WSOC's Joe Bruno has been working endlessly to report on the workings of ICE and the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office. His post:
The dispute between ICE and Sheriff Garry McFadden continues.
Sheriff Garry McFadden has released a statement in response to ICE's arrest of Jose Napoleon-Serrano, which I covered last week.
As I noted in my report, ICE issued a detainer but was not notified by Sheriff McFadden about his release. Sheriff McFadden reiterated to me, as he has in the past, that he is following HB10 as written and that the phone call notification is not required. Screenshots of of the detainer in question and the law are below.
Here is the Sheriff's full statement and a link to my previous story (opens in a new tab/window).
Mecklenburg County Sheriff
“I want to address recent reports regarding U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrests that are incorrect and misleading. To our local media, I urge you to report fairly and accurately. I am not bending the rules or preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers from doing their job—I am simply following the law. Specifically, I adhere to NCGS 162.62, as revised in House Bill 10, yet the media continues to misrepresent my role as Sheriff to the public.
In the case of Jose Napoleon-Serrano, the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office followed the law by holding him for 48 hours, per a court order.
Here is a breakdown of the events:
January 12th at 5:35 AM - Mr. Serrano was arrested by CMPD. Our deputies determined he was a Honduras national during the intake process.
January 12th at 6:09 AM (35 minutes later) – MCSO notified ICE with no response the entire day.
January 13th at 11:18 AM (more than 24 hours later) - MCSO received the ICE Detainer-Administrative Warrant. A 48-hour hold was signed and issued by a state magistrate.
January 15th at 11:18 AM (exactly 48 hours later) – The court order on Mr. Serrano was lifted but he remained in custody at the MCSO Detention Center on his initial state charges with a $5,000 secured bond.
January 17th at 12:14 PM (more than 48 hours later) - Mr. Serrano’s $5,000 bond was posted for his release. A Mecklenburg County magistrate then issued a signed court order for his release from custody.
In total, Mr. Serrano was held 5 days with NO ICE movement.
As laid out above, MCSO received zero correspondence from ICE after they sent the detainer on January 13th. ICE was aware of Mr. Serrano’s status between January 12th -17th as they are privy to our various tracking systems.
ICE is more than welcome to pick up the phone – we will always remain transparent about a person’s release, but nowhere in House Bill 10 does it mandate local sheriffs to notify ICE of an individual’s release.
ICE is also aware that Mr. Serrano had been deported twice before. If they believed he posed a threat to public safety, I question why ICE didn’t charge Mr. Serrano with federal offenses under 8 USC 1325 (Improper Entry by Alien) and 8 USC 1326 (Re-entry of Deported Alien), instead of putting the burden on local sheriffs.
This is why I continue to emphasize the importance of open discussions with ICE—because simply deporting individuals is not an effective solution and does not make our communities safer.
So again, I have followed the law. I have my responsibilities as Sheriff of Mecklenburg County, and ICE has theirs. However, ICE cannot expect me to operate outside the scope of the law as my predecessors have done. I am not an ICE officer.
I am the Sheriff, and my priority is serving and protecting my community while always upholding the law.”
Don’t be bring up CarMicheal like he a crook. Brixby just sued him for making her falsifying accounting papers.
ReplyDeleteJB is a bull dog No Show just a lot of go. He's quietly uncovering the shitshow that is McFadden
ReplyDeleteI always like Bruno. He goes at brass like a city council member
ReplyDeleteStrikes me as the type to like pp
DeleteHe is scrawny like a detective, but they have to work somewhere
DeleteWhat if DOGE audited CMPD? How many jobs and supervisors get kicked out?
ReplyDelete~SRO-60k to break up food fights
~Academy Trainer-70k to yell at people
~BLADE Unit-70k to seize marajuana/dismissals
~LT rank- 80k to delegate work to admins and coordinators
~CC-75k to attend Apartment Meetings
~Major-120k to watch TV at LEC
It’s funny when police support Trump, but their own jobs would never exist under his new policy.
bLaDe isn’t even a unit. Just a bunch of bozo cru rejects stopping everything that moves and praying they smell weed. Trash
DeleteTrump says he supports LEO, but time after time he serves them up for sacrifice
DeleteTrump is doing so much for LEO!
DeleteBullshit. BLADE is a premier investigative/apprehension unit for CMPD
DeleteEveryday, I am laughing my ass off while watching videos of all the members of Cuban for Trump, Venezuelan for Trump, Blacks for Trump and all the MAGA regretting voting for him. More to come, the true DEI are the trumpers.
DeleteI laughed everyday Biden and Obama said blacks were in a better spot than before. Trump brought them “opportunity zones” with lower business taxes.
Delete10:10 is clearly delusional lol
DeleteBLADE will get it done!
Delete1010 is a fool.
DeleteGarry being Garry he's only looking out for Number One.
ReplyDeleteCan Bruno fight on da Ford though? Can Bruno swing smoke at Club Onyx? Who he running up on in Griertown?
They made a movie about Bruno called Bruno. You should watch it
Delete132, you pushing your woke ideology on Meckurbia.
DeleteYou should watch the movie before commenting. May be missing out
DeleteWe don’t need Bruno for none of that. We have BLADE at CMPD to handle that kind of dangerous work.
DeleteOk…clear to see BLADE has sparked a fair amount of jealously … in 20+ years it’s so easy to read the crowd.
DeleteNot as bad as the “crash” and core 13 retards. Those incompetent idiots couldn’t make a decent case if the suspect walked in the LEC to confess.
DeleteIf one walked into LEC, they’d be the lesser criminal after the cop jacking off in the lobby greets him
DeleteI do want to see what BLADE can do and what contraband they find.
ReplyDeleteBLADE finds people and investigates retaliation motivated violent crimes. Dont care about drugs.
803hours, who is more effective on the streets..Major Diggs’s Jump Out Boys or Major Anderson’s BLADE unit?
BLADE partnered with proactive EM Units would be unstoppable. They would put VCAT and CGST to shame.
DeleteI heard the DEI sgt list was out today
ReplyDeleteList ends at number 1 because of number 2.
DeleteSo you can be Giglio’d and not allowed to testify in court due to your documented dishonesty but can be trusted to have a supervisory rank? Lol!
Delete1812: you must be new lol
DeleteI have lost all faith in this place after seeing that Sgt list.
Delete*check this box for a handicap of how many bonus points you get before testing*
DeleteDid sierra make the cut or is that next year?
DeleteShe is UCD Sgt’s xo
DeleteIntel from the MMM advised Jennings has given the green light for assembling a new unit. The unit will still need two sgts and one candidate from each division to fulfill the need for staffing. The unit will combat street crimes throughout the city like the old FMT.
ReplyDeleteThis unit was established after positive feedback from the results of the CORE 13. Currently, SOPs and Directives are being made to be presented for approval.
Hours of operation will be from 5PM to 1AM on a 5 day 8 hour schedule.
DeleteThe city is doomed… ain’t it time for JJ to really retire ….
DeleteJJ hasn’t locked up his next job yet. As soon as he does he will be gone along with all the civilians he dragged upstairs with him.
DeleteOkay, so let me explain how sneaky games work around CMPD. We have to hide people in units that sound cool until they receive promotions to supervisors. These units actually take less risks and get less outputs then patrol.(remember ADW unit?) West Crew and Coordinators were same way for Hidey Hole office jobs and home at 4pm.
ReplyDeleteWe knew an all black unit was coming in the future. They will stay there until their verbal portion of supervisor exam where they will talk about BLADE and street interdiction work.
I’ve seen divisions drop to 65 officers while special units have 10 people getting 20 cases dismissed annually. Nothing new around here.
ReplyDeleteJade, blade, shade, who cares. All brown nosing unofficial units playing the political game. Come join my hidey hole unit, there’s always vacancies.
ReplyDeleteI tried. I’m not the right color though.
DeleteMy hidey hole doesn’t discriminate, the warehouse is always open
DeleteYall find my missing dirtbike yet?
DeleteYeah, JJ’s riding it around Boone on the trails.
DeleteCharlotte missed the chance to be safe and world class inclusivity in allowing Chief Patterson slip away to Raleigh. We’ve been stuck since we lost her leadership.
ReplyDeleteAnyone would have been better than JJ…he just wants to work for Chick Fil A corporate and is using this opportunity to boost his resume to do so.
DeleteAll those high on the Sgt list are hopefully getting their dream assignment. Have fun! Oops, time to 42. Gotta clean my car out of all my drinks and snacks before getting gas.