Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Photo @TinaQuizon via "X" Give Her a Follow

Early this morning Tuesday February 12, 2025, CMPD Officers attempted to conduct a Felony Traffic Stop in the QuikTrip located at 7115 South Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28273. The subject exited the vehicle with a weapon and was engaged by Officers.

CMPD Presser Video By @TinaQuizon (Opens in New Window)

According to CMPD:

At approximately 2 a.m. in the 7000 block of South Blvd., Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle after multiple traffic stop attempts.

Preliminary information indicates that the vehicle pulled over, and the subject exited the vehicle. Officers perceived an imminent deadly threat and engaged with the subject.

At least one officer discharged a service weapon. The subject was struck, and officers rendered aid on scene. The subject was transported to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries.

The subject’s firearm was recovered on scene.

Suspects Vehicle Photo Local News

No officers were struck with gunfire or injured to our knowledge. Multiple officers were transported to a nearby hospital for precautionary measures.

The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) is the lead investigating agency in the case. The officers involved have been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation per standard protocol.

As is standard procedure with any officer involved shooting, the Internal Affairs Bureau will conduct a separate but parallel investigation.

Representatives from CMPD's Operations Command, Homicide Unit, MEDIC, Mecklenburg County District Attorney’s Office also responded.

The investigation into this case is active and ongoing.

Cedar's Take:

I grew up in Starmount and Archdale Drive area of Charlotte. Today I don't recognize the area when I drive down South Blvd from SouthEnd. Boarded up windows, trash and litter everywhere. Homeless camps, panhandlers, and vagrants pushing stolen shopping carts.

At more than half of the business between Archdale and 485 Spanish is the preferred language. Commercial rents and property values have plummeted since 2020. 

Wendy's and Golden Corral are closed, graffiti covered and boarded up. Other business are dying a slow unnoticed death. 

The Fricken Ford directional sign on the property has a bullet hole in it.

This is Vi Lyles legacy. 


  1. Two words..

    Da Creek

  2. I don't see Cedar saying "good shoot" and bet yay if the bruther checks out we'll be down one more pair of boots on the street.

  3. This was a total shit show. It could have ended with loss of life. Doing a felony traffic stop in a high traffic area like QT goes against all common sense and training. PoPo better lawyer up.

    1. Anyone in a Dodge thinks it’s GTA for real out there. He needed ventilating and there’s no better place than that scuz QT. Leave a yellow outline so the rest of the ‘rats know what becomes of them.
      Charlitt is a raging dumpster fire and those two doing the presser don’t give me any reason to think it will improve.

    2. Dumb comment. I hope your aren't LEO. If so, quit. You're weak and ignorant.

  4. Those two "baddies" doing the presser hurt my eyes.

    1. Where my proud sistas at to do press? CMPD discrimination against Black women. Apparently you gotta be old white lady to get screen time here.

      BLADE woulda neva been in that spot, jus sayin

    2. Hahaha. I needed that

    3. They need to dispatch BLADE asap!

  5. Supposed they weren’t driving an Altima with a felony forest.

  6. Serious question why couldn’t Johnny make the drive to the QuikTrip? I’m sure he’s found his glasses by now. I know it’s dark and scary out there in Tijuana Flats but diversity is our strength right?

  7. Johnny like Rodney knows nothing about patrol. He thinks we still drive Crown Vics and write greenies.

  8. Johnny is better than Rodney, and it could be worse..Vicki or Sherrie or Jackie

  9. Hey Cedar did you see that Garry has shut down the MSCO website again? So much for transparency.

    1. How many assaults in the jail so far?

  10. Who were the officers involved?

  11. CMPD fired a recruit for being Pro Trump, and now he is SBI and is involved with these police shooting investigations. SMH 🤦🏽‍♂️

  12. I like how it was news a gun was found, I mean I certainly hope the bad guy was armed if the officer felt his life was in danger…speaking of what a total ass comment by the FOP… how much licking and sucking does a cops ego need

    1. Must have hit a nerve

    2. This is probably coming from a guy who signed off early on the 29th if he is even a popo

  13. Ficken wouldn’t qualify me for a new Navigator so I popped one off in his sign.
    I can afford the 2500/month fool

  14. I went to Fricken Ford because driving on Indy is too insane to try and turn into Town and Country Ford. But buyer beware 1/2 the sales people and most the service staff are hispanic. They are all nice but I was the only "gringo" customer in the place.

  15. FYI..that Ford Dealership is dirty. Town and Country busted them giving false pricing and bait and switch.

  16. I’m on a CMPD salary with child support and no take home
    It’s jdbyrider for me and they hold my payment check until I get paid

    1. Wouldn’t have child support if you weren’t dipping in the company ink.

  17. If your Sergeant charged your coworker with murder, and the case was not guilty…how do you even speak to this guy?

    1. Yes sir, no sir, right away sir

    2. Strips don’t give you respect. Get off your knees Sir and have some morals. No wonder why HR is requiring mandatory training for manager vs leadership.

  18. You’re kidding right?? Why the hell isn’t HR being investigated by the state Why the hell they get new fires that quickly quit?? Something doesn’t add up. I mean really. They can’t keep ANYONE

  19. CMPD is a place where people go home and die on the couch.

    Sad place

  20. Y’all already jealous of BLADE? We are black representation at its finest. We handle the cases y’all don’t even hear about .

    1. I thought it was already rebranded GLADE for our rainbow brothers and sisters?

    2. Bunch of clowns who don’t know what they’re doing.

    3. They can hide in the unit until it’s time for promotion exams. Then they can claim to have special unit experience during the practical.

  21. What’s the deal with this vehicle shooting at officers earlier in the night and it wasn’t 43’d then? Was it even put out on the radio? Was there a cad message sent out?

    1. lol leave that boot alone.

    2. Cops that don’t shoot at criminals firing at them? It might have been a moving car or people around them. Let’s hope?🤷🏿‍♂️

    3. Unfortunately not

    4. I know swat guys that don’t shoot at shooting suspects. They are in the wrong occupation.

  22. I am going to guess that the PIO silence on this OIS is delibert because the doctors have determined that the perp is gonna die soon and they don't want to fire up the Noogies right now. Thus no name of either the perp or the officer 3 day on.

  23. PIO office? They run stuff thru AI to issue a statement while Sandy collects a check.

    1. Perp was holding a bible

    2. lol. He was a good boy, grandma said heating the choir

      Where’s the fancy graphics and posting like the little h’rat that stole the Saturn? Wbtv will go film the candlelight vigil
