Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Illegals Have Overrun North Carolina's Criminal Justice System

The media is so left leaning that they won't tell you this on Eyewitness news at 6 o'Clock.

Out of the countless media types in Charlotte only Brett Jensen with WBT was brave enough to tell the story CP has been hearing from CMPD Officers.

But his detailed post on "X" below quickly took fire from the left - case in point @BenWike:

"Brett, look at this fucking cesspool of a comment section under your tweet. 
Half of them aren’t even real people but bots and foreign agents. Is this the engagement you are looking for? To what end? What deficit in you is being filled by espousing such tripe?"

Ben's not the only one upset that Brett Jensen will tell you the facts here Christina Brown having a nutty:

"If this is true, there should be public records. So where are they? There are no publicly available mugshots showing his name and picture for any of the crimes you have listed here. I wonder why?"

Brett Jensen WBT News via "X":

BREAKING: A man that shot a CMPD officer was an illegal immigrant, had been deported twice, and had a lengthy violent criminal record, a senior law enforcement official tells me. Nelson Javier Funez Reyes, 37, was shot and killed by officers on Sept. 22, after he shot Officer Kenneth Kludy in the thigh. Sources say the bullets came close to hitting his femoral artery. Kludy is recovering at home and will be fine. However, questions abound as to why the incident managed to take place. Reyes was previously deported on Oct. 1, 2005. And then again on July 11, 2017, according to a database. In between his two deportations in 2005 and 2017, Reyes had accumulated a lengthy violent criminal record, per the database. Besides having multiple traffic violations in Fairfax, Va., in Alamance & Carteret counties and areas in NC, Reyes was arrested on May 3, 2015, in Mecklenburg Co., for assaulting a female, assault by pointing a gun, and communicating threats. Three days later on May 6, 2015, he was arrested from charges stemming from Sept. 2, 2011, in Durham Co., for assaulting a female, larceny of property and interfering with emergency equipment. Both arrests were later dropped. The first was dropped, according to records, because the witness failed to show in court. The second offenses in Durham were all dismissed by the district attorney. There was no indication as to why. Reyes was again arrested in Mecklenburg Co., according to officials, on Jan. 29, 2016, for again assaulting a female, pointing a gun, larceny and communicating threats. A law enforcement official said the charges appear to have been dismissed so as Reyes could yet again be deported. Then on Sept. 22, when Reyes was shot and killed following officers pulling him over after matching the description of a call for assault with a deadly weapon, according to a CMPD statement. Officers initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle in the 200 block of E. Arrowood Rd. when a suspect produced a handgun causing an exchange of gunfire, per CMPD. Reyes was later pronounced dead.

Nelson Javier Funez Reyes was just one of many violent criminals who are running lose in North Carolina and idiots like "Ben" who scream racist when this fact is pointed out lose their minds.

Any day of the week MCSO arrest blotter is loaded with hispanics in numbers that five years ago would surprise people. How many are here illegally? Hard to say perhaps as high as 50%. Maybe higher.

Jesus Reyes Lopez

The 20-year-old man accused of starting a fire that left 130 Charlotteans homeless this week is an undocumented immigrant and will likely be deported no matter the outcome of his trial for arson and attempted murder. Jesus Reyes Lopez is a Mexican citizen and is wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for being in the country illegally.

Back in 2017 when he was arrested Mecklenburg County Sheriff Carmichael noted that he would be deported once he was released from prison. He was convicted of 2 counts of First Degree Arson and sentenced to a maximum of six years and two months.

He was paroled from prison in 2022 and never was deported. The now 27 year old was last known to be living in Georgia. 

Luis Perez-Valencia

A 34-year-old illegal alien in Wilmington, NC has pleaded guilty to the rape of an 11-year-old Leland girl.

This afternoon Luis Perez-Valencia admitted to raping the girl on two separate occasions back in 2011 and attempting to engage in intercourse another time that same year.

A DNA test proved that Perez-Valencia got the 11-year-old pregnant.

Judge Thomas Lock sentenced him to 16 to 20 years in prison. Perez-Valencia is required to complete sex offender treatment while in prison. He must also register as a sex offender and will be under GPS satellite monitoring for the rest of his life.

Perez-Valencia will be deported from the United States after he serves his time. 

He is still incarcerated at a cost to North Carolina taxpayers and is due to be released in 2027.

Untold Numbers

There are 100's of arrests of illegals in North Carolina just last month alone. 

Crimes of rape and murder are many, violent crimes, robbery and DWI often causing death or severe injuries. Yet the liberal media, courts, DAs, judges and sheriffs look the other way.  


  1. And yet folks are still crying over Trump wanting to build a wall.

  2. Every second drunk that you pass on the road at night is a Mexican and 2/3rds of those are here illegally. We have created out own shit hole thanks to democrats.

  3. How many have the MCSO cut loose that should have been handed over to ICE? Thousands.

    1. The taxpayers vote for that. Move away then.

    2. People vote with their legs. They move to other places. The blacks and Mexicans hate each other.

  4. No doubt this amigo made the choice that he was not going to be deported back to Tijuana instead he caught the express bus to hell.

  5. This article is racist and should be taken down.

  6. One less beaner not a bad thing!

  7. All this money spent on Latinx folx could have been a good down payment on the coming reparations Kamala has in store for all us descendants of slaves. Pay us, the true backbone of Amerika, the hard working Black folx!

    1. Typical, always looking for free shit.

    2. Free like the labor my proud Black ancestors gave? I know it wasn’t to your white trash family but they reaped the benefit regardless

      Time to pay the tab Amerika

    3. Reparations:
      A Gubamint Program to assist with the purchase of more Guns, Ammo, and Weed!

    4. 905am still a slave to the past, looking for the easy route, free shit, probably can't even trace back you're on family tree. Such a small mind.

    5. 905am is that you Martin Luther Garnes

  8. I totally get coming to North Carolina for work from Mexico but why do it unlawfully?

    Why do the libtards think sneaking into America is ok? You can't get into Russia or China just by crossing the border you'll end up dead. If ICE would just shoot some of them they would quit coming.

    1. If you haven’t heard, this is a free country with rights. You can’t just shoot people for being climate or economic refugees. They have a right to come work here. Natives aren’t working at Tyson or Perdue but you still want chicken, right?

    2. An electric fence at the border would produce immediate results!

    3. Free Country is great. Canada will shoot you. Try crossing into South Korea from North Korea.

    4. 9:58. Your statement is absurd. No one has the "right" to illegally come into the US and work. Go back to 4th grade and re-learn the basics

    5. 2:17 why don’t you drop your location so I can basically whoop your ass

    6. The dumb kid making threats when his lack of elementary education is called out. Do we have to get you back to 1st grade to learn emotional control?

  9. He needed killing,

  10. Why hasn't this been reported on local news?

  11. Why hasn’t anything been reported on local news? JJ was lieing about stats to CM and got busted. What else is a lie?

    1. I want to hear more on this JJ and the crime stats…
