Friday, August 2, 2024

Raphael Omar Wright, Jr. Rapist and Killer Bond Revoked

Michelle Schechter, age 27, was murdered on June 16, 2024, on Glenwood Drive in Charlotte.

Days later Raphael Omar Wright, Jr. was determined based on facts and video evidence to be the perpetrator of the crime, located in Rock Hill South Carolina at 2311 Nuthatch Drive and arrested by York County, Rockhill and CMPD VCAT officers.

Transported to Mecklenburg County where liberal Mecklenburg County Judge Jennifer Fleet gave him a $50K secured bond. Wright posted bond the following day and was released.

His release quickly made local news and the outrage quickly swept across the southeast.

On July 12, 2024 after a "true bill of indictment" was returned Mecklenburg County Assistant DA Nikki Robinson petitioned the court to revoke Mr. Wright's bond.

On July 16th the motion was granted and Mr. Wright's bond was indeed revoked by Mecklenburg County Superior Court Judge Reggie McKnight.

Mr. Wright was returned to the custody of the Mecklenburg County Sheriff on the evening of July 16.

Mr. Wright remains behind bars under a $850,000 secured bond.



  1. Anybody surprised? Another woke Meck County judge with a stupid decision. Hopefully one of these days, one of these woke judges gets a taste of their own medicine during a run-in with a repeat offender.

  2. They are always repeat offenders.

  3. Cedar the way I hear it this case has a whole lot of seedy shit going on. Keep digging.

  4. I just gotta know, so this officer Medina was arrested for extortion and disclosure of private images. First, what kind of idiots is your department hiring, and how do they slip through the cracks? I work for Wilmington pd and we don't see this kind of stuff.

    1. Did y'all have two or three Officers fired for saying some super racist stuff on BWC? Also, wasn't the former SHP guy that was arrested for banging and pistol whipping a tranny on duty, a former Wilmington Officer?

    2. Ok pd of 100 patrolling college kids and the beach. Glorified security lol

    3. Wilmington is where all the fired NC cops go for a job. Take your weak flex elsewhere

  5. Who the fuck is Logan Scodro is that a guy? Medina is gay? Wow I'd never have guessed.

  6. Luckily his polygraph and background check was solid.

    1. Who did is polygraph and background?

      Helms? Reno? Who?

    2. Sadly they hire anyway. Did u know the scandal with the polygraph dept? They would not recommend some applicants but cmpd pushed them thru anyway. The polygraphers did the right thing by addressing this to "leadership "and eventually quit. Some numbers indicate 1 in 4 recruit applicants should not have been hired. Think about that, maybe 2 or 3 on your shift. Brings new meaning to "we have your back." Oh snap !

    3. My sgt in University City only has a job cus his daddy was a polygraph examiner. The brass bought off his dad and promoted my supervisor without any evidence of work. That way they could cover up the bad polygraph exams that passed.

      He buys us pizza to do work.

    4. I’d work for pizza.

    5. Do you know what’s going on right now in recruiting? They reassign (fire) one captain because he pushes back when asked why they’re rejecting so many applicants. Says he’s not going to second guess the judgement of the recruiters or force them to push someone through. He gets moved to property and they move in a true ‘yes’ man.

    6. ^^property and evidence is a graveyard for your career.

  7. He is a total fag

  8. CMPD recruiting from the bottom of the barrel or sewer it seems. Look at this guys mug shot he looks like the rest of the perps. That just stupid. That pos couldn't get a job at Chick Fil A!


  10. Medina will be working for Bellamy at Ally Bank soon enough. 🙈

  11. I'm waiting for someone to point out that this happened six months ago. Either IA is really backed up with complaints or it is some young kid that couldn't figure out where to steal 10g

  12. At least he isn’t a fat slob with his gut hanging over his belt and two chins!

  13. Medina looks like he should be running a vape shop on North Tryon. Is the best we can do around here?

    1. This would have never happened if he had been authorized to wear an outer vest carrier.

    2. We already wear them against policy.

  14. Cedar was gonna post some nudes of Jennifer Wolfe a few years back for us 3rd shift guys. They were circulating around Freedom division when she was “Audet”.

    1. She used to hit on me when we had the same court day. I kinda wish I’d have taken her up on it just the one time but unlike most of command staff, I didn’t want to cheat on my wife.

    2. So, who did you cheat on your wife with?

    3. Melissa Marino-Sharp from dispatch. Guaranteed.

    4. Maybe Kristin Anderson from dispatch. Weren’t they cousins? I know both had affairs with married officers.

    5. I need to find me a good lookin dispatcher. I bet they're absolute slip n slides

    6. Oh, there aren’t good lookin dispatchers with CMPD. That’s why they are complete slip n slides. Gotta get what they can.

  15. Wilmington pd here again. What's up with your sgt that has been on administrative leave for 6 months for solicitation of a minor. I believe his name is sgt Willis. DA gonna charge him or your department going to pay and hide him. Boy, you guys hire some winners

    1. Haha, I remember that. Damn it Willis!

  16. The Wolfe photos were up for awhile she was a real howler! I looked and they are gone.

    PSA for anyone else arrested could you please shave your nasty face before your mug shot?

  17. Note to CMPD white shirts if you hire fags you get crooks. Medina not someone you want in the bathroom with you.

    1. Wow, dude, you really hate gay people. You talk about them a lot. There is a old saying fisherman love to talk about fish, a Carpenter loves to talk about carpentry. I wonder what a gay person love to talk about. Most of the officers who go arrest were not gay. It is not a gay problem, it is an integrity problem, and a good old boy problem. Stop selling your soul for vanity and have some integrity.

  18. I like law enforcement and always have. I will say that the more liberal things become then the worse it gets worse at the PD. Yes, many cops are gay. I don’t mind the lesbians and they are fun to work with on cases. The men are in the wrong place.

    There are many criminals that have gay behaviors and even gays will say that. The rape culture is huge in gay life. Many criminals in prison are gay. It has nothing to do with the prison itself. The psychology of criminals suggests that men who hate their mothers have a problem/prejudice towards women throughout their lives. This malfunction leads towards depression and sexual malfunction. Drugs and violence become apparent, with prison becoming a final output.

    Anthony Hernandez from the Patriots was gay and ended up in prison and suicide. Handsome guy worth millions, and hung himself.

    Pussy keeps out of jail but always in financial debt. Pick your poison, boys.

    1. Me think you doth protest to much… and it’s a know fact firemen are much better fucks than cops.

    2. 843pm, defending gay men and sleeping in room full of men at the fire house.

  19. So I wonder which one or how many of you cmpd ‘boys’ were protecting the Scorpio owner launder $. How many were working security there and helping them flush cash? Nothing more corrupt than homo cops, except the leadership who promotes them.

    1. Micheal Jordan’s club had dope being sold out the back door, but Rodney Monroe told the VICE unit to stay away so the club wouldn’t get bad publicity. Jordan does donate a lot to police funding, so think big picture.

  20. Chip, you know Medina was showing those nudes to coworkers. Name the names!

  21. Just Wilmington here again riding put this small hurricane. What kind of shit ya ll running over there? Not too long ago, a officer resigns because he is caught jerking off at his desk. No wonder crime is so high there.

    1. Yes, that happened in Central Division. Same place a Muslim supervisor was steal money from his church.

    2. Probably transferred for shit half salary because you English no good.

    3. Ok Abert, we get it, you were too scared to work the road

    4. 1017, I made a business decision. Less niggers, less danger, less salary is acceptable for me.

    5. Whoever thinks that’s Abert, that 1000000% not me. And I worked the road so not sure who the hell has problems…. But don’t ever think I would write shit like that.

    6. And maybe you should look for officers that transferred FROM Davidson. Genius -__-

  22. Has command staff decided yet on putting tampons in the mens room? #tampontim
