Thursday, February 13, 2025

Malik Shropshire Case for Permanent Incarceration

According to local television media:

A man is facing charges after police say he spit in a little boy’s face at SouthPark Mall. Malik Shropshire is charged with assault on a child under 12 and second-degree trespassing.

According to arrest warrants, it happened Sunday afternoon in the children’s play area. Police say he spit in the four-year-old’s face and then ran off. Police arrested him at a nearby Walgreens.

According to investigators, he was already banned from the mall and the Walgreens where he was arrested.

But this is not Shropshire's first rodeo:

Shropshire has 23 of arrests over the last three years in Mecklenburg county alone. 

The 52 year old has 18 convictions covering the entire spectrum of crimes from B&E, Kidnapping, drugs and weapons charges, to credit card theft and armed robbery dating back to 1989.

Countless dismissals in Mecklenburg County thanks to DA Merriweather. Endless failure to appear cases. Motor vehicle citations for no driver's license no insurance and theft from an ABC Store.  

He has served more than six years in prison and should now be considered incorrigible and should imediabaty be permentably incarcerated or commited.

He is a danger to society and himself and the courts have a duty to protect the public. A life sentence as a Habitual Felon or Involuntary Commitment.

If not it is only a matter of time before he kills someone or is killed.

Shropshire remains in the Mecklenburg County jail under a $2,500.00 bond. 


  1. Malki Shropshire he's a Alden Harden in the making. You best take notes and know that mofo is still sucking in air.

  2. Yep Harden is still on death row. He was not one of the dozens Roy Cooper commuted one his last day in office.

  3. I like when outgoing brass post false social media posts about their retirement. The department has tried to fire them 3 times over ten years for embarrassing stuff. Then they make it seem like a hero laying down his sword and shield. It’s either a delusion or pathological liar.

    “Your body cameras will never be used against an officer” ~Willis

    “Wes Kerrick was trained to only shoot a firearm from a standing or kneeling position to a threat of imminent danger or death” ~ Campagnia

    “Lead in the way you want others to lead” ~ Putney while double dipping tax dollars

    “I feel like I made a lot of positive change during my legacy” ~ Monroe

    1. Every one of them was in it only for themselves.

  4. If you've got less than a year to retirement I don't blame you for staying in your hidey hole. Just hope when one of us needs a little help you'll drop it in gear tells us your on your way and step it up if needed.
