Wednesday, August 21, 2024

CMPD Apparently Hired Security Staff from former Wackenhut Security

A security guard admitted to masturbating multiple times while working at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Law Enforcement Center according to an affidavit published Sunday.

Austin Thomas, 24, has been charged with one count of indecent exposure and four counts of public masturbation. A police department employee on Saturday, Aug. 17, caught Thomas masturbating while he was sitting at front door to the headquarters, the affidavit said.

The front doors to the police headquarters are open to the public, and the inside of the building is visible from outside the glass doors.

That employee reported the situation to their supervisor, officials said. The alleged masturbation was reportedly caught on camera.

When confronted by detectives, Thomas stated that he was “just adjusting his shirt and that the zipper on his pants was down, so he zipped up his pants,” the affidavit reads. Once detectives told Thomas about the cameras, he reportedly backtracked and admitted to exposing himself and masturbating two to four other times while on the job.

Thomas said, “In the heat of the moment I didn’t think,” according to the affidavit.

Authorities said Thomas was employed as a security guard for one and a half months leading up to the incident. He first appeared in court on Monday, Aug. 19, and is scheduled to appear again for a disposition in December.

According to the arrest sheet:

On August 17, 2024, at approximately 2237 hrs while working as Security Guard for (Walden Security) at the Law Enforcement Center the suspect exposed his penis and masturbated while sitting at the front door. This area is open to the public and can also be seen from outside the glass doors. 

The victim (CMPD Employee) arrived for work and as she was walking up to the front glass doors, she observed the suspect exposing penis and masturbating from outside. When she entered the building, the suspect covered his penis, and she walked directly past him and directly upstairs where she immediately told her supervisor what she had seen. 

The cameras were reviewed, and the entire incident was captured on video. The suspect ended his shift and after being contacted by his employer voluntarily came back to the LEC where he also agreed to be interviewed by detectives. 

The suspect first advised he was just adjusting his shirt and that the zipper on his pants was down, so he zipped up his pants. He was advised of the cameras, and he then admitted to exposing his penis and masturbating at the front door near the x-ray machine. He stated "My thing was hard" and it gets very uncomfortable when its hard so "I Stroked my penis to get it soft." The suspect was asked if he realized what he did was crime and he advised he did and stated|, "In the heat of the moment didn't think." 

The suspect who has been employed as security guard for months also admitted to masturbating other times at the LEC while working as security guard Detectives reviewed camera footage and the suspect was also observed on August 09 2024 at 2130hrs, August 14, 2024. at 2220hrs and again on August 16,. 2024. at 2208hrs masturbating at the front desk located in the lobby and main entrance of the Law Enforcement Center The suspect was charged with count of Indecent Exposure and counts of Public Masturbation.


  1. This guy has Command College written all over him. Is he confirmed as a recruit yet?

    1. Monkey See.... Monkey Do! Had he been an employee within the department this would definitely elevate him to the next level.

    2. Isn’t that how you become detective in central

    3. Also detective at LEC

    4. It’s better than raping women in the police car.

  2. To be fair, who hasn’t busted a nut on duty before?

  3. There are violent defendants who are wandering the streets waiting on their cases to be dismissed by our progressive DA. And we are wasting resources on charging this guy for? 🤦‍♂️

    1. We need to send a message that sexual actions at work will no longer be tolerated at this department!

    2. Yeah.... Right. That's it.

  4. Wait, what? The CMPD Headquarters is being protected/guarded by masturbating rent-a-cops?

  5. They let his sorry ass out on the same day I'd guess unsecured bail. But how would you like to be the one of the guys over the last month and 1/2 who tried to be nice when meeting this guy and politely shook his hand? Gives new meaning to the phrase "nut job" doesn't it?

  6. Cops out here going after criminals and the guard is flashing women at the headquarters. How stupid can you guys be?

    1. Re-read what you wrote doofus. "Cops out here going after criminals" and "guard flashing women" which part of stupid that the "guys" are doing? The guard isn't a cop..and cops should be going after criminals.

      How stupid are you?

  7. I’ll never shake another security guards hand,,, ever…

  8. Protect the Brass and the dispatchers!

    1. Most dispatchers probably helped him nut off. They thirsty up there.

  9. Anyone have an idea why they dropped the charges against Tyree Knight? I see that a voluntary dismissal was entered yesterday and Cedar says he was released around midnight last night. Wasn't that Lineberger's arrest?

    1. And you’re surprised? It’s Meck Co

  10. I don't care if this is racist or not. Noogies are just subhuman. Look at this POS are you telling me this is what greeted taxpayers and employees walking into the LEC at night? Really? No wonder why people laugh at cops.

  11. You guys are too funny! Love this site.

  12. When does he start the academy?
