beam said one of his officers tried to pull over the suspect in January, but instead of stopping he decided to run. Sheriff Beam said a supervisor called off the short chase once the officer identified the license plate number, which was registered to a woman.

This was just another crime connected to the suspect. His list of convictions began 20 years ago and charges range from traffic to felony B&E. There are random weapons charges but nothing that would rise to this level of violence.

With 2 years and 3 months of total incarnation time according to the NCDOC.

But there are countless dismissed charges that cause alarm and then there are the crimes he committed that haven't been discovered. 

Task Force Operations

We will in good time learn what happened on Monday April 29th.

Sources familiar with the work of the US Marshal Task force say the Officers are extremely well trained and typically form a very cohesive team. 

Entry is typically made with a team stacked up at the door and quickly securing the interior of the premises and taking the suspect into custody. 

But the planning starts well before the arrest is made.

Intel is at the forefront. They talk to family, friends and informants. Cellphone pings and activity, technology surveillance is utilized and ultimately a plan is formulated.

The team may even set up in a nearby parking lot to practice the entry based of the knowledge before hand. 

Depending on the subject's habits the time of day for the arrest is made accordingly. It may have been that the suspect was known to take midday naps at the home at 5525 Galway Drive, Charlotte, NC, 28215. It may have been that he only occasionally stayed at the location. 

It is likely the team knew of the motion sensitive device on the right side of the house overlooking the driveway.

What we don't know is how the shooter managed to get a tactical advantage on the team before they could make entry.

US Marshals do not typically have BWCs so there may not be the typical fire fight video for review.

The response to the first shots fired officer down was without comparison. In the end it wasn't enough to save four heros.

North Carolina Department of Adult Correction Offices Sam Poloche and Alden Elliot, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police Officer Joshua Eyer and US Deputy Marshal Tommy Weeks died a week ago. Forever heros.
We continue to seek answers.

One more thing - The cost of this event will be far greater reaching than many of us realize. Politicians that we have elected to Charlotte City Council are clueless and many of us who value and obey the law don't understand the complexity of policing. 
You will see the clowns who complain that going after a low level perp was a waste. But if you don't draw the line here then where? The public forgets that many of the crimes committed by career criminals go undetected. 
I get the entire hidey hole thing. I don't agree with it. Josh by all accounts was at the other end of the spectrum. 
Those who know me also know that my wife and I have a lot of family that work in public safety, among them a Battalion Chief, a former FBI internet crimes now Bank Fraud Investigator, a retired CMPD Sergeant, two former Independence Division Officers one on disability (damn overachiever) two Rookie Officers . A former West Virginia Bureau of Criminal Investigations Agent, a US State Department Diplomatic Security Special Agent and one stand up guy who is also a part of the CRFTF. So yeah last Monday was hard.


  1. Criminals will learn from this situation. Is there a way to get a barrier shield for these approaches in the future? Each car has one like spikes?

  2. Doing this in broad daylight where a drug dealer likely has cameras is a bad idea. Task Force members don't get tactical training with the Marshals so perhaps that should change.

  3. Im guessing the turd had a death wish. It was planned. At least he's 6 feet closer to hell

  4. What was the suspect description again? Sorry main stream (fake) news didnt mention.

  5. Going after a guy for weeds is light weight. They prob didn’t expect a threat and walked right into 556 rounds. That sounds like the shooting where the guy was posted up on a stand with a rifle and shot every cop that showed up.

  6. They were going after him for FBF warrants. He had cameras everywhere like most folks today that alert your phone when they see people. He was determined he wasn't going back to jail and he didn't. Hell even the neighbors were live streaming the swat ops so everyone could see them as they were working. This is the environment today.

    1. you watching too much John Wick or something. you think someone taking lead from all directions is watching some livestream to get intel? You trippin

      Hope Ben Crump come an get his family they due on this. feds and charlotte be payin on this

  7. People are crazy now and don’t want to go to prison. Bad tractics and possible friendly fire. Let’s wait for the facts to be released.

  8. yall cant jump in his mind an guess what was going on. he thought he was being robbed. He had a small mj op, which should be legal (read your own task force report). He retaliated, which is legal to defend your property. I imagine his family is going to sue over this badged murder. Yes this is like the old West with posse mentality, but thats not the legal way of doing things. Serve him papers, and let him come to court like everyone else.

    1. Where cops there to steal the weed and money like in Training Day?

    2. Being arrest for firearm by felon. Nobody gave a sh@& about his puny MJ op. He was a turd

  9. MJ needs to stay illegal. No one (non users) like smelling that crap let alone driving on the roads where users be using & driving. I don't want my children exposed to it.

    1. skunk is the smell of the big city. bet them sro aint bustng up in the boys room to frisk a crew passing a stymi at north.
      cats brother. i take cats instead of driving. unless i borow a car from moms fam

  10. You realize that there are 100s of cops that went to Josh’s funeral that haven’t done their jobs in 15 years? Josh was highly productive and probably hated those cops that hide in their holes. I’ve seen FB posts from these people that collect checks about the dangers of their job. They were never like Josh. I hope we don’t use this event to stay hidden like we did with Wes. Stay vigilante and sharp of mind and body. Never trust the brass or the PTOs. Follow your heart to God’s command.

    1. Yeah, It’s also weird how many coworkers complain and talk about quitting, but go walk in the procession line like they are dedicated to the mission. A good image, but a false front.

    2. we learned from the best command staff has to offer. they been doing that shit for years. this community ain’t worth dying for that’s for damned sure.

  11. Anybody know how a brand new rookie sergeant got assigned to the airport? Certainly was kept quiet!

    1. Lord, went through the TSA line last week and the guy at the podium had a full on two arm sleeve ink job. Chewing gum so hard his molars must be wearing down. It beats the schlubs riding huge glorified mobility scooters in other airports, but man, put a long sleeve shirt on brother.

    2. Who is the @ssho!e sgt at the airport that likes to send group text messages to "his" people? Expects response on their days off from their personal, non city issued phone. Sorry (not sorry) sgt but you are out of line, not a leader & a douche. If I am looking, acknowledging, & responding to work related texts on my personal time then you are going to pay me for it! Whats that 2 or 3 hr minimum for CB time? You interrupting my personal time & not respecting work life balance. What say you?

    3. 1111: Fuck you! We are a team so respond when prompted. It’s just a quick phone call. You probably fucked up at work like Maz or Moorefield.

    4. You are replaceable. They don't care. Get a life

  12. 3rd shift DropoutMay 9, 2024 at 2:44 AM

    Josh never liked the lazy cops at CMPD.

  13. The last funeral won't be until Monday afternoon. Let's not forget about our brother who work with these scumbags to enforce court orders which are often mindless.

  14. Watching Aquino walk in the line to the church is disgusting to me.

  15. Meck DA released a bank robber Michael Malik-Leon Pringle on a $6,000 surety bond. Bunch of arrests all dismissed by the Meck DA including a first degree murder charge from last year. WTF? Why aren't the feds stepping up? Oh that's right Joe Biden is the president. MoFos always go free in this case he was locked up less than 48 hours.

  16. Not the real joe biden, do your own research, connect the dots. For fun google joe 2012 -2016. not the same guy as we see today.

  17. Are any CRU’s actually doing anything?

    1. Nope, they should be sent back to patrol

    2. They have never done anything since 2006

  18. Replies
    1. Hidey hole guy or gal you're a coward, go hangout with the others that signed off early on April 29th.

    2. I was thinking that. All those people walk in that line to church and half of them don’t remember the weight of a load gun. Cowards do exist in this place and it’s more than you think.

    3. When I'm in my Hidey Hole I usually take my belt off. It's more comfortable for napping.

    4. I can’t wait for some of the cowards names to come out. I know there’s a former A3 coordinator now Captain that took off and hid.

    5. Name names Nigger

  19. God dang, watch Preston’s body camera footage. Those men have a family. Go easy on ‘em partner.


    1. Is that Preston before or after he got a report number tattooed on his arm?

  20. When are the marshalls fixing the hole on this house? I have a wholesale deal lined up to flip this thing, but we can't move forward until that damage is repaired.

  21. The veterans with think this is interesting. A certain disliked SGT is currently doing a bracelet sale for the fallen officer. He ratted on one of the injured officers that just got out of the hospital and they hate each other. It’s funny how image looks one way, but the ugly truth is the shot cop would punch the SGT in a dark parking lot for snitching. They will do a charity drive for an officer and put a knife in the back of a different officer. Just remember that when dealing with management.

  22. Anyone see the chief with his white gloves on Sunday and not think to themselves WTF? I get it they tried but a honor guard and a moment of silence would have been better than the chief and whatever that rendition of America was. Just saying.

    1. The entire event was uncalled for and out of place. It made it look like the police dept inserted itself into the tournament. There is a time and a place, an Honor Guard, and flag raising at the start of the tournament would have been far more professional. Thankfully CBS did not cover the show.
