Saturday, August 24, 2024

CMPD Command Seeks to Terminate Officer

According to a local news station CMPD has suspended an officer who logged off on the afternoon of deadly shootout, and has transferred another.

An internal email confirms the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department took action against two officers who logged off before and during April 29 ambush which left 4 law enforcement officers dead.

Deputy U.S. Marshal Thomas Weeks, Task Force Officers Alden Elliot and Sam Poloche and CMPD Officer Joshua Eyer died at the hands of a gunman on the afternoon of April 29. 

Several other officers suffered injuries. A federal task force was attempting to serve a warrant on the fugitive at the time of the ambush.

The report:

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department suspended one of its own in the days after WCNC Charlotte questioned why some police logged off their radios before and as a gunman killed four officers, public records show.

CMPD won't reveal why the agency took action against that patrol officer. A spokesperson said, by statute, the department can't release certain details about personnel matters, calling that "confidential and not a matter of public record."

"From his file, it appears that the officer has been suspended pending the civil service review," CMPD Director of Public Affairs Sandy D'Elosua Vastola said in an email to WCNC Charlotte. "We don't have anything further to share at this time."

As of Thursday afternoon, the Civil Service Board had yet to set a hearing date for the officer, according to the city clerk.

In the aftermath of the deadly east Charlotte shootout on April 29, multiple officers shared concerns with WCNC Charlotte about a small number of their colleagues who were seemingly unavailable to respond that afternoon. WCNC Charlotte brought questions to CMPD on behalf of the hundreds of on- and off-duty police who responded to the Galway Drive shooting. In response, the agency dismissed their concerns and called WCNC Charlotte's reporting "irresponsible" and "a slam job."

Since May, WCNC Charlotte has repeatedly requested information about two officers in particular. An internal email sent to Vastola on May 29, recently obtained through a public records request, confirmed both officers were among those who logged off the radio on April 29. Upon sharing that revelation with the department, the spokesperson, citing state law, told WCNC Charlotte CMPD should not have released portions of that email.

"I would respectfully request that you do not publish that portion of the email as it was sent to you in error from our Public Records Department," Vastola said. "Specifically, the (logoff) sentence is protected personnel information."

A month-and-a-half before CMPD suspended the one officer, WCNC Charlotte filmed him working desk duty in June. That change to his employment lasted for weeks, but despite WCNC Charlotte's repeated questions, the department never reflected the temporary work assignment in the publicly releasable portions of his personnel file.

When asked, the department spokesperson said North Carolina public records law does not allow agencies to release public information about "current" work assignments or work schedules.

The officer's work status officially changed to suspended on July 31, according to his file. The suspension came just days after WCNC Charlotte aired its investigation and followed a Facebook post by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police criticizing the department's response to WCNC Charlotte's reporting.

"Now we know now several weeks later that this was 100% true; that your facts were 100% correct," FOP President Daniel Redford told WCNC Charlotte. "There's validity to what you were asking about. We know for 100% certainty that an officer has been punished for logging off. Granted, there may be some other things behind it, but (that) was one of them. It goes to show that your 'irresponsible' 'slam job' article that you wrote wasn't irresponsible on your part."

Even as a former FBI agent and a retired FBI assistant director called for more openness in the wake of the deadliest day for law enforcement in Charlotte history, CMPD's spokesperson "strongly" cautioned WCNC Charlotte from moving forward with a story, noting the sensitive nature of the day's events.

Ultimately, the department refused "to speculate" about why some officers were seemingly unavailable.

"It's not that they logged off. It's what their logging off represents as far as the response from the department," Redford said. "As tragic as it is, I don't want to see people using it as an excuse to forgo answering questions, because it might not fit a certain criteria of what they want their agency to look like."

Redford said the department's dismissive response prompted the FOP to take a public stand against the spokesperson's handling of this situation.

An internal email confirms the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department took action against two officers who logged off before and during April 29 ambush.

The Char-Meck FOP FaceBooK Post:

Whether you agree with Nate Morabito on this article or not, we can say the concerns he raises in this article are true and our Lodge received the same information. We can say that not every officer who logged off did so intentionally; however, questions remain on a few and is why Nate felt the need to inquire about it and later publish an article about it.

The point of our post is not so much on the topic of Nate’s story, but on Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s response to it. Nate cites that CMPD is not going to speculate; however, they have the ability to conduct an easy and quick Internal Affairs (IA)Investigation. It would raise enough concern that officers intentionally logged off and would be in the wheelhouse of IA, as there were nearly 20 who logged off in the minutes around the shooting. We feel every officer would expect an investigation be conducted and appropriate action taken IF someone logged off to purposely avoid responding to a call for help. Again, not everyone who logged off did so nefariously.

CMPD’s IA is fully capable of quickly getting these answers for CMPD to provide to Nate without identifying anyone. IA pulled over 40 people in for interviews over memes being made - so they could ask questions here too.

It’s pretty bad when the former Assistant Director of the FBI says CMPD should be a bit more transparent. Instead of more transparency, CMPD PIO Director Sandy D’Elosua Vastola attacked Nate Morabito calling his article “irresponsible” and a “slam job.”

All Nate did was ask a question that CMPD refused to answer and one that several of CMPD’s own employees were concerned with. CMPD conveniently hides behind state personnel law when there is the appearance something is amiss, yet CMPD Chief Jennings couldn’t wait to spill the name, punishment, and intimate details of an officer involved in an arrest that went viral. You can’t use law to skate answering questions then forget a law exists when it’s a good look for you.

Chief Jennings says he has fought so hard to make CMPD a premier agency, yet the mouth piece of his department resorts to petty nastiness whenever she doesn’t like the questions being asked.

Sandy, we are not public affairs experts but this is how we would have handled this: (these are how we envision a conversation going if we were in Sandy’s position)

WCNC’s Reporter: Hi CMPD, some officers have raised concerns about a handful of officers who logged off during the April 29th shooting, can you provide any details?

How we would respond: WCNC Reporter, thank you for the inquiry. While we are unaware of this specifically, we’ll be glad to ask and get back with you.

WCNC’s Reporter: Thank you

How we would respond: WCNC Reporter, sorry for the delay but we found an answer for you. We do see that there were several log offs around the time the incident occurred but (depending on what was found) 1) none were found to have intentionally logged off, or 2) most were found to have not intentionally logged off and we are looking further into 1 or 2 to get more details. We thank you for you the partnership and do want to point out the heroism of all law enforcement officers that day. What you may not know is that dozens of CMPD officers who were on their day off came in wanting to help. We would like the public to know about them while we sort out and get answers on those who logged off.

WCNC’s Reporter: Thank you for the reply and answers. You all have a lot of heroes and it’s comforting to know. (News article not published because CMPD was transparent).

To Sandy D’Elousa Vastola, try being little nicer, you are representing the department, its employees and the City of Charlotte.


  1. Name drop. Gotta know who we can’t trust out there

  2. Let me be 100% clear..there are people at this agency that have always been cowards. Many of your supervisors are cowards. People become detectives due to fear. The academy is coward central with polo shirt wearing queers.

    They blame it on family and knee pain, but they were always scared out here. It’s not about logging off, it’s how fast you drive to the scene and what you do when you arrive.

    I’ve seen cops stage for 20 mins without action. I’ve seen cops point their weapon into the fucking ground. I’ve seen cops run from a dog instead of shooting it.

    It’s cowardism to still work here after all this drama over the years. Cowardism is failing to take action in matters that require attention. You stayed after Wes Kerrick and Metro 5 terminations. You stayed after the Riots and payscale scams.

    Don’t act to tough and brave now.

    1. Take your chill pill and relax, dude. There are differences between being a coward and being smart. There are differences between being a hero and being a dumbass. Our number one priority is to go home at the end of the night. Our safety is number one. You cannot help if you became part of the problem. Kerrick was a coward and no one to sacrifice for. Being killed on duty because some dumbass other cop wants to be a superstar in making an arrest of a crackhead larceny suspect who run out the store with a bag of chips isn’t going to make it. I will die running into a school for an active shooter to save kids life without blinking.

    2. 413, you sound like a lazy motherfucker that doesn’t help your coworkers. Today it’s a bag of chips. In ten years it’s just a rape.

    3. Sounds like someone knows about the Larry Wilson shooting from long ago and his backup who did nothing and was promoted for it.

    4. Listen…if you have been here over 20 years then you have been apart of some dirty shit and you know it. Only the rookies are nieve to think these veterans are soldiers on the streets.

      Name one Major that is NOT a lying scumbag other than Tellis who shot at a moving car with his gun sideways.

    5. 1744hrs, there is a difference between a misdemeanor and a felony. The bag of chips is a misdemeanor that occurs outside an officer present and by law a warrantless arrest isn’t authorized. Too many dumbasses.

    6. Unless he’s banned and it’s felony B/E but you don’t know that yet cause you’re at RS, which is enough to detain and make an RDO arrest for. DUMBASS

    7. You either like catching people or you like the welfare check on Friday. The cops making excuses will always find a way out of doing work.

      Misdemeanor or Felony..doesn’t matter.

  3. Hidey Hole here, but anyone who knowingly checked off when this was going down needs to be terminated. I admittedly stay in my hole for reasons many may not understand but when a fellow officer calls 33 traffic I'm burning rubber out of my hole to get there!

  4. Got to me more to this than someone just deciding to tap out.

  5. I'm with Hidey Hole guy. Never let a brother down.

  6. SMH, there so many cowards that work here. They are just making an example out of these two clowns. The circus will continue as always.

    1. What’s the pussys name in north who let the female officer get strangled in front of him and he did nothing?

    2. 1413: I watch two cops stand outside the epicenter on the sidewalk while a black guy strangled a woman in the street. The cops did nothing and then hid behind an ATM.

      They moved the cowards to Property and Evidence. They still get paychecks and promotions here.

    3. 2:13 - I forget his name but I think he recently retired . By the way he got an award for that during the award ceremony that takes place during police week

  7. Cowardism defined: Airport and LEC 2nd Floor

  8. So CMPD cites policy stating they don't release names? Where is this policy 2 minutes after a shooting?

  9. News flash: every Division has their cowards. Just know who you are answering your calls with. You know who. Just be careful with them.

    1. Is there a quota for sgts to write up officers?

    2. Ask newfound Captain Carter

    3. He wouldn't know. He is too busy hanging glamour shots of himself around in office.

  10. Wtf is going on with all the failure to stop today. Metro was lit

    1. Lack of accountability and know the city is too scared to chase criminals, you’ll have that

  11. Why stop? Chase me. I’ll complain, get ya some days off, and get off on the charges.

  12. I was driving a rental car today and smoking some weed in Smallwood. I literally thought about not stopping for the cop if they pulled me. Must be a full moon tonight or something.?

  13. Sandy sucks! Resign!

  14. I went into the Fire Headquarters and it was all black people working there.

    1. That’s all they are hiring or promoting. Look on their Feature Friday Facebook posts and you’ll rarely see a white male.

    2. That pisses you off so much doesn’t it

  15. So is our command staff firing 100% of our community coordinators and sgts/LT promoted from that sandbagger roles?

  16. CMPD has now managed to not only make dozens of new DEI hires but to promote the prior DEI hires to command positions - Ditto CFD

    1. Jackie Bryley is a fucking DC from a SRO job.

    2. She claimed in person to a bunch of officers after the shooting she used to be a hard worker in the streets and been shot at herself (somehow making officers murder about herself)

    3. 4:27 you are 100% right. The DEI hires are being actively groomed, give answers to interviews questions, and getting advanced information regarding tests. You think I’m lying, ask around. They don’t have a recruitment problem, it should be called targeting. They are NOT taking the best, most qualified.

    4. Targeting at CFD and CMPD?

      No Wai!

  17. My cruiser was stopped at a red light outside the jail. I watched a bunch of fat black deputies carrying their huge lunch boxes inside the jail. It’s no wonder the UOF attacks on duties is highest ever at the jail.

    1. YEAH! FAT SLOBS! Typical Central!

    2. 2229: check yourself, those were Deputies and not CMPD. Their recruitment video has them responding to robberies in progress. If a business did that then it would get shut down by BBB for false advertising.

  18. How may assaults on officers are there at the jail? Any cause or reason?

  19. Side show Bob haircut when describing a 72 after a 43 jump and run is top tier 3rd shift comedy

  20. We need the D3 Capt to post those pics!

  21. Maybe I'm old school but it doesn't matter whether or not you are logged on or off! When something goes to shit you go regardless!

  22. What's up with the guy Sgt. wanting to become a girl Sgt.?

  23. What about the dude girl or girl dude on VCAT that shot herself in the foot?

  24. Every time Bryley mentions her resume it is always that she was a marine! A moron maybe!

    1. No way Bryley is a marine. She was chubby.

  25. What happened to that decision that was made when RoMo was around that every freaking officer in town did not need to respond to a 33…. Only the involved divisions and the divisions directly adjacent would respond. God knows the dept looks like the keystone cops when the shit hits the fan, and suddenly 3/4 of the city looses coverage, the nuggies are loose and un monitored while some super hero cop runs 110 mph down 77/74 etc to get to a situation to be part of the action,… and in nearly all cases just more timed two hang with this brothers….. lord knows you guys are all brothers until one gets in trouble then you’re as loyal as a fucking viper.

    1. Things ran much better back then. If someone yelled 33, the neighboring divisions knew instantly. Now, someone has to ask dispatch if there was 33 traffic somewhere, 4 minutes later dispatch confirms but doesn't use commonsense relaying info. Case in point was the wreck on 485/Mt Holly: it took someone to ask "hey is there an ofcr in trouble?" And 45 seconds later the dispatcher say "yeah 10-33" contact, no "you don't need to go, there is no active threat"...pure incompetence all around. A1 and B2 guys keying up, stepping all over the radio, so they can blow engines to block Medic on scene.

    2. Let Robinson train these dispatchers and we will get better. Believe in us and your heart will fill with happiness

  26. I'm glad I retired when I did!

  27. New Captain Carter from Steele Creek should've been fired but Dee Faulkner kept him from losing his job when he was an SRO at Kennedy Middle School.

    1. You mean fudging time and getting promoted to high ranks for it then writing up all your subordinates for petty shit compared to what you do isn’t a good way to “lead”?

    2. My LT straight lied on his time card as a cop and they caught him doing it. Other people have been fired for doing the same thing.🤷🏿‍♂️

  28. Carter got pissed back in the day when he didn't get his way and left the but came back when Faulkner got him his job back!

  29. He was a lazy ass officer especially when he and Rivers thought they were Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys. The only dope they ever found was a little weed and a couple of crack pipes even with search warrants that someone else had to help them fill out.

  30. Is Sloppy Joe McGarrity still with the department? I would say working but we know that's not the case!

    1. With his shorts and sandles and lookin all unprofessional

  31. Replies
    1. I wish you would step back from the ledge my friend

    2. Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

    3. We’ll carry on

    4. Carry on my wayward son, there will be peace when you are gone.

    5. And good ol cops were drinking whisky and rye, saying this will be the day that they die.

  32. If you let god into your soul then this can be a very rewarding job as a keeper of the peace.

    1. Kinda hard to maintain faith with day in and day out negative shit

  33. They didn’t have enough manpower for staffing at the LEC. It’s no better than the jail staffing.

  34. Your Capt. says get back to work!

  35. After a decade at this place, any justifications not to quit this shithole? Aside from retirement which can be made up for with a better paying job anyway

    1. Absolutely not. Plenty have hung it up after a decade or more. You did your service to the community. No one forcing you to stay in a job you don’t like. Life is too short to put up with the BS at CMPD these days for 30 years. Plenty of good paying jobs out there.

  36. Are they really putting a rainbow flag under the city flag outside the LEC in 2025?

  37. Should’ve never left my specialized assignment. Sgt shit is for the birds.

    1. Every sgt I know says that. The LT job is even worse.

    2. Demote yourself. Problem solved.

    3. Don’t worry, one of these new sets of chumps will fall for the money grab and take your place

    4. 213, there are people that go to academy staff as demotions with same rank. Drivers training and range are the hiding locations.

    5. That check ain’t for the birds
