Thursday, August 8, 2024

Two Charged With Murder Both With Ice Detainers Both Released Days Prior

You could not make this up it you tried. Two hispanic illegals both with ICE detainers were arrested by CMPD in July for violent offenses and both had active ICE detainers and both were released back on to Charlotte City Streets just days before shooting 3 people and killing Jose Octavio Cruz, age 57.

Kevin Jeremy Zetino, 19

Adilio Cesar Garcia Lemus, 24

Charlotte Mecklenburg Police have charged both Kevin Jeremy Zetino, 19, and Adilio Cesar Garcia Lemus, 24 with Murder, Attempted Murder, Armed Robbery, Conspiracy to Commit Armed Robbery, First Degree Burglary, and Assault with a Deadly Weapon Intent to Kill or Inflict Serious Injury.

Zetino had been arrested by CMPD on on December 11, 2023 charged with Possession of a stolen firearm, fleeing to elude arrest, possession of a stolen motor vehicle and resisting arrest. On December 14th he was released on a promise to appear under the pretrial release program.

Zetion was arrested again on June 18th charged with auto theft and released on an unsecured bond the next day. Then he was arrested on July 7th with a stolen vehicle and was released on July 27th on an unsecured bond, Less than a week later he murdered Jose Octavio Cruz and seriously wounded 3 others.

Each time Mecklenburg County Sheriff ignored the ICE Detainer on file.

Garcia-Lemus was arrested on July 26th on drug charges including possession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia and resisting arrest he was also released on July 27th on a low ($100) bail. He too had an active ICE Detainer according to sources.


  1. Please let us work in peace without criticism or insults. It’s a job that we can keep and feed our families.


  2. You hear about the Central guy who shit his pants on a dv last night?

    1. If he was wearing his outer vest carrier he could have pulled out a roll of TP to wipe his rear.

    2. And then some snacks. Those things have tons of storage.

  3. Central has some great Lts…I’m sure they cleaned him up

  4. Im close to the family, four Hispanic males with guns broke into their home demanding money and car keys, putting the guns to the children’s face and their mom, Mr Jose (grandfather to the kids) grabbed a machete and struck one of them in the back, they gunned him down in front of his grandkids, daughter and missed his son in the head, they shot so many bullets that they shot each other by accident, ran out, stealing 3,000 dollars. Mr Jose was an evangelist, preaching the word of God, loving father and grandfather. McFadden has failed Mecklenburg County residents, by allowing these criminals out and not holding them for ice. How many more innocent people have to die? He swore to serve and protect this community but has failed to do so! Instead he is protecting illegals. If anyone wants to help his go fund me account is Jose Octavio Cruz “Tavito” thank u all and God bless America 🇺🇸

  5. Which dispatchers fuck when asked?

    1. The one sloot with 5 cmpd baby daddies

    2. You’re about 2 years too late. The biggest slores have moved to greener (?) pastures.

    3. 508, but...but...their radio voice makes my baton expand

  6. I love getting pussy on 3rd shift, but the grind can wear on you. What do these faggots in 1st shift actually do besides watch TV? Im thinking about Willmington or Raleigh myself. Can anyone advise what the office culture is like at either place?

    1. Woah. Badass over here. Likely on third because you’re a boot or you’re just garbage and other shifts don’t want you, or both.

    2. 3rd is where the action is. I live for this shit. You just don’t understand.

    3. Settle down boot. You won’t make it 5 years. Policing isn’t a character trait.

    4. All these long term officers were Boots and they were so great that they still work in this shithole.

  7. WTF is wrong with 3rd shift?

    1. Same as the whole department, you breed mass incompetence with quantity over quality

    2. Hidey Hole is better on 3rd!
