Thursday, February 6, 2025

Matthew Michael Arrest Fair or Foul?

From the Local Fishwrapper:

A Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer was arrested on child abuse charges while off duty, Chief Johnny Jennings said in a statement Wednesday evening. Officer Matthew Michael, 48, was charged with two counts of misdemeanor child abuse and placed on unpaid leave, the chief said.

Jail records said Michael was booked on Wednesday by the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office and released on bond. Jennings said the sheriff’s office would handle a criminal investigation into the allegations. CMPD is “limited in the information we can release at this time,” Jennings said. “However, I want to assure the community that we are committed to holding our officers accountable for their actions, both on and off duty,” he said.

Cedar's Take:

As many of you know CP has a couple of family members still within CMPD. There are also cousins and nephews that fill all rates and current capacities in a long blue and red line, even a deputy chief in Charleston. Then there are the retired but still outspoken ones. So it really pains me to see this sort of thing show up in the press.

CP doesn't know Officer Michael but the problem with this sort of news is that the public assumes the worst of all possible situations.

I suspect this is a child custody issue and a deranged former spouse is behind this arrest. This is also the problem with social media. Wild guesses abound.

But CP has been there, what a freaking waste of money and court resources. 

At issue was my creative child disciple method that involved a mystery "man with a belt". This unseen and not real "enforcer" was used in restaurants and on airliners to compel compliance to acceptable behavior.  And it worked rather well. A tantrum throwing 3 year old at a restaurant was told to knock it off because the man with the belt just walked in. Three knocks on the wall and a "who's that?" would calm my rampaging toddler instantly into a 3 year old church altar boy. 

I never had to lay a hand on my kid.

But a liberal Mecklenburg county judge saw that as "child abuse" ordered supervised visits and that I attend anger management and parenting classes. 

Day one of the first "group session" the psychologist took me aside and asked "why the hell are you here?" I tried to give a compliant answer and he laughed. Then told me there was no reason for my attendance.  

A week later he sent me this. 

He would appear on my behalf several weeks later telling the judge that she should leave parenting and sociologist diagnosis to the processionals. 15 years later and $20,000 plus in legal fees as well as an arrest for $252.45 in unpaid child support the long running battle ended. But the damage was done. 

And I still receive every month a child support payment demand notice from Mecklenburg County to pay my child support. 

So to Officer Michael yeah I've been there brother. 



  1. I hear ya Cedar, been there myself. I hope you are right.

  2. Without pay so it's more than a balloon prank.

  3. I think it’s fair news but cutting off his pay is wrong. He’s not a rook and likely has enough irons in the fire. Unless JJ wants him fired. How many felony cases just blew up?

    1. JJ has to cut his pay so he can continue to give “good work” money to SCARLET detectives in order to fund Orlando trips

    2. Maybe they could put a guy undercover for illegal street races?

      Asia Guy: Somebody ratted me to the Feds. It was you, Toretto!

      Vin Deisel: I never ratted nobody!!!

    3. @1:30pm maybe if you worked as hard as scarlet and did as good work as them, you’d be able to reap the benefits…but instead you’d rather anonymously complain on a blog

    4. Shut up teachers pet. Or should i say, Voorhee!

  4. Why two counts? Was it PTSD related? We had a guy give alcohol to his kid to sleep him. You just never know the truth.

  5. Wonder if it was driven by envy local yocal vs big city cop?

    1. It usually is. So many smaller agencies have bragged about getting cmpd officers arrested or in trouble.

    2. Concord PD is the worst for that.

    3. Don’t talk trash about “big city PD”. It’s just a nesting ground for for people inside offices and delegating positions like Vicki Foster. Most of these small PDs could remove your gun and smack you with it. Then they will change your oil and fix that rusty pipe in the bathroom.

    4. Ol’ flapjacks. The retired high priestess of dei. Failing upward on her knees one opportunity at a time.

  6. Was there any bruises?

  7. Judging from his LinkedIn, he’s 33. Not 48….poor reporting?

  8. Never trust a hoe, Matt

  9. I hear it much as Cedar spelled it out. Ex and asked the court to change the custody agreement and the arrest makes it easy.

  10. I feel bad for this cop. Sometimes, a crazy woman can set you up.

  11. So when this charge turns to be BS will the DA charge for a false report?

  12. First off we have 2 officers same name different middle initial. Second if this is with his own child this been a grueling battle for over 5 years. Too bad our system is so screwed up. Real criminals get off on real crimes. And our hands are tied on what report should really be investigated. Hope his case gets resolved quickly and he gets G Laughrin. Just a dam shame.

  13. Poor dude. I had a crazy woman lie about me one time. Some are good some are bad

  14. Pedos all protect each other you guys are all pervs.

  15. Truth always comes out in the end. Until then..we wait.

    1. John Ahrens wife lied about him hitting her, so maybe the same about this case? Maybe his ptsd got the most of him?
