Saturday, August 17, 2024

Thug on the Run

With 23 arrests and dozens of charges, why do Mecklenburg County Judges keep releasing this POS?

His two prior convictions for Speeding to Elude or Avoid Arrest and Assault on a Female resulted in probation. 

Local news is reporting it this way "A Charlotte man was arrested Friday afternoon after officers say he led police on a chase in a stolen vehicle through the Lake Norman area."

According to the Mooresville Police Department, officers responded around 4 p.m. to the area of Interstate 77 and U.S. 21. That’s where they made contact with a vehicle that reportedly had a driver with a felony warrant for his arrest. He was considered to be armed and dangerous, actively fleeing from officers. 

As the suspect vehicle, a black Ford Expedition, continued to flee, the offender allegedly struck a marked MPD patrol unit and a civilian vehicle, resulting in minor damage and no injuries. The pursuit continued south on I-77 into Mecklenburg County to the Sam Furr Road area. Officers deployed stop sticks, and the suspect vehicle became disabled. 

The offender, 24-year-old Victor Miguel Richardson, jumped and ran from the vehicle prior to being apprehended by a MPD K9. 

Officers say Richardson had an active warrant for felony larceny of a motor vehicle, and that the vehicle he was driving had also been reported stolen earlier in the day. 

Officers also linked him to an active MPD investigation for misdemeanor larceny. 

Richardson is in the custody of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and has pending charges for:

Felony Flee/Elude Arrest with a Motor Vehicle, 

No Operators License, and 

Larceny (result of MPD’s involvement). 

Well that's not the whole story. Even with all the prior arrests Mecklenburg DA again and again saw fit to dismiss the charges, even those where Richardson was charged with AWDW and other violent crimes. Crimes dating back to 2019. 

Many of those arrests are not reflected in the above mugshots.

Why is this happening? 23 Cases over four years with close to 100 charges and all but two were dismissed. Those resulted in minimal probation sentences.

Seriously there is no redemption for this man and we are lucky someone was not killed during yesterday's police chase. 


  1. Cedar, there is always redemption for a man in life. You have gotten so dark and cold with your posts. I hope you aren’t heading the same way as Brent. Cheer up and go see a movie with a friend. Go see the parade downtown today with us. 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽🌈🍆🫐

    1. Our former city manager was gay. Our next Chief may be as well.

    2. The only redemption this guy is getting is before God. Here in the hood that is Charlotte, he's on borrowed time. Had MPD done their job they would have ventilated him rather than risking the K9. Just saying!

    3. MPD seems to do more police work than scared CMPD

    4. 1213: I noticed that, too.

      What is the deal with Majors being afraid to go outside the office? They have to bring along 2 buddies for the ride?

  2. Call out every guy that chose to work the gay pride event today. We knew this was coming and you could have made plans to stay away like everyone in Charlotte.

  3. Powers that Be:

    Please send more bodies to North Tryon Div. I don’t care if they are gay, Muslim, or tranny. We need support out here, now!

    1. Never going to happen with your leadership. The Captain is too busy taking care of Eastway LT needs, to care about you.

    2. Don’t forget about his LT Jenkins (baby Jennings) the classic example of The Grift. Lacking of integrity. He would sell his mother or first born child to get his promotion to Captain.

    3. It’s sad to see the huge PUSS that Jenkins has become

    4. The N Tryon Capt has been at it with that LT for years! And he acts surprised his wife left him!!!!

    5. Please tell me more how IGNORANT and uniformed you are…. And leave your name and don’t be an anonymous pussy!.

    6. I am not the guy who posted the other comments but Come on Jason, a south division officer who has never done anything in his career roses to be the Captain of North Tryon. Reason why the department is where it is. If you have never worked in a working division for at least three years as a patrol officer on second or third shift in the trenches and knowing what true officer work look like than there should be no chances of getting promoted. Too many clowns.

  4. HIDEY HOLE!! Ain't coming out...

  5. Bond hearing tomorrow what is the over / under he walk by tomorrow afternoon?

  6. 10 weeks from Trump coming back to office. That means less funding for major cities and you know council will strip the CMPD funding the most. We need manpower in da Creek! We need support on scenes, not officer hiders and wannabe tactical squads.

    1. Get on Facebook and give all the reasons you can not to vote for Kamala. Stop communism my comrades!

    2. Manpower will never be fixed at this agency. Leadership is garbage and a bunch of spineless cowards. Only thing they can offer is salary which still isn’t enough for all the dumb shit that goes on here which is why so many leave for less pay.

    3. Is that why half of central is filled with fat slobs

    4. Ramsey will whoop you!

  7. Used to be Central or Metro was the place to be now it is totally Da Creek. Maybe Eastway anyone disagree?

    1. Da Creek is now the worst followed by University.

    2. Agree Da Creek University is bad both need around the clock babysitting. Domestic calls are non stop in the Da Creek every damn day of the week. Over stupid shit. Had one last week woman was upset because the baby's daddy forgot to put the carseat back in her car.

    3. Metro coc is absolute garbage compared to when Veith was over here.

    4. The CoC in North is worse than Metro. They drug tested my coworker during his last week before retirement.

      If he fails..then what? He was here for 30 years.

    5. Do you realize that all the “random” drug tests come from HR? Not the COC?

    6. Ain’t nothing damn random about it. Got tested 4 times in a six month period. Tested me 8 days before retirement

  8. The same problems have existed at CMPD since the county merger. It’s just younger people dealing with them. None of the brass deserve a check or pension since it’s the same problems. Where is Project Avalanche this Summer?

  9. Did all you big boys get lucky working Pride this weekend? Hope you all found Prince Charming

    1. Simmer down, some of us were forced to work it but there were several that were super gay to be there!

    2. It was lesbian paradise...

    3. Several captains and majors were there in street clothes. 🦩👠💅🫣

    4. Surprised much?

  10. Those caps are sus. Speaking of sus, how about your (lack of) leadership ability? But I guess since you are a command college graduate that qualifies you. Thats a nice jacket.

  11. How I get one of dem magistrate jobs? My aunt will vouch for me

    1. Just be liberal and hate cops then you’re almost there in meck

    2. I’ve never had a mag give a me a hard time. You need to know how to speak to people.

  12. Man, cmpd is the laughing stock of NC. So you guys have a security guard that worked at the lec and gets arrested for jerking off and exposing himself while on the job at your headquarters. What kind of shit ya ll running in Charlotte?

    1. That doesn’t sound true at all. The blue line would never do that.

    2. Check the news stations. Now he is a security guard posted at the lec, but yes sir, caught exposing and touching himself twice while working.

    3. Wow, just saw that. Why do you hire these people?

    4. With the lack of leadership at CMPD. Are you surprised? More to come.

    5. He was just doing what he sees others doing. If officers can dip it while on duty then why can't a security guard yank on his noodle? Seems to me the bar has already been set pretty low. I've seen many officers in the past hooking up with dispatchers, CSI, and other officers in the parking deck.

    6. Yes, 4th floor on 3rd shift was the hook up spot.

      My coworker in Central got dropped off at a female officers apartment and fucked her during his shift. She was moved to Westover shortly after as a hoe.

    7. We have had people using drugs inside the bathroom at work and fucking in the weight room. I just hope JJ gets that guy some help at the paper doll lounge

    8. 19:05 spill the beans

  13. Got one better than that, what dumbass lost/stolen his/her service pistol. Went and bought the same make and model...all was good until he/her had to record the serial number during firearms. The state came back and said the serial number doesn't match the firearm that was issued. Offi er fired. What a dumbass.

    1. We used to be able to get away with that one. Some brothers would be hard up at end of the month and go pawn their service weapon for rent or child support. Someone would cover them a few weeks until they got it back. Thompson’s on Wilkerson was good about helping us out back then. But covering it with a new weapon? Too many checks nowadays.

  14. Remember to kiss your sgt’s goodnight boys
