Monday, February 3, 2025

United States Postal Service aka The Mailman

Sharyl Attkisson @SharylAttkisson posted the following on "X":

USPS question:

Have others experienced a radical slowdown in mail delivery in recent 2 yrs? 

I don't get a lot of snail mail but based on postmarks, first class letters from same region are taking 10-21 days. A lot of mail doesn't arrive at all, including 2 wedding invitations. One returned to sender even with accurate address. The other just POOF! 

Is it my local post office or are others having issues?

Sharyl is probably not surprised that her timeline was flooding with 3,000 plus responses.

The truth is USPS sucks.

For many years we had a great carrier. She showed up like clockwork, polite friendly our mail was always ours. She lived by the motto: 

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds,"

She retired. 

Time moved on.

Our replacement in a friendly Somalian who speaks zero english. He shows up at random times and some days not at all. Other days it is as late as 8PM.

Parcels are tossed in the driveway. Because he sees dogs as "unclean".

Our neighbors get our mail often. If it doesn't show up in my box I'll check their box and they do the same. I end up re-delivering their mail about twice a week. 

If I don't see an expected letter or package I can often find it 3 blocks away at a house number that also ends in 23 or the one with the same house number on a different street 2 blocks over.  

A bill mailed on the 15th arrived yesterday the 1st. This wasn't a cross country package rather just a first class letter from two zip codes away. 

But no shortage of bulk mail which we get in "bulk". Often the one piece for our address is combined with four more of the same piece.

My biggest complaint is this new American puts the important mail inside the advertising flyers and magazines.  

When I suggest he not do that he says "Look at me, I'm the Mail Carrier Now" smiles and drives away.

To be eligible for career Postal Service employment, an applicant must be a United States citizen, a lawful permanent resident alien (one who possesses a "green card"), or a citizen of any territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States.

Speaking english is not required.

Cedar's Take on Mail Boxes: Mail Boxes


  1. You haven’t lived until your common box key is stolen….and they all have been…and your box of checks disappear because Wells still uses this antique delivery system.
    I’m down to one check every 3 months. Last vendor who doesn’t do eft/ach/venmo. Some Amazon comes in usps, small items
    Hopefully Doge attacks usps. Is that before or after Smtrak on the list of wasted $. It’s a Fed jobs program for people too lazy to work a real job.

    1. Say more. Preach brother

    2. Leave it alone. That’s my retirement plan. I have to do something for health insurance since the city stole it from me when I retire and JJ is making sure I end up with chronic back pain.

  2. Somalian pirates we 🎶

  3. You are not alone Cedar. It used to be the mail "clerk" in my office back when it was First Union made the rounds four times a day. Each trip was a combo of interoffice and postal service mail.

    As the day moved along FedEx and UPS were added. There was a 4:30 cutoff for outgoing mail so we often made our own run to the mailroom for postage and took the mail to the drop box in the building. Now retired I find the USPS to be so poorly motivated that it makes me wonder why we even have a postal service.

  4. I'm pretty sure you have to be a US Citizen to be a postal carrier. Just saying.

  5. The salary is bad like police. Low standards and attrition also play factors. Do not insult these public servants unless you can walk 5 miles a day like them.

    1. These clowns don't walk anywhere they drive like they live in a foreign country with impunity and total disregard for traffic laws void of even common courtesy.

    2. They drop a truckload of junk mail in a common box. New developments aren’t allowed to put a box in front of or on a house. Walking carriers are a thing of the past.
      And I pay $ to go run 5 miles every morning at a gym. Being able to be outside and get exercise for a Cush job should attract young people. Young lazy people who love the idea of that pension for their ‘service’

      Shut it down. We can do without it and the billions in subsidies it takes.

  6. The Postal Service is a joke, and it’s long past time to privatize it. If it were a real business, it would have folded years ago. Instead, it keeps limping along on government subsidies while providing worse service every year.

    Mail delivery in my area is a disaster. If we get anything at all, it’s well after 8 or 9 p.m.—and that’s on a good day. Informed Delivery tells me what’s supposed to arrive, but half the time, it never shows up. Around the holidays? Forget it. We might get mail once a week, bundled together with a rubber band like some backwoods delivery service. Meanwhile, businesses that actually care about their customers—FedEx, UPS, and email—have replaced the Postal Service for anything that actually matters.

    At this point, the only things that make it to my mailbox are junk mail and government notices. That’s what the Postal Service has become—a taxpayer-funded spam distributor. Trump needs to shut off the subsidies and force it to operate like a real business. If it can’t survive without government handouts, then it doesn’t deserve to exist.

  7. FBI is requesting protection from EO probe. Could you imagine if CMPD or CFD were that way?

  8. Similar problems all around, I know one pers9n showed up at the postal station, got hold of a supervisor, showed them printouts of informed delivery that was never received short raised holy hell in a polite way… BOOM.. new carrier the next day and no further problems.

  9. You expect such high expectations out of government servants. Leave these honest people alone.

  10. Government grants have been halted across the sector. Major impacts on city services and populations of color.

    1. As if they don’t already destroy themselves

  11. That face you make at work when your coworker talks about the damaging impacts of the new trump policy to the Charlotte community. 🫨🫨🫨

    1. What is CMS going to do if their DEI folks aren’t paid by grants?

    2. They already give the kids 3 free meals a day. The teachers get 30 vacation days each year.

    3. Our kids are going to starve if this keeps up. Where are they going to get their nutrition? Or their exercise if athletic programs are trimmed?

      And how will the admins be able to vacation all summer if federal money is stopped?

      AG Jackson has our back

  12. CMPD and CFD real quiet about these policy changes.

    1. Some idiot from A1 who answered all C for his test is about to be a reason for a policy change. Thanks alot jackass. Hope you never promote.

  13. All these people working in ESG jobs are looking kind of foolish now. Those jobs are getting cut soon.

  14. Could you cops just stop raping children for just a couple weeks? Talk about lack of impulse control!

    1. Matt Michael?!

      C’mon dog..really? There must be more to the story.

  15. When is CMPD gonna clean up the furniture under the Tyvola bridge on 77? There’s a king mattress wedged in there and a chest of drawers, all perched 18’ up. Some day a hobos gonna roll out and cause a massive accident.

    1. Maybe they buy him so clothes and have a cook out.

    2. Sounds like a poor excuse. Sloppy Joe would never be able to climb the fence or walk the ledge under the girders. Unless homeboy has a cookout with some good grub.

    3. Who the f even cares about Sloppy Joe anymore. He was a POS and the department let him get promoted. He is retired END OF STORY. move on. There are plenty more where he came w

    4. Thank you.

      Rules of Meckurbia.

      If they don’t work here anymore, then forget them. Stay focused on present problems.

  16. I think this dude got molested by Joe. Only reason I can think of why he won't stop talking about him. Get over it bro
